I am reading more and more about our situation, regardless when our bodies come back there are chances our Testicles will atrophy to some extent b/c of low LH. I am conviced only HCG can keep them alive. LH is like testicles food without which boys will become unhealthy. I am very hopeful that some day (months or years later ) our LH and FSH will bounce back to normal levels but will our boys be ready to respond as well? No body is paying attention to this very likely possibility. here i am posting the link . I think we should preodically give HCG shots to keep our boys alive on the same hand not causing pitutary to sleep ( low doses of HCG?+ low dose of SERM? or other natural herb?).
here is the link
www3.interscience.wiley.com/jour … 1&SRETRY=0
read the conclusion.
CONCLUSIONS GnRH is a feasible way to induce testicular growth as well as spermatogenesis In hypogonadotrophic male patients, even in patients in whom gonadotrophin treatment has failed. After GnRH treatment, hCG alone can maintain or even improve testicular development, including spermatogenesis. GnRH treatment may also induce a physiological growth spurt In hypogonadotrophic adolescents.