how should we avoid testicular atrophy while our LH is down.

Im taking Vit D for a long time, i also took in huge amounts last year. Nothing resolved. Im the same, actually got worse by time… :\ nothing really works for me. I only have some particular sexual issues.

which VitD (D3 or D2)are you taking? and why huge amount? Are you following any doctor’s advice?

@spstriken hey man just wanted to contribute to this thread. A month after crash my LH and FH were about 1.5 mIU/mL. Two years later they’re about 2.4 mIU/mL.

Consequently my Vitamin D after crash was 18 pg/ml, and two years later is now 25 pg/ml

Tiny balls and shrinkage ever since, even after months of hcg.

My point of conversation though is that I’ve also done multiple hair mineral tests (TEI). They suggest lots of foods to eat and avoid as well as recommend supplements. Each test BOLDLY noted that Vitamin D supplementation should be avoided.


Tei is a pseudoscience, you shouldn’t waste your money. Sorry.

I had secondary hypogonadism at the beginning. I fixed my hormones (and rescued my balls) with a long clomid restart with slow taper. I still have loads of problems but my testosterone is better luckily (was totally tanked and not budging), and I’ve been off medication for several months now. Something worth asking your endo about (don’t self-medicate). Good luck

Yeah clomids on the short list of things to try. I’ve seen like a dozen doctors. Probably 4 endos, none will prescribe anything since my T is mid 400s now. When I crashed the lowest I tested was 260.

Did you have shrinkage as well? My ED is 10/10 bad.

I understand what you’re saying but I’m interested in the LH FSH and vitD relation of this thread. It appears its helped some and hurt some.

The fact that TEI has pointed out to avoid it, atleast for me, on both tests, is noteworthy, knowing there is an inverse relationship between Vit D and LH. This would suggest taking Vit D would cause further shutdown. But perhaps not because of receptor damage. We also know VDR also has transcriptional activity with AR.

I can’t speak to TEi validity but my first test I was only using powder under my pits, 2nd test anti-antiperspirant deodorant, which spiked the aluminum readings. I have no foot in the fire, but perhaps it saved me from gettting worse by taking vitD, who knows. If so, perhaps it has benefits if you can get an accurate reading while your system is cleared of all other hormones, herbs, supps, or RX you may be taking.

Yes, all the usual pfs symptoms. I have periods of a few days when I feel better (this was not the case at the beginning when my T was 7 on a scale 9-30).

I wouldn’t have bothered with the clomid if my T was in range like yours. The only reason I took it was because it was below range (which can cause problems on its own, independently of pfs, like bone loss etc). You may still be able to find a “pfs-friendly doctor” who will prescribe it. My experience is that, if taken for about a year with a gradual decrease in dose, it can raise LH, FSH and T long term (they are still high months after quitting, that is). Don’t expect too much in terms of symptoms, especially while on it (my small improvements came after quitting it).

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Yeah I can get my hands on it. I scanned your posts. We are same age. I crashed December 2019. No change just worse(er) lol. What’s your estrogen like?

My last test showed high Estrogen, Serum, Total = 227pg/ml (range: 60-190). Very high but ultrasensitive was okay. This was taken many months after stopping HCG.

Estrogen and NMDA interaction seem to be part of the picture. In some people free glutamate is too high, and thus maybe estrogen is down, I think. In others, NMDA Is downregulated and estrogen is up.

From what I gather, NMDA receptor is what secretes LH. Estrogen increases NMDA density, and Androgens block it.

I’ve never had estrogen problems (if anything, it was low at the beginning, when my T was low). What’s interesting is that now I have bottom-of-the-range DHT despite high T (29 on a scale 9-30). I don’t plan to try to address with drugs though, I don’t want to shut myself down again.

I just thought I would post about the clomid (maybe I should have made a separate thread…) because I see many people with low T give up straight away and jump on TRT (not your case I know). If there’s anything I’m grateful for in this horrible mess is that I don’t have to take hormones for life. What’s important to remember is that, even if raising your T will not cure PFS, letting it stay low is even worse and causes additional problems of its own. Yours isn’t as bad as mine was, though.

I know HCG is supposed to stimulate your testis, but remember that it is suppressive to LH (and to a lesser degree, FSH). It can also desensitise your leydig cells, so go easy on it. I hope you feel better soon.

I started this thread years ago. I had arranged HCG shots but never used them. After researching more and talked to some sufferers who were senior to me at that time, I was convinced that our issue is more complex, so I threw them in the garbage. If you try to increase your T level (internally by herbs, HCG shots or externally using TRT) chances are you will get gyno. Many have got gyno here after using Tribulus Terrestris. The body is not processing the T, the way it does in normal people. Please be careful and move on, on your own.
Almost all the hormones(TSH, LH, FSH, vasopressin etc) coming from the brain are diminished. Increasing only T will not help.

While on clomid I had above range testosterone for many months. At one point it was at 66 [9-30] (!!). Obviously my estrogen was also very high at that point, since I wasn’t doing anything to suppress it. I never had gyno or other high E symptoms (though I still had the typical pfs low T ones). This might be because clomiphene is a partial antagonist of the estrogen receptor. If you want a pure antagonist you need to go with tamoxifen or enclomiphene.

Excessive testosterone can be converted to estrogene by aromatase, which can lead to gyno. That happens to bodybuilders sometimes. One doesn’t even need PFS to face it.

I started having sensitive nipples years(7-8 years) after the onset of my condition.
Yes body builder or normal people will have at one point gyno, but that threshold has come way down for us, that is what I mean here.