How many had an infection/illness/rash with their crash ??

The more I read through member stories, the more I am seeing that a lot of us had infections that developed at the same time as our crash. In fact, I have read enough to realize that it is not just a coincidence.

Me personally, I developed strep throat, bad soars inside my mouth, and an impetigo rash all at the onset of my crash.

Anyone else?

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red rash on testicles and cystic estrogen acne after one year. And bleeding scalp upon cessation.

When i was on propecia i had an allergic reaction. When i crashed it made a very mild case of possibly dermatitis/ eczema on my scrotum flare up like crazy. It still is.

Did anyone else experience trouble urinating and taking a crap when they crashed? instantly i became constipated and had to keep using the toilet, urinating was a nightmare.

i had trouble urinating. i just could not feel my dick it was so weak.

i also had strep, rash, etc during my crash. there were some at Dr Crislers board with similar stories

not sure if it was crash or not, i had itching rash on the inside of my theigh, doc diagosed it as skin yeast infection… popped out as an allergic reaction i believe to some food… after i took propecia i also had these red, itchy dots on the inside of my legs… at that time i had no idea it was related

I had very itchy hives that would come and go. primarily around my buttocks and thigh area. unexplained. verified not to be any kind of STD. extreme itchiness.

I have a rash between my lip and nose that seems get worse when I don’t shave.

That is exactly where my rash was when I crashed. Doctor said it was impetigo. It has came back once or twice since then, both times I had been drinking/partying for a few days straight. Also most of the time when I drink I get a tingling feeling there.

I had shingles. Not sure if its related to Dut, but it’s very rare for a healthy person in their mid 20’s. Certainly fits in with the autoimmune theories.

what the hell is this? i started getting it too… in fact, i have it right now. i got it and then i rememebered you guys posted it. for me, it’s like a red rash, but it doesnt itch or burn or anything, i don’t feel it. mine doesnt sound like impetigo because it doesnt have pus or anything like that

i 've had shingles too, still very constant right lower back pain that is absolutely related to fin/dut usage.

do you have lower back pain?

i have also various autoimmune diseases related to fin/dut

I guess this corresponds with this, from the propecia data sheet.

have you had the chicken pox vaccine and did you ever get chicken pox as a child?

i just read about shingles and it says its from the chicken pox virus. i had the vaccine and never had chicken pox before. maybe this is similar to other people?

Add me to the shingles list.

I also was diagnosed with strep throat when I crashed perhaps the infection sent our bodies overboard or maybe just a symptom of PFS

Finasteride and presumably other 5a inhibitors severely lower allopregnenlone and glutathione, not to mention that androgen receptor is what activates the innate immune system. With this combo its no wonder that many of us had some type of illness with our crash.

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Had thrush flare up when I crashed.

Oral thrush?

No. :wink:

Wow I had a total body rash too before I crashed but thought nothing of it