How many guys are on TRT

How many members on this board are on TRT and has it improved anything for u??

Very few if any. Most no longer respond to it. Makes shit worse.

And some of us are told by docs our hormone levels are fine so don’t recommend it.

I understand but when u say no longer respond what do u mean??

Well when I crashed I could barely have sex eating a 20mg Cialis or a 100mg Viagra… I got on TRT and I have nocturnal erections and morning wood still… I can have sex doggiestyle without eating meds but I have to let libido build for 48 hours… Im hoping the longer I go on TRT this changes… I can eat 1mg daily Cialis 3 times a week and have sex everyday… So overall a year off finasteride TRT is helping me… Not perfect or pre fin yet but getting there

What were your hormones like? Did they actually show a problem?

No I showed low test 8 weeks after quiting… like I said I can do it doggiestyle every two days and its good sex… I just cant do other postitions…if I change from doggiestyle without meds I will loose erection…Would u say I am lucky the the extremely low dose works on me… when I take the low dose 3 days a week I can do other postions…

I’m about 2/3 months in. Like everything else I’ve tried, no real improvements, no real worsening.

This is what bothers me. I can pump almost anything into my body, and yet, nothing. Not even adverse effects. 50mg of Test, 250mg of Test. No difference. 0mcg T3, 125mcg T3. None. It’s fucking ridiculous.

I’ve been on and off TRT for several years. I’m currently off. I’ve experienced some good periods (where I’m close to normal), but I always crash. TRT alone tends to make symptoms worse, but it has produced some interesting effects in combination with anastrozole (Arimidex), androstanolone (Andractim), methenolone enanthate (Primobolan Depot) or nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) - which is why I know this shit isn’t permanent. My record is 3 weeks on testosterone undecanoate (Nebido), some anastrozole and methenolone enanthate. I had a couple of good weeks on a combination of testosterone enanthate, anastrozole and nandrolone decanoate.

So u just started trt in the last 90 days??? Are u having any spontaneous erections and nocturnals???

Well for me it has helped meaning when I first crashed last year I couldn’t even barely have sex eating 100mg Viagra and 20mg of Cialis… Almost being on TRT for 8 months I have nocturnals and I can have sex 3 times a week now without taking meds… If I take a 2.5 mg daily Cialis and split it and eat a 1mg 3 times a week I can do it everyday… But as it sits it has helped me… I have a question for u… If I got off TRT how long would it take my lh and fsh to return to baseline???

Enden, be extremely cautious with Deca.

It has very strong anabolic effects, but at the same time, it has very weak androgenic effects after being converted by 5-alpha reductase and seems to be capable of causing long-term loss of libido and ED.

I remember reading many posts on steroid and TRT forums about “Deca-Dick”.

What does deca do??

5 months on trt at a 250mg per week with hcg 2x per week and an ai. No real changes other than a slight (very slight)increase in erection strength. Still not waking up with wood and my sex drive isn’t what it was pre fin.

Since I lift, I plan on staying on trt long term because I enjoy the extra size and strength gains. Hopefully sometime down the road my enzymes “wake up” and things start working properly again. I will increase the dose in the future up to 500mg as long as I don’t get any negative side effects.

Have there been any posts from people who did long term trt even though they didn’t see immediate benefits? My theory is if you just keep throwing androgens at your body at some point it will get with the program.

Yes I have been on TRT for almost a year now… I can say it is getting better the longer I go on it… I have nocturnals and morning wood prolly 5 nights a week…I can have sex prolly every 2 days without taking any ed meds… So im not that bad off I guess but if i masterbate anytime during the week while attempting to have sex sometimes i lose erection

It depends on what you’re using. Gel preparation, probably within a week. Testosterone cypionate, 3 - 4 weeks.

I know about the horror stories. I read an interesting story though. A guy was using hydrocortisone, and he believed that Deca had an anti-inflammatory effect too, as he had to reduce the hydrocortisone dose while he was using Deca. If it does affect the adrenal glands, there’s no wonder that it may fuck up users for years. Ironically, Deca is considered to be the safest AAS that exist.

I was on hormones before, during and after the crash, it has been about 4 months now, I have been experimenting and I believe this condition is a lack of 5AR enzymes. When you inject test your body uses up all its 5AR enzymes to reduce test to DHT. In normal men, they have unlimited 5 AR enzymes, apparently ours are being limited by a ghost 5AR inhibitor. So lower doses will work, it sucks, but if you inject higher doses you won’t have any benefits. I also do weight training and have been before, during and after. Lately with this new Asparagus discovery eating Asparagus has helped quite a bit because of the Protodioscin in them. Others here have reported recoveries and majorly improves symptoms from it. It is no coincidence that Protodioscin is a precursor to 5AR enzymes! After experimenting with lots of doses of test, and coming to my theory, I realized that if my theory were right, a lower dose of test would work. My interest was keeping myself consistent. I was much bigger on 0.5cc of test than on anything higher, anything higher and my body runs out of 5AR enzymes and the test is just aromatized into estrogen. I was worried lowering it to that dose would make me lose gains, but I realized after doing so, that I wasn’t using any of the test being injected, so the low dose actually gave me great improvements in every way. Try a low dose one week, I mean a real low dose, higher the dose, the less it will work.

Low dose test cyp,hcg, ai of ure choice… it works

When u stopped these protocols did ure body go back to the way it was 8 weeks off propecia???