How many guys are on TRT

There’s a solution to counter the effects of Deca. It also has many other benefits; dopamine agonist, shortened refractory period, improved learning/memory, and it reduces Prolactin. The prolactin is what get’s raized by Deca. I was recently prescribed Cabergoline by Dr. Goldstein, can’t wait to try it.

Cabergoline (Dostinex)

I started with TRT, but had NOT changed my lifestyle at the time; poor diet, no exercise, drank alcohol, had 20% bodyfat. The TRT helped with sex function but overall it caused issues once the T got up over 1800, irritable, angry, aggressive. Essentially killed of my marriage.

So I stopped ALL prescriptions, started to exercise, stopped alcohol, began to eat a little healthier, and for the first time I began seeing improvements in many of the side effects like depression, anxiety, brain fog. But libido dropped. I had not gone paleo yet and had not incorporated natural Tboosters or AlphaHard(DHT) or Andractim(DHT). Ratio of T to DHT was still off.

Anyhow, months later, new labs, T and DHT had dropped back down, barely above the low end of ranges. 5 months later, more labs, T and DHT dropped even further. This is where I examined ALL of CDNuts advice and added Tboosters, AlphaHard cycle, Andractim cycle, Gut cleanse, Clean eating and lifting heavier weights. Both T and DHT nearly doubled, but still in the low/mid range. Good, but not great. Ratio of T to DHT improved.

Saw the doctor last week and he wants my T and DHT higher, so I’m back on TRT at a lower dose, HCG to restore testicle size, Anastrazole for E-control and Cabergoline to boost dopamine. I researched more about Cabergoline and was amazed to find it had so many benefits for PFS. It’s usually prescribed to lower Prolactin, but it comes with a host of other good effects. Can’t wait to try it out.

Anyhow, I say all this to show that TRT helps, but be careful with dosing and be sure to include diet, nutrition and exercise to get the full benefit. And DHT is very much needed. Two ways of getting DHT are Andractim or AlphaHard. Two years into this trial and error and I have yet to prove that my hormones retain healthy levels after stopping. And yes, I include post cycle therapy to assist.

It’s important to note: I’m 48yrs old so my hormonal profile is different than younger guys, and I took Propecia for 7 years. Stopped 4 years ago, but it’s only been 2 years since I began the first TRT attempt to recover. Even so, the biggest gains in recovery began once I got serious about CDNuts plan, and as I slowly improve my diet, it got better.

At this point, if your T and/or DHT is low or out of balance, and estrogen is high, I recommend TRT and DHT. But not without changing your diet, exercise, alcohol, gluten, sugar consumption. All this should be in one package imo.

So overall TRT has helped u… Do u still have to eat low dose ed meds???