How do you guys deal with losing your hair? suicidal

Agreed, these super-straight NW0 smp hairlines look unrealistic on adult men, too good to be true.
If I decide to go for it in the future I’ll just ask them to use my current hairline as a template, which is thankfully still intact as I’m a diffuse thinner.

I’m planing to do SMP, i have intact hairline, also diffuse. Will do it like it is now i guess. Though my hairloss can be due PFS.

When u realise that u are suicidal about something like losing hair while still having a disease like pfs, believe me, u don’t have pfs.


I have the syndrome, possibly one of the worst cases I know of. Since I started getting worse, my hair has become dry, brittle, white at the temples, but most of all, it has started to fall out like crazy. I didn’t have alopecia before tribulus, now I don’t know if I will still have all my hair next year. Anyone who knows me knows how long the symptoms I face are, but I don’t hide the fact that hair loss hurts me a lot. Maybe because I am very short (168cm) and extremely thin (49 / 51kg) and I have a fairly large head. I make an impression. I would like to gain mass, but I have muscle wasting and my muscles are not growing. I was thinking of using a wig. Anyone have experience on this?


Fuck hairtransplantation iv got 3 the First doc fucks me with a fut scar. HTs are a never ending Story!!
My biggest Wish is to shave my hair to zero but ist impossible because of the scar and the transplantet densety is not good. Shave your head wet, get Brown,
Go to the Gym, take testosteron and proviron and live your live thats what i would say to my selfe if i could go back in time.

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I don’t care about my hair anymore. All I want is being free from side effects.


ill never get a gf again its over for me

At least you’ve got the hair man. Fin did something wild to me and I have been shedding roughly 200-300 hairs daily to the point where all my friends and their parents how noticed

Hi Brother,

As my name and profile-pic indicates i had smp/mhp done, now 5 years ago. Never regret and nobody notices. Sometimes people ask why i shave my Hair while i have so much😂 They can also do smp on scars.

She’s basically cat fishing you with her makeup and tight clothes.

I don’t see the problem with a hair system tbh.

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I feel like the living dead. I’m not alive. My body is physically alive, but I don’t exist anymore. But I’m not dead. I’m still here. But I’m not alive.

I don’t feel anything any more. Not sadness, not fear, not anger, not happiness. I’m like a zombie.

Moderator edit: this is bad advice.

hey man , Maybe try alfatradiol and stemoxydine for topical hair loss? alfatradiol is a mild topical anti androgen while stemoxydine works as a mild version of minoxidil. Ive been using it and have not been experiencing any side effects. it just helps maintain what I already have if anything.yeah finasteride fucked me up also. working out and being outdoors will make you feel better. Being home browsing propecia forums is just going to make your situation worse! stay positive man!


What a stupid advice !!

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wait can this stuff mess you up also?

Not just “me”, it can mess anyone with “pfs”. Even mild anti-androgens can mess up any severe sufferer here. Do u have pfs? Take the survey please.

yeah Ive been using Alfatradiol even after fin :flushed::flushed: .damnit. I haven’t been able to sleep. I haven’t slept in a week. I don’t know what to do. Ive tried valerian root and magnesium. I tried smoking indica but it made my insomnia worse. any suggestions?

Doxylamin helped me in the beginning to get 3-4 hours sleep at night.

Stay away from any kind of anti androgens or anti estrogens, even mild ones that’s my only advice. And don’t forget to take the survey man. @Dennis u too.

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What, is Doxylamin an anti androgen or anti estrogen? If yes then I don’t knew before. But it helped me the last 6 months with my sleep. And i don’t feel anything bad with it :sweat_smile:

I actually look better with a shaved head

I took this shit for absolutely nothing. No reason whatsoever

Poisoned my body and I didn’t even get to keep it which I didn’t even need in the first place

It’s not easy knowing this

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