Have any of you become shorter?

0.5 inch is the variation in height from morning to night though.


I have seen this post and I wanted to tell you that. Hight changes. you see when you sleep, you are horizontally and gravity doesn’t make your spine contract. in between spinal bones there is a soft “part” (I don’t know what its called). any way Hight changes during the day because of gravity. so you are shorter at night and in the morning you are longer/taller. this is a fact.

other more likely reason is that you made mistake measuring Hight. there is no other way, just no way to become shorter I mean imaging what would have had to happen if it was physical bone shrinkage.

on off the topic Demon you have mentioned symptoms that resembles malnutrition. like hair cooler change. make sure you eat well.

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Fair play lads thanks for that. Apologies for jumping to conclusion.

Yes. Use your imagination. There is evidence that hypogonadism itself can lead to a few cm loss in height. A study indicating this was posted earlier in this thread.


Thanks @Dubya_B! I do not waste time answering those who deny scientific documents.
Notice how other people here complain about the same problem that others ignore.

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look I was just trying to help I didn’t read the study. I gave knowledge and advice. I apologies if I came on too strong with my reply. I didn’t mean to force my opinion on others.

some of the symptoms that people describe here are so strange and bizarre and far apart from each other that it is no wonder no one believes us. I just thought that we have to be carefully what we blame PFS.

I am sorry I didn’t read the link about the study.


Anything is possible, however it would be beneficial if you could provide some documentation for your 4 cm loss in height. This amount of height loss is an unusual symptom.

Do you mean measurements by a doctor or something?


If the bone density tests show up normal, is that means there is no way to experience height loss?
Im asking because im gonna do the test and i want to be sure its worth the money. Thanks axo! :\

No it’s not. If u got heightloss because of stunted growth in puberty/after puberty that doesn’t show up when u check bone density. Checking bone density would only be usefull if u want to see if u shrunk really.

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Has anyone measured their height lately? I was 1.78 cm but now after spending 30+ minutes of various measurement techniques, i am now 1.75,8 Cm!!! Im shocked right now and scared.

Its night time here so i may loose some 1, 2 cm due to spine compression, i hope thats the case. I will measure myself right in the morning and edit here. God, i really remember measuring myself last summer and it was 1.77,5. Is it possible to loose height due to PFS/PAS low androgens?

Im just a mild case, how is this even possible…

Yes you lose height during the day due to spine compression.

So basically nothing changed as 1.758+2= 1.778 or about 1.78. Also you can easily have 1 cm differential between measurements when measuring your height by your own.

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Man if you are just a mild case like you said, try to focus on stopping obsessing over PFS. I see two kinds of posts from you very often. Ones about worrying about your height, and other ones worrying about your penis curvature. You constantly ask if your height might be influenced by PFS, and you ask the same question about your penis over and over again. The answer to both is, yes, they may have, but also, they may have not. You will never be sure. But ok, let’s say the answer is yes, what now? What will it matter if the answer is yes or no? The result stays the same. You are 1.77, and have a slight curvature in the penis, no matter what the answer is. Are these things worth wasting your time over, constantly worrying. Or is it better to accept these two things and start living your life? It’s like you are on an endless obsessive quest that will never be solved man. Constantly asking the same questions. Constantly needing new confirmation. I have dealt with obsession for years (before PSSD erased it) and it’s a battle you will never win if you keep giving in like this. So again, yes it might have influenced your height, and yes it might have affected your penis. What now? The situation remains the same. Regarding a cure, let others look for it, because you are way to mildy effected, like you say yourself, to let this shit ruin your life. If obsession is a problem for you please give eating keto a chance, this helps enormously for a lot of people including myself. You will be surprised how effective it is in stopping these ruminating thoughts on for instance things like your height. Wish you the best.


Did you measure your height again right after waking up in bed? I suggest to try that. I hope you didn’t really lost any height man. Im scared of this too.

I lost 3cm of my height , i was 183 now im 180 .
I measured myself tens of times before im always 183 .
Now im 180

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Try to measure right after you wake up from bed. Are you sure? Do you have joint problems? @Kio94

Yes the height decrease is real. But reversible, I woke up and was doing good and felt a good inch taller than I do usually.

If a friend of ours who thinks so positively and sensible committed suicide, we could all commit suicide someday. hope now he does not regret