Has anyone tried Oxandrolone?

let us know how it goes.

Just checking in and wondering if this treatment provided any improvements…

Yes it did, something in my brain is more like it used to be, lsat cyclo was ony of 60mg divided in 3 days.

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Are you planning to use it ?

Did your friend that recovered have the full range of symptoms? Or was it isolated to sexual, mental, etc

Starting mine soon, would be great to get some more info on this.


why isn’t this getting more attention? although I’m skeptical about claims like this, this guy is saying his friend fixed his pfs with it.

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Same question here, just had a Doctors appointment to try this. Saw some great reactions on Bodybuilding forums. Seems one of the safer anabolics to try

Are you gonna use this and the andactorol? :slight_smile:

The recent success story also includes anavar (which is another name for this) so this may be good

Who prescribed this to you, an endocrinologist? I would like to try it as well but I don’t know how to go about being prescribed it as the only lab test that came out of range was FSH.

A urologist (who accepts PFS, his name is Jesse Mills out in Los Angeles) prescribed it to me. It took a little conversation, but he’s willing to try different things as he honestly unsure as to what exactly is going on with us. It helped citing the success stories that are read from this site.

Keep in mind, while safer than the typical anabolic, it IS a real anabolic steroid with all the wonderful side effects it contains. While this one is somewhat more mild, it is still very hepatoxic on your liver, and if used for too long can have some serious side effects, shrinking Gina’s, need for PCT. I’m only going to use it for a short week to see what effect it has on me.

In terms of trying this with the Andractorol (DHT gel from Britain pharmacy All Saints) - I’m not so sure. Could lead to shutting me down. If anything I would take a very low dose of the Andractorol on my penis to see the effects. It’s a bit of a crapshoot on how your body is going to react to things like this, with reports on the forum being all over the map. The good thing is that when the reports are positive, they seem to be really positive - many saying these were the key to their recovery. Keeping my fingers crossed and will report back my findings.

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Please keep me updated on your experience. If all goes well I would like to book an appointment with a urologist and ask to be prescribed this as well. Good luck man hope you see some improvements.

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I’m interested as well. Please keep us updated. I’ve tried proviron with no real results (positive or negative) but I’ll try this too if it might help! Have access to it but at $150 I’d really like to hear some more feedback first!

Have received a new 100mg bottle will start at 20mg/day maybe I move a little up, but if I feel that liver is overcharged I will end it. So first day nothing to report.

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Keep us updated!

Hey guys,

Just to update you, I went on a 2-3 weeks use of Oxandrolone (10mg twice a day) , and wanted to report back that I felt better in the gym definitely, but it sadly had little effect on my actual PFS symptoms. Definitely fun for a boost of confidence though. This is of course not say that it might help others, but reports that I read where people we’re claiming it entirely cured them seem to not apply to me. Not sure if I’ll be trying it again or if I need to go longer. But considering it’s an anabolic I think this something I’ll only try a few times at most.

Let me know if you have any thoughts.


Thanks for keeping us updated

I finished a cycle of a 100mg bottle 1 week ago, I must say that times during the cycle I felt very different regarding for example how you feel when I girl come pass and some DHT feeling in the brain. I was trying Oxandralone for 2 reason 1 is that it could be upregulating cortisol receptros that I think we have them downregulated (lots of inflamation) and 2 because there is a theory that we have androgen receptors upregulated so much that they dont work. Well I definetly felt more manly and more secure during the trial so I dont know the upregulated recetors are true or not (anyway body is very complex), I got some muscle mass gains and some water bloating from it. Also 1 night that I went for 5mg pills I felt I was more atractive to girls and more manly never happened to me in PFS (3 very hot girls said I was beautifull) and I noticed that my feelings for everything were more alive and I was more me somehow and I think I enjoyed music also more. Anyways after ending the cycle I coudl be noticing more cortisol action lower inmune system activity but I cant say im cured yet… Will report back if anything changes.

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Do more cycles.

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