And what should we call someone like yourself who prowls this forum waiting to virulently strike those who stray from the detrimental dogma you’ve crafted about the studies being the only salvation for the majority here? You twisted, evil, pernicious little shit. Yes, I have been giving you special attention because I see how twisted you are. I feel now as if comparing you to a rat was an injustice to a much nobler creature than yourself. You are a serpent. Quite a few here have offered their own opinions only to be struck down by your venomous spew and you once again have the gall to accuse others of quelling differing viewpoints when you yourself are guilty. A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. I simply yet vigorously defended my own viewpoint because I will not let serpents like you come here and tell people that “homebrew” is hogwash and that donating to the studies is the ONLY way. I and others merely offered another way. We fully support the studies, any SANE person would. Why in the world would someone want to discredit the scientific process? Only a serpent like you would claim that those offering an alternative are somehow anathema to scientific discovery.

I’m sure many forum members by now have become acquainted with your screen name and know that you are single-minded in your purpose to discredit any alternative views of how to approach this problem. We all know you think “home-brew” as you like to call it is bunk. We all are also quite aware that you like to direct your venomous invective at those whom you feel are not “charitable” enough in giving to the Foundation by claiming that they have “blood on their hands”. It seems you’ve taken this to an extreme. You are headed for ruin I’m afraid. Now sliver off…

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enough of this nonsense.

i never discouraged diet/exercise

Anyway… you are psychopath.

Only a sick mind would find pleasure in harassing and maligning people for stating the naked truth: That anecdotal evidence points to the fact that the majority wont recover 100% via a diet and excercise regimen. Only a sick mind would reinterpret the anecdotal evidence to state the opposite of what it actually says. Only a sick mind would falsely state that I discourage exercise and diet. I do however refuse to give false hope, by falsely stating that a regimen will cure the majority.

Each year there are thousands of miracle cancer recoveries. Many of these people will make delusional claims to explain their unexpected recovery from one of the deadliest diseases. I guess in this way PFS is no different. The lack of a scientific explanation for our condition makes it possible for quack medicine and fake gurus like bizzbee to fill the void.

There will always be people who recover. Some of them will think that this gives them the green light to harass the majority, who finds their regimen explanation unconvincing.

PVDL = Professor Venom D. Lampropeltis (King Snake)

Thank you for the lecture professor. “Anecdotal evidence points to the fact that blah blah blah blah…” You have already seemingly established a fact out of thin air and then cite some anecdotal evidence to point to it. “See! See! It’s a fact AND I have anecdotal evidence to prove it!” A fact anecdotal evidence does not make. You don’t have a monopoly on facts. It is not a FACT. This has not been established in any sort of controlled study in the literature or otherwise. This is YOUR pessimistic and poorly informed theory. Indeed, we are all entitled to have our own theories right? You just picked you and your poor, timid brother who still won’t post his regimen here for others to scrutinize as the so-called “anecdotal evidence”. You clearly have no interest in making an honest argument and would rather resort to serpentine tactics to claim that PFS recoveries are miracle recoveries. What gall you have! We don’t know what the facts are just yet so don’t go off making up your own. I and others are not some fucking miracle, we just responded rather well to a particular regime for whatever reason and now we’d like to relay our progress to others who might also have a propensity for benefiting from this regime. We’re not making claims about this being a fucking panacea you nitwit. Sliver off you slimy shit. Get a life already. You and your timid twin.

I picked on you PVDL because I knew you would serve as a willing and perhaps partially unwitting opposition tool in order to expose naysaying arguments as just prejudiced, close-minded, defeatist and just plain misinformed. My hope in doing this is that more people will give this protocol a much more serious look and hopefully a significant though if small percentage of people may benefit from it, but only if taken seriously. Make sure you are giving to the foundation PVDL. In fact, I think you owe it to your followers since you have apparently assumed the mantle as the de facto anti-“home-brew” advocate, to disclose your contributions from time to time so that people know you’re not just a hypocritical demagogue. Our verbal duel is now at a close. I will post again in the future when I feel I have attained near full recovery. But not till then.

Yours Truly,

You have been reduced to playing silly word games now. You know exactly what I meant. But instead of rebutting the actual statement, you strike down a carefully erected straw man. You do write beautiful prose, sadly it is full of shit.

Let me in summary restate the point: Anecdotal evidence points to the following being the case: That PFS cant be cured via a diet or exercise for the vast majority. And that is a fact! It might be true, that despite the anecdotal evidence, PFS can be cured with exercise and diet. Just like it might be true that some voodoo medicine can cure cancer. But those conclusions would go against the established anecdotal evidence.

Your argumentation style, if one can call it that, has similarities with that of a religious zealot. When science is unable to explain a phenomenon, they point to this (temporary) failure and fill the void with bullshit.

To harass people for simply stating what the anecdotal evidence currently points to, strikes me as neurotic and shrill, almost desperate.

“Your argumentation style, if one can call it that, has similarities with that of a religious zealot.” This part of your response is particularly interesting given your previous quotes about “miracle” recoveries and “voodoo” medicine. For other members reading this notice I don’t barter in these sorts of terms, yet our friend here does.

“That PFS cant be cured via a diet or exercise for the vast majority. And that is a fact!”. How very scientific of you. Again, there is no hard evidence of this claim beyond your own petulant, narrow-minded impression of what the reality is. Please tabulate some results for us via a survey then if it’s not too much trouble? I also don’t have any evidence that this protocol I’ve been advocating for will work for a majority and never claimed as such. I have seen a few cases where it works and have gotten great encouragement from those cases, that is all it is. I do not draw such brash generalizations from a few anecdotes, this is faulty reasoning as you know being the scientific one and all. What I was doing was not “diet or exercise”. It’s something much more than the sum of its parts. “Holistic” is the word I believe? The simplistic and disingenuous reductionism you’ve used here, as you have time and time again, will not detract others I’m sure from wanting to give this a serious go if they so choose.

Will the real bullshitter please stand up then? (Sorry, I know I said it would be my last post but I couldn’t resist the temptation to point out the gross hypocrisy).

Either what I said went right over your head, or you refuse to engage with the actual statement because you fear that it will make you look foolish.

You seem to be more dense than I initially suspected. Read carefully what I wrote: Its a fact, that the anecdotal evidence points in a specific direction. Whether what the anecdotal evidence overwhelmingly suggests is actually true, is not 100% certain yet. Just like its not 100% certain, that some quack medicine cant cure cancer. Of course we need scientific proof. But the anecdotal evidence points in one directions and that IS a fact. Get it now?

Of course you can pretend like you didnt make the claim, that a vast number of people would be cured following your protocol. But your statements and aggressive pursuit of anyone claiming something contrary to that, tell a different story.

Homebrewers have been following a holistic approach for over a decade now. Until now only a few supposed gurus have been cured (most prominently cdnuts). 100s of other forum members have continued to suffer despite investing a lot of time in the voodoo regiments of their messiah. Any of these recovery stories of course can be explained via simple statistics: Some people recover, that is true for almost all diseases. The fact that most of the disciples couldnt reproduce the success of their beloved messiah, speaks volumes.

Lets cut the crap bizzbee: You can have your own theory, but you cant reinterpret known facts about the anecdotal evidence. You can say that the anecdotal evidence points in the wrong direction, for whatever reason, if you wish.

Hundreds and hundreds of followers of the messiah!! You print nonsense on this forum about as easily as does the Federal Reserve when it comes to printing money. List these hundreds. Go ahead, I challenge you to. Otherwise stfu.

I’m not recovering but life is becoming worth living again if I ignore the ego aspect completely by not comparing myself to my peers and block out who I was before PFS from my mind. Fight the good fight, relentlessly maintain your optimism and try to enjoy the pain until you are healed. Then you can see what you can do. Until then don’t hasten your death, life is short enough as it is.


If there was a Like button I would have clicked it for what you wrote there. Thanks for that.

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Hello guys, I tried to use tboosters and took it in over amount.
They seemed to have some respond during the first week and 10 days, then I crashed and feelt so bad for one day, seriously bad.
I then stopped and since that moment I felt my penis completelly off and I can’t seriously take any erection at all, with anything possible.
It just seems that once in 10 days it can get hard and then death. It doesnt itch, it doesnt hurt etc, it looks fine but I have zero libido and zero potency to get it up at all.
What do you think it can be?
I tryed Cdnuts protocol and this is my result just after 10 days… I am scarred as never and never been this low in all my PFS story.
Please ive me some advise or tell me if you had similar reaction.
What should I do now?

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can anyone please share with me the CDNuts webpage which lists his regime?
Thanks in advance

Hi can you please specify this: In your 100% recovery period, have you experienced pre-pfs orgasms? Like a healthy longer build-up. This build-up thing is important. Have you experienced the intense build up and muscle contractions just like pre-pfs? Are you sure it was 100% back? Thank you very much. I just had to learn this.

I understand what you mean, actually specially 2 weeks I noticed that x100 during a specific regimen I dont remember. But yeah I have had that situation. Anyways I have took Sodium Bicarbonate and I have been feeling horrible post cycle (3 days of sodium bicabornate) Im worse more likelly that 1 year ago. Dont know what is happening.

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Something positive to note

This guy recovered


So you are saying that you did experience that same pre-pfs orgasm build up and healthy, strong orgasms with a lot of mind rush and excitement? Well if you really experienced that kind of a 100% recovery, at least there is a hope for me. I never experienced the same good feeling for 4 years man. Nothing worked for me.

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Has anyone here 100% cured their orgasm mind rush intensity? Mine feels pretty bad contrary to my old ones. When i masturbate with porn lets say, i don’t get the old mind focus and excitement just before the ejaculation. It feels more robotic and controlled act instead of “primal joy”.

Maybe mind plays a little effect here because im thinking about my condition and worried in my subconcious. But there is definateley a real problem there of course.
As we know many people have reported full orgasm recoveries. But they were talking about the intensity recovery of the physical contraction of the pelvic muscles (the physical aspect of an orgasm) i guess.

What i wonder is about the “mind” aspect of the orgasm. I don’t get the classic captivation and being mesmerized by a woman just before an orgasm. Neither in porn nor in real sexual intercourse… anyone?

It may just be a temporary recovery, i just want to hear something positive and see that im not alonw with this particular problem… i just wish this to end maybe just for a single day and then i can see there isn’t any “irreversible” damage there… just for a day… @belikewater

Yes I recover completly my orgasm intensity exactly as it was… I think I were taking some corticosteroids doing that. Also I have been recovered for more things lately taking Mediherb tribulus, check the threads regarding that, there is light at the end of the tunnel… maybe we can get our lives back.


Can you be more specific about the corticosteroids


I just took prednisone for 1 week at little doses I think they were 5mg, also I wasw taking 5dhp around that time, but I took 5dhp in other time and didnt worked the same wqay, but you could still notice the 5dhp effects.