Got prescribed Genotropin

Hey guys,
I just got prescribed Genotropin .6mg a day for 2 months, it cost me 1400 bucks for a months worth!
I really don’t know where to start but I have the most intense brain fog, can’t even drive a car, ED, pyreones disease, muscle wastage. I’m sorry if some of the words I’m writing are scrambled I really can’t comprhend anything I do.

I’ve tried baclofen, gabapentin, lorazepam, butabital, memantine, naltrexone, so many supplements. never got any lasting results. Had multiple MRI’s, EEG, Spinal tap, SPECT scan(which somehow said my brain function was normal) Both my parents are doctors and my military docs suck, so they helped me out in finding the right doc.

Got my IGF 1 checked out and it was 97 with normal range between around 200- 470 for my age (21)

So he told me that HGH would give me great benefit to regrow and stabilize receptors, I showed him the studies on neurosteroids being low and he said HGH can help heal my 5ar receptor.

Any idea on how it would help my 5ar? I tried researching and couldn’t find any correlation.

Give a rest with all those drugs, you are doing more harm than anything. If I were you I would stop drugs, stay calm first of all relax, go on with your life to the best you can, and see if your levels get better. This is my opinion of course.

I would say give it a go at a regular dose if your IGF is low. I know there are older guys who say they dont feel that good on TRT till they increase their GH if it is low. My serum GH was very low same as urine but blood IGF-1 was ok. I think the standard dose is about 1ml per day.

I would try and avoid those drugs you mentioned. At least GH is a natural hormone.

Please try it and let us know how it goes.

Update on HGH:
Been on for 4 days now and definitely doing something good which no other drugs have done so far,
Also been on raw food diet for a month with steam chicken the only exception.

I feel like this really might help to regrow damage to my brain. I feel like I have more energy and definitely have my sex drive back, but although “brain fog” is better, I still can’t get passed this extreme depersonalization like feeling.

Will keep updating you guys on results, so far this is the most benifical treatment I had, and it’s only been 4 days. It’s supposed to take 3 months to get full results. No longer thinking about suicide as much either!

One bad side effect I noticied is that I get these hot flashes at night , and when I’m ready to fall asleep my upper abdomen has this weird expanding like feeling


Thanks for the input,
My blood IGF 1 was 97 so it was below range, the dose of Genotropin I’m taking is equivalent to 2 iu’s worth, they come in new syringes they I have to take everyday.

IGF-1 (active metabolite of GH) affects several important enzymes, including reductase enzymes.

Here’s an example;

I’ve just started treatment with growth hormone too. MRI + ITT revealed hypothalamic failure with growth hormone- and cortisol deficiency. Nothing showed up on ordinary blood test results.

GHD is detrimental, and needs to be treated.

The dose you’re starting with is too high. It should be 0.15 - 0.3 mg. 0.2 mg is recommended as a starting dose - you’re using 0.6 mg.
The dose should be increased gradually to avoid side effects, and it may be increased by 0.1 - 0.2 mg every month, until you find the maintenance dose.

Genotropin PI;

Thanks for the reply,
He prescribed me .6 mg a day and I can’t lower it because it comes in these pre constitutionized syringes. But I definitley agree with on side effects I’m getting this weird expanding like feeling in my chest and harder to breathe at night, on the upsize it’s only been 5 days and I’m actually felling pretty good, I have more energy, deep dreams during sleep, higher libido(which was non existent before), and I can think a bit clearer, still can’t get rid of this crappy “brain fog” like feeling.

Will update more later

How high is your libido compared to pre PFS?

I would say that’s a good response. It’ll take a while for the body to adjust. Is the doctor monitoring thyroid- and adrenal hormones? As said, IGF-1 affects several important enzymes, and GH preparations comes with a warning about that. Treatment may aggravate symptoms of hypothyroidism or adrenal insufficiency, as it increases the conversion of T4 to T3 (active thyroid hormone), and decreases the conversion of cortisone (inactive adrenal hormone) to cortisol.

Libido is almost as high as pre pfs but I still have a harder time getting a erection, still though I notice a big difference after just a week of genotropin, maybe that’s what I needed, “brain fog” still here but hopefully that will get better within the next month

If you believe this is a cure go ahead. He’s 21, all the rest of his life on growth hormone? Would seek another way honestly, but well, that’s me :wink:

Hey, I agree that there might be other ways to increase it, and I don’t plan on staying with it my whole life, it’s not like TRT where you have to stay on it.

But I can say that since I’ve been on it Ive had no suicidal thoughts(which were SO severe before) and I’ve actually improved in a very short time being on it. I’m not saying everyone should be on it, I respect your opinion and agree there might be other ways, but I was so miserable I let my doctor talk me into it and spent more than half my months pay on it, and it was definitley worth it so far.

You guys need to realize there is also an important psychological component when it comes to refer how you feel. As an example the primary efficacy of antidepressants comes from placebo effect, this is demonstrated. Same effect is probably present also in other drugs. Think about when you suffer for love(admitting you already felt in love for someone), you can’t think, you might not breath, you can’t concentrate, you feel shit and you can’t perform, you might get seriously depressed and anxious. Consider being in that state for a long time, you will soon have suicidal thoughts because you can’t suffer too much for a long time. Normaly you have to react, force yourself to think positively instead of letting yourself in despair. This clearly depends on what kind of person you are. Anyhow, this proves how you can get debilitated by psychology. FEAR, which most of us on here know what it is, has similar effects. But this is only an example. Psychology is very underestmated on this forum. Saying that your suicidal thoughts are due to your HGH levels is a symptom of the fact that you underestimate it, I believe. What if your HGH is low because you’re scared to hell of living all your life with pfs? or maybe your HGH is low because you used all the fucking drugs available on the market , all of which come with sideffects tested seen on healthy subjects, which you are not, LOL(just an idea).
I am not saying PFS is fiction, I am saying that the psychology and psychiatry are interconnected strictly. If you are in chronic severe anxiety an depression because of your preoccupations and beliefs, your endocrine system can react differently from person to person, even “shut down”. You can believe in this or not, this has not been completely studied by science for what I know. Though an important MD(Chrysler maybe, don’t remember) dealing with PFS was saying something about this and I agree only to some extent. IMO, PFS is physical, but triggers important psychological issues that we need to deal with, suicidal thoughts being one of them.
I think that regardless of whether this is true or not, you’re not going to fix anything with HGH, unless you are pretty lucky to untrigger something in your body. Your body is immensly complicated and it’s easier to make damage to it than to heal it. Often, when you take a molecule which is meant to be synthesized within the body, downregulation of the endogneous production occurs. So let’s say you take HGH, it’s plausible that when you withdraw it, your endogneous production will be even worse. Or maybe some other pathway will be affected. Seems a very stupid idea to me. I would stop all drugs, make strictly health living, concentrating on tasks that make you feel well. Try performing to the best you can, your body will adjust to perform to the best. You’re young and your body should be better able to heal itself. After some months of that, if your levels are still bad, I’d maybe try HGH. But I repeat, that’s only my opinion, if you feel you want to follow the advice of an MD, you’re obviously free to believe in him. I would remember however that the community of Medical Doctors is still promoting Finasteride, which says a lot about what their protocols are meant for (MDs normally follow protocols they, most of the time, don’t know what’s the complicated science and economical interest behind them).
I obviously do not take responsibility of your actions. This is what “I” would do. Just bringing a different point of view.
But playing with hormones shouldn’t be taken as a game, it is not. Sorry for the length :mrgreen:

Most of that what tab has said is not true for me. My mood and state of mine is directly related to hormones.

I quit TRT and my t went way below range. I felt very very bad and very suicidal almost right away. On the other hand when I boost T i feel very good for 1 week!

My free t has now fallen below range now and I feel worse.

My GH is also very very low.

If GH is helping this guy great… Let us wait and see what happens.

Actually, you are saying exactly what I said, that your endogneous T production got further downregulated by the TRT(but I’d have to know your blood readings clearly to be sure of that). I think that your T will get up in the future as long as you stay clean and force yourself to perform well in your life. But as I said it’s only my way of seeing things, nothing proven, because it’s practically very very hard to demonstrate scientifically because of the many variables that are implied.
In the past I had very low T, practically at the lower range. Then I stopped smoking for a while and tried to do everything correct in my life, my T got up in the highest range, and this happened in just a few months. So at least for me, there might be a correleation, but I believe there’s a correlation for everyone. Still I am experimenting with prolactine though since my prolactine was terribly high (tumoral level).
And I also said that phsychiatry (and therefore hormone cascade, since they are correlated) is stricly related to psychology so it’s your choice whether you want to get bouts of goof felling with HRT and probably having to increse your dose over time, or try to correct your hormones with good living, it might take a lot of time since as I said, it’s easy to get sick, and hard to heal.

I have had PFS for 7 years and have done everything to be healthy over that time. My Free T has also fallen below range. So for some there may be natural improvements others may not be so lucky.

This guy was suicidal with 0 libido now he has improved mood and libido taking a natural hormone.

As you wish. But you clearly did not work on this, so you did not do everything, only part of.

Grey baron can you keep us updated. Not many are able to treat their PFS specially libido can you give us regular updates. As you know often treatments often only work for a short period which I hope is not the case for you. I am very interested to hear your progress do to my very low GH levels

Thank you