Got prescribed Genotropin

Almost 2 week update on HGH(Genotropin)

Libido is almost pre PFS(literally non existent before), Erection quality has improved, but only slightly so far, still nothing like pre PFS.

Extreme Brain Fog(by far most serious issue) it’s hard to say because I can’t escape this “feeling”, but there have been improvements the last 2 weeks but I attribute that to my raw food diet as well.

No suicidal thoughts which were EXTREME before I took HGH, and definitely saved my life cause I was so close to suicide.

I now sleep like a baby which is amazing ( i never got horrible insomnia from PFS but it was still hard to sleep some days)

More energy, wellbeing

NOW for the side effects

I still get this chest expanding feeling at night and morning which is slightly uncomfortable, also have some hot flashes that come and go.

Weight loss, which is bad for me because I’m already skinny, but I contribute some of it to my raw food diet. My balls of my feet seem to be a little painful to walk on.

Overall I’m very glad I got prescribed this and it definitely helped me improve in some areas, just hope it will help my “brain damage” cause that’s the main thing I want fixed, will keep you guys updated later down the line

Thanks for the update. Well good to hear you have some good benefits. Maybe you could adjust the dose and see what happens.

Hey mate are you still alive?


Update on life, got sent to a mental hospital, because of suicidal intent.
They wouldn’t let me have hgh there. Got put on antipsycotics, which make me feel way worse, appearance is much worse,
Everything is about the same as before taking hgh.

Starting ibutamoren, luteolin today, hopefully hgh if I can get another prescription
“BRAIN FOG” is a bitch

Wait what??

Mental hospital why??

I told my military doctor about hgh and he said I couldn’t take it anymore, then I said I can’t live like this anymore so the sent me to a mental hospital for 30 days

you dont have a say on that?

Shit man I was wondering where you were… Sounds like a bit of a nightmare… Why wont they give u GH if it helped?

gotta be careful who you talk to.

Google “selfhacked brainfog”

No say on it in the military

Don’t worry I’m gonna get back on HGH I just won’t tell my primary doctor anything anymore

And ya it was mental hospital is worse than a prison, Complete Nightmare

by the way maybe before u start GH do a fast.

Im on day 9 of a buchinger fast and brain fog 70% gone. Its a liquid fast with a maximum of 250cals a day from juice & broth.

Far superior then a water fast as you will be getting all the benefits without being bed ridden

Yeah Ive restarted my raw food diet, and will mainly be juicing, that’s what I did last time and got great benefit.

This time I’m adding in ibutamoren at night with HGH in the morning

hows the ibutamoren? where are you getting ibutamoren from? did you ever try it without the HGH? i’m thinking of using it as well

Ibutamoren actually raised my IGF higher that growth hormone itself, but it also increases t4 and lh.
Also makes want to eat everything, it’s crazy.
I got mine off ebay a month ago, but Its out of stock right now on there

Ibutamoren is incredible if you have PFS>

The stuff gave me appetite, libido, DEEP SLEEP, great skin.

Checking in,
Was doing much better with brain fog actually ( taking ibutamoren) for about a week, then I got prescribed semorelin with ghrp-6 from my anti aging dr. and that made it worse.

That makes me think since ibutamoren increases HGH without raising cortisol and semorelin increases cortisol. So cortisol must make it worse, but my cortisol is usally normal levels.

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would be interesting to hear what differences you feel between ibutamoren and plain GH.

Honestly, the main difference is with ibutamoren there are more sides such as crazy increased hunger, increased prolactin (in my case), and it’s only $50 a month compared to close to $1200 for hgh

I haven’t used it consistenly long enough compared with hgh, but I notice it’s about the same

Make sure to use 50mg not 25mg if you do consider using it