Glympses of normality w/ liquidex (arimidex) at .1mg every 2 days

What do you mean?

I mean, if you are taking arimidex evey 7 days, your estrogen should be back to normal by the time the 7 days are finished. This is at least what the document says.

Of course eveyone is different.

I have estradiol cream here. Have you thought about buying some? So if you do go too low you can just take some to get yourself back up?

I donā€™t know about that. I just looked at the article, and I wonder if the estrogen level returned to baseline value within 6 days, or if it remained suppressed by more than 80% for 6 daysā€¦ Arimidex has a half-life ofā€¦ 2 days. I thought it was 3 days. That changes things a bit with the lower dosages - but 1 mg anastrozole should still be active after 7 days. Day 1: 1 mg, Day 3: 0.5 mg, Day 5: 0.25 mg, Day 7: 0.125 mg. 125 mcg is enough to cause problems.

I have experimented with Estraderm patches (25 mcg), and itā€™s not recommended. I recommend that you use extra testosterone instead.

hmm yes the article is not clear.

Where do you get this info ā€œbut 1 mg anastrozole should still be active after 7 days. Day 1: 1 mg, Day 3: 0.5 mg, Day 5: 0.25 mg, Day 7: 0.125 mg. 125 mcg is enough to cause problems.ā€ ?

Anastrozole has 2 days half-life, and I have personal experience with microdoses.

So do you mean that after 2 days your estrogen is back to its normal level/not suppressed? I am feeling very good on test e 77mg a week. But 0 libido. I am going to get on the arimidex in a week or so if libido does not come back.

My prostate volume was just below 30 ml (normal range: 20 - 30 ml), so an atrophied prostate doesnā€™t seem to be the problem. However, there is no way of knowing if it was larger before treatment with finasteride. That said, estrogen dominance may cause prostate enlargement. I know that Iā€™m DHT deficient - and I still believe that it has something to do with the prostate.

When the half-life of a drug is 2 days, it means that the amount of drug in your system will be reduced by 50% every two days. Take a look at the example with 1 mg Arimidex.

Thanks for the info. I think I am going to need to take the arimidex as my libido has not came back. My test levels should be at a peak now.

Can you share more of your experience?

What doses have you tried?

How do you feel with too much estrogen?

How do you feel with too little estrogen?

What other ideas do you have on arimidex dosage.

Thank you

Could you also tell me if you have tried dosing at .05mg? And what are your thoughts about this?

Iā€™ve tried dosages ranging from 0.05 mg (50 mcg) to 1 mg. Iā€™m using at least 100 me TE a week, and when I inject once a week and take Arimidex on the same day, it seems as 0.25 mg Arimidex is not enough. 0.5 mg seems to be pretty good in my case, but obviously it was a bit too much for me in the long run. Microdoses or multiple doses over a week, are a lot harder to manage according to my experience.

Symptoms are tricky, because sexually wise - the symptoms are the same when the estrogen level is too high or too low. Libido disappears, and so does the morning erections (the most important indicator of a healthy testosterone/estrogen ratio), ED gets worse, sensitivity gets reducedā€¦ However, there is a difference; too low estrogen level causes aching joints (you can hear the joints crack too), and the muscle strength gets reduced. Another thing Iā€™ve noticed; when the estrogen level raises too much, youā€™ll lose morning erections and get softer erections, but libido will increase before it disappears. When the estrogen level is suppressed too much, everything happens at the same time.

Hmm thanks for that. When I got my libido back at the start of this thread I was on .1 every second day and I think after the second dose I got my libido back. So that was after .2MG. I was not on any testosterone at that time. But I wonder if that is a good guideline for me.

Yeah, you have to experiment, and be sure to report your progress here :slight_smile:

I wish I could be more helpful, but like I said, Arimidex is very hard to dose correctly.

Hi, have you ever experienced increase in sensation in penis and intense orgasms on arimidex? You said that you had great libido while on it. Are all of those effects gone after stopping the usage of the drug? Also how about your semen volume is it ever increased? Thanks.

dont waste your time with drugs and hormones if they work it only lasts a very short time. Work on improving your overall health with super good diet, exercise sun and constant detoxing.

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Have anyone else succeeded with microdosing arimidex in a long run?

I took full dose With cycling it restored libido but I couldnā€™t take it indefinitely because it caused jaundice.
I switched aromasin and i am cycling it. When i increase intervals libido goes down and when i start to decrease interval and increase dose libido goes up.