Glympses of normality w/ liquidex (arimidex) at .1mg every 2 days

HEY eveyone!

Good news.

I got my cortisol tested tested and all low…

Morning 8.5 (6.0 - 42)
Midday 3.6 (0.0 - 11.0)
Afternoon 2.7 (2.0 - 11)
evening 0.8 (1.0 - 8.0) These are plotted on a chart and I am very low looking at the chart.
nmol/L measurments

I have been reading chilins theory about all this and this exactly what he says.

I got some test back from a few weeks ago when I was taking 2grams transdermal testosterone / .05 arimidex EOD / 300 IU HCG EOD. DHT and T were slightly over range high. Estrogen was slightly higher than usual. 132 pmol (<160)

I have been getting cystic acne for a a year or so now and red inflimation on my scrotum. I guess this is attributed to low cortisol.

My lack of libido while on testosterone also correlates with low cortisol.

I can not explain why I got a few days of very good libido on arimidex 0.05mg EOD.

My aldosterone was also low when I got it tested 1 year ago 170 (100-950).

So it seems I am hypo adrenal. My am DHEA was 12.2 (5.0 - 30.0).

My body temperature is low almost always. It pretty much never reaches 37degrees C. I Average 36.6. I guess this is because my thyroid hormones are not being transported to my cells do to low cortisol…

So the question is, how will I feel when cortisol is optimal and sex hormones are optimal.

The low cortisol is also probably responsible for changing my fat distribution pattern. Now I store my fat on my lower back. I used to store it on the gut. Side effects of high cortisol are fat storage on stomach.

I suggest everyone here logs their body temp and tests their cortisol via siliva and do a full thyroid test.

Does any one have any comments about what I should do. I do not know if pregnenelone will result in increased aldosterone.

They also did a ratio of DHEAS/CORTISOL AM I was out of range for this 1.44 (0.20 - 0.60)

The comment stated that this is seen in patients that suffer from panic disorders. “Suspect: An abnormal physiological response to stress”

Here is an update.

I have been checking my temps for a couple months now. My avg temp would be about 36.6, it should be 37. This combined with highish rt3 indicated a cortisol issue which was confirmed by testing. As the test stated, low cortisol can result in pannic attacks which i have been having.

As a result of this I purchased some adreanal supplements, the main one being Isocort. This is supposedly plant derived cortisol. Upon taking this I felt a lot better. My body temp up, i was able to hover around 36.9. I noticed a signifigant improvment in many symptoms I have been experincing such as acne and pannic attacks. I only took the isocort for a few days and felt consistently better. As for the libido, It did not really improve.

I though it would be better to replace the hormones from the top as my aldosterone was low too. So I went to the doc and got him to perscribe 5% pregnenelone cream. Have been on this for 2 days and feeling great. Temp has been hitting 37 a lot. Libido has not came back 100% percent but I feel the higher my temp is the more aminable I am to sex.

So, I seriously urge you to monitor your body temps. Measure before you eat and start measing 3 hours after you wake up. If you are not hitting 37 or very close thought the day. You are VERY likely to have a problem.

You should also do a 4 times daily silivary cortisol. I really think these things are important. Having screwed up cortisol can cause problem all throuout the body like we are experiencing. I will keep working on my pregenelone dosage. The aim is to be at 37 C thought the day. Once I hit this I will then look at sex hormones. I think it is much more important to confirm thyroid and cortiosl is good before messing with sex hormones.

So if you have not done these 2 things, I suggest you do them now.

On my adrenal support suppliments I have improved my energy. Acne on back is much improved but still present. Rash on scrotum seems to be improved to some degree. The main thing is the improvments in energy. I do not suffer from that running out of enery feeling anymore. No major improvments with libido. Maybe a slight boost at the start but nothing very noticable.

I have started the arimdex treatment again. I am going to do it while on pregnenelone and DHEA.

I started last night. I had 0.1 MG. Today i did a masturbation test. Wood came up pretty quick. Desire not great.

Got a bit of a pain in my right testicle today.

Woke up with a red pimple on my arm. May not be related.

Testicle not painful today. Have got some more pimples back on my butt.

Temp has been 36.8-37 a fair bit of the day. No sign of any libido. Will take a second dose in a moment.

Not much to report today. Temp has been good much of the day 36.8-37.2. Energy good.
When i woke up i read an article that had some sexual connotations. Got a half wood. But no strong desire. No sexual desire all day apart from that.

Yesterday tried a lower dose of DHEA and pregnenelone 10 / 25mg. Temp hit 36.9 but never 37. In the evening had a bit of a crash. Temp went down to 36.5 had to go lie in bed. Did a porn test the other day. Wood responded well and desire to orgasim. But no sexual thoughts when not looking at porn. Took my 3rd dose last night. Hurt my neck exercising yesterday. Probably going to ditch the dhea or stay at 10mg. So far have not noticed much from the anastrozole, my estrogen may be higher from the dhea and preg.

Still on the arimidex. Have not noticed much of anything. Have seen a pic of a few nice ggirls and had no sexual thought. Joints seem to be fine. Perhaps this preg is coverting into estrogen? I have I may test in a week or so. Maybe I should up the arimidex?

Still on the arimidex + preg, have not noticed much. My temp hit 37.4 yersterday for a bit. It was a warm day maybe that influenced it a little. The pregnenolone has reduced the severity of panic attacks. They are much more manageable now. Libido still no good. Might start on 0.15 mg arimidex every second day, starting tonight.

Since I have bumped up to 1.5 E2D, I have not noticed much. Maybe some slight dull pain in a few joints on my fingers. I think my erection is better when doing the porn test. It responds pretty quickly. Still on the pregnenolone. Right now temp is lowish 37.6/7 I took a smaler dose of preg to start the day. Still no desire. Got a few pimples on my delt, have not had many here before. Maybe it is the arimidex.

Tooks 0.15MG last night. Seemed to have quite a few noticeable erections while sleeping. Woke up and measured temp 15 mins later 36.5. Not a bad temp to start the day with.

well been feeling pretty good today but no sexual thought. I had some progesterone cream here. Took 20mg about 1 hour ago, maybe more. Now talking to a girl friend on the net and got a wood… Do not feel super horney but if I had a girl I would probably do the deed.

took 50mg pregnenolone and 20mg progesterone in the morning. Energy good. No sexual though for the day. temp hit 37. Last night tested my response to sexual stimuli after first prog dose. All went well. Erection was very good. Which kind of goes against the idea DHT is primarly responsible for erection quality.

Since on the pregnenolone: digestion has been improved almost all pimples on but have cleared up. Energy is very good. Libdio still not good. I have low free T. Perhaps I need to boost that again while bosting prog or preg.

Still on arimidex too .15mg e2d. Fingure joints a little sore but not bad.

still on the arimidex .15 eod. dull pains sometimes in fingers not too bad. Erection responds well to stimuli. Do not really think about sex in the day. Now replaced the pregnenolone with progesterone. Seems to be working. Do not feel tired. More relaxed in social situations. on about 75 mg a day 50 in morning and the rest at night.

ิำำื been on 50mg progesterone 2 times a day. Seems to be holding the acne off. libido still very low. Not sure If I am getting that same energised feeling i was getting on preg/ cortisol. Have been checking temps and they remain good 36.8 +. I think it would is helping with my low cortisol anxiety. But have not been out much so don;t know. I have also added some tyrosene and lphenelalnine, have not noticed much from these.

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stopped the arimidex a few days back. Stopped the progesterone yesterday morning and have just been taking 50mg preg morning and evening. Today been feeling some libido. Temp has been good today.

libido is zero today. Scrotum has been more red than usual for last couple days. Maybe since only taking oral preg. Measured temp at 36.8. Not sure why I had more libido than 0 yesterday. Perhaps because coming of the arimidex and or prog cream. Will stay on preg oral for a few more days.

Libido still 0. Noticing some twitches in various parts of my body. I think I get this when I take a lot of dhea. Now I am only on preg pills. So it seems to be converting to dhea.

The last few days I have been feeling fatigued in the day. But have been finding it harder to sleep i think when taking it 50mg before bed. Temp is now 36.8.

Have been taking 100 mg preg oral per day. I have noticed my scrotum has been redder than I am used to and a few pimples are appearing on my back/butt.

still on the oral pregnenelone. I do not think it is as effective as the life flow have noticed feeling more fatigued. Got some pimples on my back. Temp has not been hitting 37 that often. But have started checking less. I have noticed a few morning when I take the preg before i sleep I wake up feeling a bit warmer. Libido still non existent. I do not think the preg / prog / cortisol will help my libido themselves.

I have found out that Pregnenonlone has a negative effect on my outlook. It increases negative thoughts. I think it is converting to DHEA - then estrogen?

I am on iscocourt, I fell my cortisol is still too low but I don’t really want to start a replacement dose. All my acne on my back clears up on this low dose cortisol, when I stop, it comes back.

I have been thinking a lot about this issue. And here are my main sides

0 - Libido - This was fixed on arimidex for a few days so it directly or indirectly related to hormones.
Bad digestion - This improves a fair bit on low dose cortisol. Cortisol stimulates stomach acid production.
Love handles - Lack of androgens / and maybe low cortisol.
Sensitive teeth - Androgens are used for bone building so a lack of androgens could explain this.
Cystic acne - Clears up when I take Arimidex OR Cortisol | High levels of estrogen stimulate cortisol binding hormone which lowers free cortisol.
In ability to handle stress / panic attatcks - Low levels of cortisol cause this.
Low body temp - Low cortisol / Thyroid.

So looking at this - My next plan is to increase my androgens I will do this by taking very small doses of HCG - 50 IU per day and also trenbolone 30 MG per week. This should increase the amount of androgens in my body and decrease estrogens.

I think the rising the arimidex roller coster is too hard. And have ended up with sore joints as a result.