GiuseppeK Stool Test


what do you think about my findings. I searched for a private clinic that will test for SIBO. They mention the following:

studije potvrđuju da SIBO može biti uzrokovan nefiziološkim uvjetima bakterija koje koloniziraju crijeva, tako da na primjer, značajno povećana relativna učestalost bakterija Eschericha spp., Klebsiella spp. i Pseudomonas spp. u crijevima može uzrokovati SIBO. Dijagnozu potvrđuje i kad je osim toga broj obligatnih anaeroba poput Bacteroides spp., različitih vrsta Clostridium, znatno povišen te je smanjena raznolikost.

Basically: Studies confirm SIBO can be caused by bacteria that colonize the intestine, for example, the increased bacterias such as escherchia spp, klebsiella spp, and pseudomans spp in the intestine can cause SIBO. the diagnosis can be confirmed with this along with increase in bacteroides spp, and clostridum, as well as low diversity.


Like I said in other posts, there are many variables to FMT success.

  • Donor health. You don’t want a donor who also have gut problems, autoimmunity, diseases, infections, have depression or anxiety or mental issues, have low Testosterone, low libido, inflammation, took antibiotics, took finesteride, took Accutane, crappy diet, fat, etc. So, donor quality and testing is extremely crucial.

  • You may need multiple transplants. I saw some people had 10 transplants done over 1 month

  • Clinic must be reputable and is using proven technique for the transplant

  • Some people say some clinics use laxatives before transplant to help clear existing bacteria

Frankly speaking, FMT may be our best shot but it’s not 100% guranteed.

I think going for SIBO test is your best bet at this time. Your good Clostridium spp (produces butyrate) is low but your reports says that you have some pathogenic one like Clostridium difficile. This is dangerous bacteria, which I read is resistant to most traditional antibiotics and is caused by taking too many antibiotics in the past.

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Theoretically inhibiting the down stream effects of the microbiome changes (inflammation) should lead to temporary symptom relief? Imo that is what is seen with the trials here…

Prednisone/Cortisone other immunosurpressants
HCG (boosts allopreg)
Psychedelics (5ht2a agonism)

All these are anti inflammatory and will stop the problem for a while. But we have high IgE for a reason imo, its endotoxins from our fucked up microbiome, that constantly release pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Just, what is causing this dysbiosis? Overabundance of one species? What is causing this inflammation?

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Good question. There’re many causes to Gut dysbiosis:

  • Antibiotics
  • Too much artificial sweeteners in foods
  • Food poisoning & infections. I’ve a friend who got gut dysbiosis after getting herpes virus from casual sex. I also had sexual transmitted infection in 2016 and took 3 antibiotics!
  • Shitty diet and lifestyle. Too much processed foods and too much fat/sugars/chemicals
  • Too much stress
  • Drugs that affects hormones like finesteride/Accutane/antidepressants/etc.,
  • Too much hygiene

I’m sure there are other causes. Autoimmune diseases are on a sharp rise since year 2000. Combining Testosterone + cortisone gave me 100% recovery.

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Yeah that recovery is very interesting and matches other stories.

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Im starting to believe it is in fact SIBO I am suffering from. Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO to be exact.

H2S. In fact another user many (brongfogboy) years ago mentioned H2S and gut bacteria.

When certain good bacteria start to become dominant they turn pathogenic and begin to excrete something called Hydrogen Sulfide (HS2) and this is detrimental to our well-being causing a whole host of issues, one of them being what we’ve all suspected, androgen receptor repression. There are many scientific studies that have documented this, here’s one of them:


thats where elevated IgE comes from?

Also, is the microbiome the cause or the result of what is going on?

Thanks guiseppe for getting this test done :wink:

I always said my armpits and body odor smell like SULPHUR!
Thing is I think I think I was actually making my symptoms worse doing the carnivore diet. These foods are loaded with sulphur. Im reading H2S can actually be a defence mechanism since the body is not creating enough sulphur due to mercury, or other heavy metal toxicities, or even molybdenum deficiency…

bilophila wadsworthia and other sulphate reducing bacteria are extremly pro inflammatory.
my bilophila wadsworthia is off the charts (7x the range)

I have HORRIBLE scalp eczema. Any idea what could be causing this?


How much did you pay for the stool test?

Hi TLD ,

I payed about 1200 HRK which is about 200 USD.
I also tested for zonulin (protein released if gut is leaky) which was sky high.
Calprotectin (Tests for gut inflammation) was also elevated for me.

Yeah I was told I have disbiosis and I also have parasites in my gut. I can’t recall my zonulin value, but my therapist was a little puzzled by my test and said my gut is “on the verge of a breakdown”.

Apparently, healing the gut is no joke.

How are you proceeding from this point on? I was prescribed a lot of supplements (I have plenty of Vitamin deficiencies) but I’m a little scared.


You will have to treat the parasites first I believe. There are plenty of things that can attribute to leaky gut.

  1. Food Allergies
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Dysbiosis/SIBO
  4. Heavy Metals
  5. Parasites
  6. Fungus/ Yeast

You should try to treat these first. Watch videos on youtube on how to repair a leaky gut. I have been taking a bunch of supplements over the years, one of them being glutamine (pill form) and I took the recommended 1 gram (2x 500g pills) every day. This is simply not enough to repair a leaky gut. You can find videos online by some naturopaths/doctors who say you need a higer dose of glutamine to repair it. Try to avoid trigger foods as this leads to inflammation preventing the gut to repair itself. These can be corn, soy, dairy, eggs etc…

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Yeah, I have high mercury in my blood actually, and as I said parasites were detected as well.

I also have plenty of vitamin deficiencies which I don’t know wether to supplement or not.

Thank you for your advice. The only thing I’m taking at moment is CoQ10 60mg per day with breakfast.

I had a food intolerance test done months ago, so I try to avoid the stuff I was told not to eat. Gluten and dairy (especially gluten) are kind of hard on me.

Thanks man.

@guiseppek how are you doing now? Was that test a Game 'changer?

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