genital numbness - experiences?

That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, in the vast majority of cases, the numbness does not “fluctuate”. It is a real, persistent issue from the drug that is not influenced positively or negatively by other environmental factors. It’s just “how it is” after taking Finasteride.

He just stated his numbness issues stem ONLY from alcohol use, and appear ONLY during alcohol consumption. That points to a different cause altogether than Finasteride.

No, it’s not bullshit. When your foreskin and scrotal skin goes completely numb within 3 days of being on drug, stays that way on drug, and remains so after quitting, that likely points to a permanent alteration in 5AR2/DHT or AR function in those tissues.

Sorry Mew, but the numbness I get stems from FIN only…I never had it prior to taking it… It lasts even the day after drinking… Drinking alcohol does something to my body for a short amount of time where it throws hormone metabolism off or something and puts things more out of whack…It usually goes away 2 days after, but once in a while it will come out of no where… I mean, alcohol is estrogenic so…

just an fyi. I started this argument up again by posting the link to the discussion on the Anabolic minds forum. I guess deep inside I want to feel a sense of optimism that this side effect like all of the others could be merely a hormonal inbalance. However, in all fairness I should mention my numbness has never changed even a little for the better. It’s just too overwelming for me to believe this is permanent.

For some it is permanent. As for myself it does fluctuate slightly, 90% - 99% numb.

Oddly it’s at its numbest during rare morning erections.

Fasting (water only) for four to five days gets it to about 90%. Unfortunately fasting for a longer period of time does not help, I’ve fasted for up to ten days and 90% is as good as it gets.

To those who’ve experienced no fluctuation, have you attempted to fast. Fasting for only four or five days is not that difficult, definitely worth trying evan as just an experiment. It might shed light on the situation, if everyone with our particular symptom is affected by the absence of food.

I am really beginning to wonder whether neurotransmitters do indeed have a big part to play in all of this. CAnnabis gives me fantastic sensitivity and libido, plus some of my best times of feeling good have came after drinking alcohol, maybe something to do with dopamine? however, I have had very bad feelings whith numbness early on with alcohol.

Same here, my best morning erections have the least sensitivity.

Sorry to disagree, but my experience is different. In fact, my numbness got better for a while when I was on clomid. Therefore, I don’t think that the numbness is a permanent damage per se, while I think that being consistently sensitive to T or DHT may be permanently impaired.

hi all just wanna say that the numbness thing and sensitivity thing has nothing to do with any damage to the skin whatsoever its a chemical or hormonal thing in the body… because my penis Went numb the tip of my penis Went Cold aswell… the coldness only lasted a few Days but the numbness remained for months…then from nowhere when i was jerking off in the shower and thinking very sexuall stuff and from nowhere my penis got fulllllll sensation back i was like wtffff…thinking sexually in my head had somehow triggered my penis to feel again…no joke guys…i jerked off for 2 long minutes and it was completely numb no sensation at all then bang from nowhere full sensation and i was not even Close to ejaculate… then after my orgasm the whole day after that i had sensation on penis but it slowly reduced in feeling then the next day it was numb again and it stayed numb for months…then from nowhere one day i woke up fully recovered down there full sensation my nipples got sensation back so did my anus…also let me say my libido got skyyyy high…this only lasted for like 4 Days then back to no feeling in penis nor nipples or anus…all numb for months again…libido gone aswell…it was like a roller coaster for a year for me… one day Close to a year of ups and down i got super high libido and got aswesome sensation on penis it lasted for like 2 weeks then my body crashed again and it all Went away but then after that incident my body got better to this day my penis and anus is no longer numb penis has not fully recovered but im happy as it is…my nipples they are broken lol…libido is fine i guess but i can never ever feel horny anymore that is permanent dunno why…i can feel the urge in my brain but that horny feeling u feel under your penis is broken it sux tbh that is a good feeling to lose…

I’ve been experiencing near-total numbness at the base of my penis. I can feel it if I pinch it, but if I just scrape my fingernail against it then I won’t feel it like I would at my glans.
Same is true when my fingers are freezing cold. I can feel the coldness near/on my glans, but I feel absolutely nothing at the base.

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Hi Bib,

Did your numbness improve since then?

A little I think. Sorry for the vague answer. The cold-finger test is probably the best one. I don’t ever remember noticing that I couldn’t feel any coldness on my dick this past winter. But I also spent a lot less time outside because all my classes were online, so maybe I just didn’t get the chance to test it.

I remember taking a little Cialis early last year, and noticing my penis got more sensitive. I think some of that sensitivity might’ve lasted even though I don’t take it anymore. Or maybe I just improved a little over time.

I am wondering how this numbness on the penis or balls feels. The majority of the guys with ED are having this issue with the numbness I guess. Can you guys feel nothing down under if you touch it or just a little bit of sensation? In my case I can feel everything from the balls to the tip, maybe not that much like I used to. And I have this shrinkage for 50% of the time too especially when my feet or hands are cold.

It is a known effect mainly of SSRIs, but it can also happen with finasteride. It seems that if a person takes an SSRI, after half an hour they already begin to experience some form of genital anesthesia. Dr David Healy speculates that it could happen from unspecified and still understood damage to the spinal cord and ion channels.

For me it’s not complete numbness, I can feel the pressure, but it also feels like the number of the touch receptors has decreased significantly and the sensitivity now lacks “resolution”, so to say(like the skin on your back). And touching doesn’t induce almost any sexual sensations, despite I do notice some increased blood flow in that area.

Bumping this thread because my situation has gone from bad yet maybe manageable to significantly worse over time

Truly, truly distraught
And have absolutely zero idea what the cause of it is. Nerve, receptor, chemical?
Permanent or not permanent

Jesus :man_facepalming:t2:

I’ve had complete numbness, but the feeling came back.

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That’s great! Was this early in your PFS days, or more recent?

I remember hearing you say you recovered somewhat but had no idea what recovered.

Still the most stubborn symptom for me after almost 3 years. I hope it’s possible to reverse in some way but I have no clue at this point, and it’s disheartening.


i’ve had numbness, i feel a lot better now but i hope if i can recover from shrinkage and low libido :

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I’m really glad for you that it bounced back for you

It’d be an outright miracle if it reversed for everyone
I pray it does
Shit I’d fuckin cry if it did
I’ve bounced back in other ways except this symptom and trust me I’ve had most symptoms from really bad to mild
This however overtime has not been good

Hoping and praying every day