Genetically predisposed to side effects

Hey, I’ve seen some statements from different people claiming that the ones that get PFS have a subpar hormonal baseline naturally. Youtuber Moreplatesmoredates has made a video on this, but I very strongly disagree with this statement. I myself always had high libido and worked out consistently, no sleep issues or anything of that sort. @Dknighten Crashed from one pill and had built a respectable physique which I doubt would be possible with subpar hormonal levels. Derek didn’t even start finasteride before he went on TRT so I don’t know why he would make a claim like that.

This has been disproven by the collective patient experience recorded on this forum over 15 years. I was 90kg and lifted 4 times a week before PFS, and played competitive rugby, swimming and boxed throughout my teenage years.

Never ceases to amaze how people with such a poor grasp on this condition make such bizarre and erroneous statements.


Oh, and please complete the patient survey. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Right, it grinds my gears. The truth of the matter is no one has a clue what the fuck kind of mechanism is at play here, if that was the case we would be cured already.

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Will do

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We all know that scientists like Mohit Khera and the involved teams have their thoughts about further research for key genes and regulation sites.
The staff is involved too. For the hormon therapy there are studied endrologists. We users are amateurs.
But it gives much hope to discuss all the protocols and all the theories of epigenetics and hormonal treatments.
Self treatment is dangerous. All the hopeful theories are discussed allready. But we damaged ones lurking for hope. Need sometimes to shout out our frustration and our dreams off sudden healing in crude statements. Again and again. Not to get weird.

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lol yeah I was jacked, vascular, and had a fantastic jawline. Super high libido. I have stories about my prior sex drive that would alarm even the most horny of the guys on these forums here lol. The stuff you see on Youtube about PFS is bullshit. It can happen to anybody. Any age, any health status. Doesn’t matter. Nobody knows why. Not even the glorious Derek.


So genetically predisposed to PFS or not?
Has there been any evidence of this?
There has been enough 23andme data collected, did we find anything in common with the genes we can look at?

Baylor Study and (the 23andme data) compared with the genom and gene expression from the not affected group (What Baylor Study did) is for my opinion the way researching for some key genes on the way to identify a genetic predisposition. (Baylor Study identifyed all involved genes / operons up and down the genom of pfs sufferers by measuremant of gene expression in penile tissue)

@Sugarhouse and @Dknighten on my experience as a former microbioligist a genetic predisposition has not to be seen in the hormonlevel or body and shape, before the disposition to alpha reductase blocker, dramatic decrease of DHT and persisting and not temporarily feedback to this keys in?!(predisposition / genetically altered feedback)

As a result of Baylor study the are many interesting regions at the genom identifyed for further investigation. Would the foundation have resources like covid labs on every suggested operon one researching team would work.

Screening the stories at the forum many users have had a problem with depressions and mental health issues and many users reporting hypersexuality before. Just read!

Is this rare “connection” one feature of predisposition to the persistent reaction of dramatic DHT decrease. A urologist from Switzerland doesn’t describes Fin to patients with depression and sexual activity.

Analysing altered neurotransmitter levels of depressed and / or hypersexual mice, exposed to the ugly agent, wich destroyed our lives…

just thoughts of a user in hope…

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The similar effects (PFS) have been observed in people who undergo chemotherapy. The good example is Hypo-is-Here.
He became like us after undergoing chemo. As far as I can tell he was very much like us. I have read few studies where LH , FSH, T etc went down and never returned to baseline after chemo application.

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