Forskolin reportedly promotes weight loss and increases AR... Has anyone tried it?

Tribulus is a testosterone booster, while Forskolin is purported to promote hormonal balance (as well as weight loss, which it is primarily marketed for).

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Then considering reports,testosterone booster is more effective than hormon balance promoter?
Tribulus affects stronger in terms of producing AR than forskolin?

There is no definitive answer, as everything is so unknown, but I am an adherent to the idea that our hormonal balance needs to be restored, which Forskolin seems more apt for, whereas Tribulus is more useful for pure T boosting (and I have certainly noticed improved penile sensitivity and ejaculation sensation while cycling it).

Given that both supps seem to be best cycled, I am intending to cycle them each two weeks on interchangeably, so from tomorrow for two weeks, I will cycle tribulus, and then during my two weeks off of tribulus I will cycle Forskolin, and then repeat.

‘Hormonal balance’ was thrown out the window 10+ years ago if you read through the forums far back enough, if this was a simple matter of too little test or too much estrogen for example then we wouldn’t still be discussing it. Almost all mentions of Forskolin on this forum are usually mentioned with the intention of increasing cAMP which it is well known for - see the thread I linked in the fourth post of this thread for the reasoning behind that.

That being said, I doubled my dosage of Forsk’ yesterday and have noticed some mental improvement lasting into today. It’s difficult to specifically describe it but I certainly feel some brain fog relief, improved mental clarity and less depressed than usual. It’s only been a day and half however so I’ll post an update in a week or so at the same dosage to see if things continue this way.

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Forskolin affect dopaminergic system also.

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You are great!!
Keep update here!
Cycling between T booster and hormone balancer can help cure ours,though just my opinion.

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I have just ordered some Forskolin. Will report back in a few weeks with how I go.


Thrown out the window by who? Who can make any definitive cast iron statements about this condition? What about Chi’s recovery? That was based on reestablishing natural balance. He was a member for years, trying different things. He took a natural route focusing largely on gut health and reported recovery.

And by hormonal balance, I don’t mean it is a matter of too little this or too little that, just up or lower that and you will be fine. The endocrine system is a complex chain of hormones that rely on and interact with each other. It is about the natural balance that is distinct to your body getting thrown out of whack and that having a knock on effect so far down that chain that the body cannot easily correct itself. The fact is, every person’s hormonal profile is distinct to them. If I was to experience your natural hormonal balance that makes you feel normal, I would likely feel weird, and vice versa. So it makes sense that such an imbalance is at the heart of our problem, given how varied the reported symptoms are, the fact that people share many but not others, and that there appears to be sub-groups of people experiencing similar sides and getting benefits, or worsening, from certain supps while others do not. If anything, the fact people have fucked themselves up by only trying to address one link on the chain (e.g. lowering E) is possible evidence of what I am saying, not proof it is wrong. This of course is all my opinion, and not based on empirical scientific knowledge.

I am starting my trib cycle tomorrow (I decided to take another day easing back to normal diet after my latest 60 hour water fast), and my forskolin will arrive next week. I have also just started with maca.

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If I was to experience your natural hormonal balance that makes you feel normal, I would likely feel weird

You would indeed feel weird, but you wouldn’t have impotence, numbness, insomnia etc. to an extreme degree. These symptoms can only be caused by complete ablation of androgens in my opinion. Keep in mind that most people here have much worse sexual function than before puberty, when androgen levels were already very low.

Thrown out by the PFS community, hence why most forms of discussion here are now focused on methylation, genes and neurosteroids instead. Of course nothing is off the table and we should always be open to retreading old ground but the hormonal imbalance hypothesis is probably the most examined and tested theory on the whole forum. When you consider the availability of hormone testing and the scale that it has been performed at here and yet no consistent abnormalities to provide even a correlation link tells you everything you need to know. Any abnormalities that occasionally have been found (myself included) have not resulted in any significant improvement of circumstances once corrected.

And by hormonal balance, I don’t mean it is a matter of too little this or too little that, just up or lower that and you will be fine.

By definition a hormone imbalance is either too much or too little of certain hormones compromising their ability to work as intended. Most hormones do not have to be in ultra specific quantities tailored to individuals - there is a good sized range where most people will feel ‘normal’. Even if certain hormones were significantly out of ‘balance’ they would A. show up somewhat consistently across test results and B. not be capable of certain symptoms associated with PFS as arkaeik said above.

As far as to why certain substances make symptoms worse in some people but not others is yet to be understood however it’s important to keep in mind that just because a certain supplement (for example DIM) is known for certain properties (in this case alleged estrogen inhibitor) does not mean that all or any effects you notice from taking it are a result of estrogen inhibition. Just like finasteride most medications and strong supplements that act on or are marketed to target certain hormones, neurotransmitters etc may also have dozens of separate or cascading actions as well so it’s not always clear how something is interacting with the body.

I wish you the best of luck with your new routine WeCanBeatThis, keep us posted on any changes.

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All right boys, I’ve been on Forskolin for almost 2 weeks now and here are my thoughts as promised. The first few days I was taking 500mg daily (standardized to 20%) and noticed no notable changes good or bad, it wasn’t until I doubled the dosage to 1000mg that I noticed an improvement (within a few hours) in mental clarity and significant relief from that constant feeling of depression that PFS seems to bring. No other improvements or changes to report, fatigue, sleep problems, eye issues etc still unchanged for now. I tested to see if the effects were definitely occurring as a result of Forskolin and not just a random fluctuation in my mood so I didn’t take it for 3 days and my depression and brain fog returned to the pre-forskolin state at around 36 hours from the time of the last pill.

Assuming that tolerance isn’t going to be a big issue here then this supplement may be the first in a long list that could provide me with partial but consistent relief from the mental side effects of PFS. I would recommend anyone here that has heavy neurological symptoms give it a chance even in a week’s sample pack if you don’t wish to buy a bottle.

As to why it is helping I obviously can’t say for sure; I took it with the intent of increasing cAMP but my first thought when it actually started working was Forskolin also acts on dopamine receptors, especially D2 which is also seen in modafnil. In my list above of documented supplements I’ve taken over the last 3 years I noted that my initial experience with modafinil improved my condition greatly and for around a week my symptoms drastically improved but strangely did not last despite cycling, higher and higher doses and so on, hopefully that isn’t the case here. Also worth noting is this recent thread highlighting a connection between finasteride and dopamine.

Edit: Interestingly I cycled mucuna pruriens (L-Dopa) for the first time about a month ago and have had no improvements whatsoever despite varying dosages, it just left me with a dull headache every time.

This is the brand I used if that matters to anyone but it shouldn’t make a difference.


CursedLemon hi !

I want to understand something.
I deal with depressive symptoms.

I’m nervous irritable and very depressed.

Always in a depressed mood.
I can’t take it anymore.
What do you think of Forskolin?
Are you still taking it?

The damn thing pfs is killing me

What if some guys have under expressed AR and others have over expressed AR. This might explain why such supplements work for some and not for others.


If over methylation is to the overexpressed AR. Would under methylation correspond to lowered AR if this was the case?

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My understanding of the Di Loreto study ( is that all of the case subjects had over expressed AR compared to controls.


Hey @airforlife

Yes, I’m still taking it but cycling instead of daily usage. It still helps me a moderate amount with ‘brain fog’ and although it relieves depression somewhat, that side is still very much there on a foundational level. I would strongly recommend trying it out but keep expectations realistic; it won’t ‘cure’ your depression and you may find it of no use at all due to how seemingly varied PFS is but hopefully it can bring you partial relief like it has done for me.

If you do try it then please post your thoughts here after a week or so, would be helpful.


So does over expressed AR mean the genes are unmethylated as I read one study that linked heavy methylation to under expressed AR.

I tried Forskolin recently, received nothing positive from it at all. It even seemed to get worse in the sense of depression. When I get depressed periods tryptophan helps me very well, this is not the first time. With him, the mood is much better, and you don’t think about problems almost, and a good dream without anxiety. I buy ours, of Russian production, it works for me, I have not tried foreign production.

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Жека скажи какой триптофан берешь, я тоже хочу. Заебала депрессия и тревожность.

Forskolin gave me bad anxiety. I know it can sensitive dopamine receptors maybe this had something to do with it

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