Finally started the process

So i got partial results back… and my doc says im normal, which is funny cause last night I had trouble having sex with this new girl. I think allot of it is anxiety from the first failure but i got hard than lost it than got hard and almost lost it…blahhhhhh

He are the results
sTsh 1.75 .35-5.0 mIU/L
LH 3 1 - 9 IU/L
FSH 4 1 - 12 IU/L
Testosterone 24.5 8 - 38 nmol/l
Prolactin 15 <18 ug/l
Estradoil 71 <161 pmol/L

on another note my blood sugar was 3.2mmol/L out of a range of 3.6 - 7.0
and my Hermatocrit was .5 out of .38 - .49 which i dont htink is that big of deal, im wondering if the blood sugar is somehting to worry about. I’m also wondering if prolactin of 15 is something to worry about too, any ways to reduce that naturally? any comment?

It says tests to follow Free Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone and sex hormone binding glob so maybe there still conducting those.


Prolactin has an effect on testosterone and ED and there was a guy on this board who had high prolactin and once he lowered it he got better. I don’t know if his recovery lasted or not. It can be lowered with drugs such as Cabergoline, which comes with its own set of sides.

I took a trip down to the supplement store and baught some vitamin b6 250mg pills, i heard that this will reduce prolactin so im gonna give this a shot first. I also plan on doing the broccoli treatment again the first time it really helped in the erection department, and on top i take omegas(mental health) ashwagahnda(anxiety) and milkthistle(liver)

I’ll keep reading here if ever something changes,

Ok I finally got my last three resutlts

Free Testosterone 46.9 31-94 pmol/l
Dihydrotestosterone 1350 860-34-6 pmol/l
Sex Hormone Binding Glob 36 13 - 71 nmol/l

Mew any word on these does my free testosterone look ok?

Prolactin is high, try to bring down

Free T is in lower end of range, Total T could probably stand to be higher. Try and bring those up via supplements like Tribulus/Tongkat Ali (check Natural Supplements section stickies for studies) and weight training.

Compared to your PRE Propecia T levels (94, range 19-97) your current Total T seems like it did drop a bit.

What time were these tests taken, before 10am?

It was at 12:30 but I only woke up at 11:00 AM if that makes a difference.

Hey guys I was thinking of taking a very low dose of Dostinex like .25mg a week to see if that can help lower my prolactin to say like under 5 and im thinking that would raise my free testosterone. What do you guys think I can get the drug without a prescription for like 130$ for three months worth. Ive hear after 6 months it can normalize prolactin and than i would come off. Maybe I had really high prolactin and the body is really slow to bring it down to the proper levels.


You might want to consider natural supplements first to see if they help.

Hey mew I ordere a product with tribulis and something called 6-Oxo in it which is a estrogen blocker aromates thingy, ever heard of it… I’ll get back to all to see if it helps… If I can feel good cycling test boosters I will be happy and move on

HEy guys i just found out 6-oxo got pulled of the shelves here in Canada by the FDA so i wont be receving my package,i dont suggest anyone take it especialy in that states. I will be taking tongkat ali …

hey hey hey, sooo guys ive tried every natural supplement in the book i cycled them and yeah they worked but they gave me too much testosterone i think. I was agravated emotional and could sleep so i dont htink the natural root is gonna help maybe on a as needed basis. I ordere some dostinex online which i plan on taking for only a month and .25mg every 4 days. I also stumbled upon to interesting studies one is not mastubatin for seven day ur testosteron will increase by 145% ive been trying this and it has helped, anything after 7 days is usless as it does not further increase im sure if you google it ull find it. Second i will past a study on how DHT decreases the secreation of prolactin soooo my theory is since we stop so much dht with propecia and all is left is a shit load of test and estrogen we all end up with high prolactin tumor or not u know… 15 is way too much for a guy my age i read somewhere that over 20 for chicks is bad …

heres the study

1-1-Prolactin secretion in the human male is increased by endogenous oestrogens and decreased by exogenous/endogenous androgens.

Gooren LJ, van der Veen EA, van Kessel H, Harmsen-Louman W, Wiegel AR.

There is evidence that prolactin may be involved in testicular steroidogenesis, and we have therefore investigated whether there is feedback regulation of androgens/oestrogens on prolactin secretion in the human male. To assess this we have measured basal and TRH-stimulated prolactin levels in: Six eugonadal men before and after 2 weeks’ administration of the aromatase inhibitor delta’-testolactone, which led to a fall in oestradiol levels with unchanged levels of testosterone. In these patients, prolactin levels decreased. Six eugonadal subjects before and after 6 weeks’ administration of dihydrotestosterone undecanoate. In these subjects, prolactin levels decreased. Six agonadal subjects, tested after 12 weeks’ treatment with dihydrotestosterone undecanoate and compared to: Six agonadal subjects who received no sex steroid treatment. Again, it was found that dihydrotestosterone treatment decreased prolactin levels in patients from Group C. Six eugonadal subjects were also studied before and after 6 weeks’ administration of the androgen receptor antagonist, spironolactone, and this treatment increased Prl secretion. It is concluded that in the human male, endogenous oestrogens increase prolactin secretion whilst exogenous/endogenous androgens decrease prolactin secretion.

im gonna try dostinex for a month and thats it since nothing should be pushing mine up like a tumor i think this amount should work. ive been reading allot on body building sites and some of these guys get similar symptons from doing steroids like tren or deca… in fact they call ED DECA dick …lol a few guys cured deca dick with only one or two doses of dostinex im hoping this will help me \

keepo everyone posted…

BTW tongkat ali is amazing made me shoot two meters in the air …


Hey guys I got a new set of test done through ZRT labs all through saliva, my doc is so ignorant after countless appointments i finally have an appointment with a uro for some mild ed issues, but my real issue is anxiety and the hell it puts me through, result are as follows
Estraiodl 1.2 range .5-2.2
Progesterone 27 range 12-100
Testosterone 108 range 44-148
DHEAS 12.8 range 2-23
Cortisol Morning 3.8 range 3.7-9.5
Cortisol Noon 1.4 range 1.2-3
Cortisol evening .8 range .6-1.9
Cortisol night .3 range .4-1 ****

I feel the worst at night :wink: Im happy my testoteron isnt so low but i attribute this too my rediculous weight lifting routine, my cortisol is really low and for the last two days i drank a cup of licorice tea and it seems to help, but i dont think this will be the ultimate solution. All these herbs just throw me out of wack, what to do, all the info on the internet reccomends different herbs and relaxing but ive tried them all and ive never felt 100% closest too good is like 65%. On a side not taking larginine and pycnogenol pretty much restored morning and nocturnal erections. But damn anxiety keeps me from living life in general…
Anyone with a similar story/case … I think were all predispostioned for some kind of a disorder and in each and every case it will trigger something different for us all, for example me low cortisol, the next guy low testosteron, so all of you searching of the one cure all are shotting and rim too small. I dont think testosteron is my problem i think cortisol is what do i do now


I agree on the herbs throwing you out of whack. I’ve stopped all but Horny Goat Weed occasionally. That and L-Arginine and Vitamin D are all I take.

Where the cortisol tests takin in blood or saliva or urine?

I too have lowish cortisol levels. Id be insterested to know what your sideeffects are today?


I have some mild ed, and allot of anxiety, low blood sugar. What have you been doing for your low cortisol, what symptoms do you have

I use to have alot of anxiety but better now. I never tested to have low blood sugar but i sure do feel like it. Never really had ed problems. Libido issues from time to time but hmm i think its 2ndary to my other big problem, my stomach. You dont feel horny when your stomach is pissed off… Bloating, pain, hemoroids and im sensitive to alot of foods these days.

I went on a low gi no gluten diet. This has helped alot but unfortunetly not 100%.

I dont eat bread pasta rice (unless brown sometimes) candy, chocolate, alcohol, sodas, ice cream etc. Basicly nothing with sugar or any kind of corn it it.

I ask again. Was your cortisol levels taking in blood or salive or urine?


They were taking in saliva, your problems are not similar to mine at all. The only problem I have with food is if i dont eat it I feel faint and anxious. Eating complex carbs and less sugar gives me more time between meals but i still feel it eventually. I just joined another forum specifically for adrenal and thyroid problems and been getting some great feedback from the mods there, I think i found the source of my problems, who know maybe even for ed. Cortisol metabolizes and stores glucose in your liver so low cortisol means low blood sugar, low blood sugar means high adrenalin, high adrenalin means anxiety panic attacks. Low cortisol also means lower testosteron. Low cortisol also means less ability to deal with stress. Everything seems so right here. I’m gonna get some more tests done on my thyroid in advice from the mods there and start to take Hydrocortison or Isocort to help heal my adrenals. I will keep everyone posted.
BTW the link to the forum is … esADRENALS

I’m not sure if im allowed to post that but no doubt it can help to see if your symptoms match at all.

Talk to everyone soon

They were taking in saliva, your problems are not similar to mine at all. The only problem I have with food is if i dont eat it I feel faint and anxious. Eating complex carbs and less sugar gives me more time between meals but i still feel it eventually. I just joined another forum specifically for adrenal and thyroid problems and been getting some great feedback from the mods there, I think i found the source of my problems, who know maybe even for ed. Cortisol metabolizes and stores glucose in your liver so low cortisol means low blood sugar, low blood sugar means high adrenalin, high adrenalin means anxiety panic attacks. Low cortisol also means lower testosteron. Low cortisol also means less ability to deal with stress. Everything seems so right here. I’m gonna get some more tests done on my thyroid in advice from the mods there and start to take Hydrocortison or Isocort to help heal my adrenals. I will keep everyone posted.

BTW the link to the forum is … esADRENALS

You should try and find out why your cortsiol is low aswell. I suggest you test for celiac as its quite common to have low cortisol levels with this.

That would be a better option to explore than going on isocort or hydrocortizone imo. I tried isocort for a week. Felt bursts of energy but nothing consistent. Maybe i was on to low dose i dont know but i dont buy the whole “your adrenals will heal” while on hydrocortisone for a few months. Doesent make sense. Its use it or loose it, thats my experience. So im gonna try it again eventually if i cant find another cause for this first. However taking away as many stressors as you can is probably a very good idea! Moderate exercise can do wonders to etc.

Wish you best of luck and keep us posted!

I agree totally I’m not jumping on anything before doing a load of research, just licorice tea alone the last couple days has helped immensly.

Well After doing a salives test and getting back low cortisol levels, i told my doctor and we did some more tests, here are the results

sTSH 2.31 range .35 -5
t4free 14 range 10 -20
free t3 5 range 2.6 - 5.7
hemoglobin A1c .054 nondiabietc .04-.06
cortisol am 703 range 170-540
pm cortisol 237 range 55- 340

so the saliva says low the blood says high and normal pffffff i think the high in the morning was due to just getting the test
as i hat blood tests

any word on the rest of this stuff … there goes cortisol as being the problem