Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

Ok, on a serious note. Let’s talk about studies. The Baylor study was started by a doctor who didn’t fully believe in PfS, then left. Now almost 2 years later, still seeking participants. What are your thoughts? Let’s discuss…

Ok lets talk about your 100.000 $ donation that you’re willing to donate, where is it?

Finatruth your hero JQD has solved PFS.

No need to further discuss real science started in October 2013.

The studies wont be completed anyway, as nobody is participating. Screw science. Long live JQD.

The fact is he is not even following his protocol :laughing:

Yeah so glad I didn’t give up that cash! Thought this was totally permanent. Getting the 2015 Corvette Stingray this spring! Booyaaaaa!!!

Depressedguy- as much as I think you are a snotty nose little brat, the sad truth is in 3 years you will feel lightyears better than you do now. Your perception might also change when symptoms disappear for you. Yes, you will Improve drastically.

You still have severe side effects: Massive brainfog/ mental retardation.

One of the most primitive users on this site.

Babies cant differentiate between themself and the experiences of the rest of the world. That is why they believe that nobody sees them when they cover their eyes with their hands.

You behave in the same way: I have recovered, thus everybody must be able to recover.

I think you would be a perfect addition to JQDs cult.

excellent work boys. It wasn’t JQDs “insanity” that made him leave or get kicked off whatever.
Seriously, it was a bunch of cry baby bitching trolls who, lets be honest, couldn’t bare to have their hopes boosted because of the possible let down.

Now look what you have, a forum where everybody will talk and NOT DO. Talking about studies instead of getting off your delicate tooshes
and trying something with the advice from a man who genuinely wanted to help.
Don’t get me wrong obviously studies are vital but they take to long. Lets be men of ACTION.

And don’t give me “egomaniac” because he only revealed his name to me until yesterday after weeks of posting and talking to me.

Did he boast too much. I dunno maybe but that’s all subjective. Did you ever meet someone you didn’t like, yet still kept your mouth shut out of respect?
that’s what you ladies should have done. It’s called respect. And if you couldn’t deal with him that badly, theres the fuckin door.
But it is easier to type and talking shit on a computer from a silent and invisible vantage point am I right?
classy :wink:

smart and good ppl listen, not attack. And if you really thought JQD was out of line by taking something personally or whatever, again I say to you,
theres the fuckin door.
Who’s raised some of you, seriously.
Trust me, I cant stand douchebags. Living in Brooklyn, I am literarily crowded by them. If I thought JQD was one, I would have sent him a private message or not read his posts and ignored him.

Ga ga goo goo

Correct me if I am wrong, however you seem like one of those guys, who are so desperate that they would rather trust madmen, than sign up for the baylor study, which is still looking for participants.

Homebrew has been tried for 10 years and failed.

Nobody will stop you from posting your experiences with homebrew (see mews post). However you will run into problems, when you claim that you have found the cure, while not providing anectdotal evidence by your patients or protocol followers.

Of course I believe it will be a dead end over and over again. But trust me, if you dont go full retard, and discuss ideas lvl headed mew wont ban you.

Its sad that you dont get your ass or fellow American asses to the studies, but instead follow protocols from people living in the basement of a mental home.

You are simple minded. you can’t think beyond how someone “claiming a cure” is annoying to you. You can’t see the importance behind continuing to self treat. So what if it has been attempted over the last 10 years with minimal success. Only cowards like you give up and stop because others have failed. You are a simple minded coward. Good luck waiting for the studies. Don’t come crying to us when you become extremely disappointed with the results. But that’s exactly what you will do, you will come crying to us because you are a coward.


[Size=4]Trusting science, participating in studies and donating= coward.

This equation only makes sense when you are one of the deluded, brain fogged and desperate cult followers of JQD.
Nobody is stopping you. There is an entire website happily accepting new cult members: See JQD link, if you want to be brought directly to the Messiah himself.

im just saying that the thread in particular was gaining some serious momentum and even if it was possibly a dead end protocol
at least there was some light, some hope.
I really don’t think hes a madman…excited and energetic yes, much to the dismay of some on here.
but no not a madman, look up the definition of “mad”.

When I spoke to dr Jacobs about this protocol he was totally willing.
He’s a doctor. He MUST protect himself from getting sued. that’s why they pay so much in liability insurance.
Do you honestly think he would offer to try or recommend a possible protocol if he thought it would be dangerous
or at least wasn’t worth venturing??

Did it ever cross your mind that their are people here who are doing all of those things you mentioned plus self treating with ideas that people like JQD suggest.

That’s how someone thinks who attacks their problems from every way they can. You say you are not for giving up, but yet you do not promote people attempting to self treat with Hormone drugs. How is that not giving up on a very available option ?

Ohh wait nevermind you’re just annoyed just JQD is calling his threads “I found a cure”.

The guy is trying very specific things and getting results, what do you expect him to think?

LOL your logic for being annoyed over this sounds kinda stupid now huh?

Reread awors post.

I know its hard to think clearly, when you have been thoroughly brainwashed by homebrew Messiahs.

If you dont think this thread is a insanity carousel, you must be seriously fogged.

OK enough of this, hes gone. You should be happy. Fuck man its like a never ending battle.

No more experiments!!! No more trying different hormone protocols! No more talking!! Just donate to the foundation and we can sit in silence

Btw, the irony is those begging to donate to the foundation probably give the least. It’s their way of making up for the fact that financially they arent in a good place to do so



In all seriousness, the bickering on this thread is quite clear. Those that support treatment protocols are probably 70-80% better, maybe off Finasteride a little longer, kinda see an end at the tunnel and those that haven’t been off the drug for 2-3 years or have had no noticeable improvements over the years. That’s really the division here, so for me, someone I proving constantly I support the attempts to treat and theorize more than someone who has crashed 6 months ago or someone who never saw improvements.

So the question Mew, do you allow those that haven’t improved or are very early in their PFS condition override those that are substantially improving, see a potential to improve, or those willing to try different treatments?

Who should win Mew?