Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

I started yesterday with citruline, arginine, carnitine and BCAA since it sounded like those made the most difference. There’s a thread called my regime and it’s working that outlines it in more detail (not mine). If you can’t find it I’ll link to it when I get home

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I do, I remember downloading a massive text file from there so I assume that’s it. I’ll read more about it when I get home from work.

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Can someone please post what this data is being used for, etc. before I upload my genetics? lol

please read this it answers your questions

Will do, thanks. Does it matter if my results are from before or after I was having this issue?

i’m not sure. might wanna ask @awor or @axolotl

Whwt was your protocol again?

What ever happened to OP, was this recovery bullshit?

I talk to Khera he told me that is not DHT what we need to rise, he said that is the substrate (T) and keeping it high, in fat Apr1989 that’s what he did using triptorelin and then he used tribulus.

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Can you please clarify this? He said what exactly? That Testosterone should be kept high? Did he give any reasons?

I used triptorelin 100 mcg a few times (with months in between ofc.), a few years ago. The first time I used it, it gave me excellent testosterone, estradiol and shbg levels after 3 weeks, but it didn’t hold, and didn’t do anything for the symptoms either. One more week later, all my hormone levels were back to the initial values. I used tribulus for a while as well, which also didn’t do anything.

I think all of these recovery claims on the forum are total bullshit, only a couple of people claim to have been cured and nobody seems to be able to replicate their recoveries. It’s really a waste of time and money trying all these, I know people are desperate, I’m also desperate but the only things this experimenting will accomplish is throwing away your money to drug companies and risking your health further.


Since instead you are a genius, what would you propose to do? Maybe continue to claim that there is no recovery and increase pessimism in the forum. Who is more sensitive and could even commit suicide by reading certain things. The forum should be a support place. If I needed pessimism, I would stay out.


I never claimed to be a genius, and I’m being realistic and pointing out facts. And the fact is, these method simply do not work, regardless of how many people try and repeat it again and again.

I have PFS since 2008 and have been a long time member of this forum (and a lurker before that) and it’s extremely sad to see the same mistakes being repeated again and again for years by a lot of people.

I’m not against experimenting, perhaps something good might come out of it one day, but maybe consider trying something new, preferably under the supervision of a doctor, instead of crap that’s been proven not to work before, many times.


Do not work? Have you seen how many people reported improvements and even complete recoveries by Tribulus at Apr18… thread?

Unfortunately there are too many people who prefer to be pessimistic. I think pessimism doesn’t help in any case.

does proviron supress your own T production ?

As I said, I’ve been following this forum for a very long time and all the people who claim improvement tend to come back later with the same symptoms or a worsening of symptoms. I have yet to see a believable recovery story which many others managed to achieve as well.

I want to recover as much as anybody, and I hope we all do, but these methods don’t seem to work at all, and sometimes it feels like I’m telling a bunch of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist…


Understandable position

So why on this forum in the first place ? If you believe there is no such thing as recovery. People who recovered dont visit this forum anymore.

Maybe he wants some support, maybe he wants to give some support, maybe he wants to keep abreast of scientific developments, maybe he’s waiting for a call to contribute to a study, maybe he wants to help steer people away from dangerous or risky things, maybe he wants to encourage people to contribute to the scientific effort rather than waste their time and money elsewhere.

I’m sure there could be other reasons.