Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

Yes true . I’m familiar with post AI syndrome

I think the estrogen receptors Erb and Era play a role in PFS.

There is a connection with serotonin and these receptors. I’ll post info on that when I have a chance. And I’m currently on the neurotransmitter path . So I believe there is a connection. Especially seeing that when I increase serotonin my constipation is cured.

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How do you supposedly ‘increase serotonin’?

Here is what I know:


Fact number (1) : I took a urine neurotransmitter test and seen that the amount of serotonin in my urine was not in the optimal range

Fact number (2) : I took L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and vitamin b6 for 64 days which are all things involved in the synthesis of serotonin

Fact number (3) : I took another urine neurotransmitter test and seen that my amount of serotonin in my urine was now in the optimal range

Fact number (4): my constipation was cured

Fact number (5): without doing any additional testing beyond the before and after testing in the initial experiment I came on and off L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and b6 five times and every time the constipation returned. Every time I went back on the L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and b6 my constipation was cured again

Fact number (6): I don’t know what the serotonin levels in my CNS are

Fact number (7): Anything NOT outlined in facts 1-6 related to serotonin levels in my CNS or any other assumptions that cannot be reasonably inferred by any of these facts are NOT things that I am presenting as facts


Yes it is dangerous, I wouldn’t try it if I knew how some people are destroyed from it yet, it improved me so much I returned from castrated state to somehow normal state… in my latest ultrasound I discovered that, I developed some calcification in my prostate my PSA is almost zero so, seems no BHP involved. I will do cycling but i am afraid to use it until the point of no return but, almost every time when I start to use it, I absolutely got restored sensitivity and normalized refractory period with no clear help on Ed.

What did you do again ? Increase serotonin?

I Did nothing I quit from everything and waited… as expected libido went down refractory period increased… on rutin exam they found my prostate stones…

It seems finally I have found something, i have normal total T (6.02 ng/ml) but I discovered that I have low bioavailable T holding at 1.82 ng/ml
Free T 0.252 nmol/ml (under lower limit which is 0.255)
Bioavailable T %30.3 percent…

I think aromasin fixes this so I felt some restoration on libido and desire…

I got Doppler results it seems I have venous insufficiency… how the hell aromatase inhibitor helps on vascular issue …

If you are located in the US I really think you’d be better off just going to a TRT clinic.

UG stuff you never know what you’re getting.

Also be really careful with Anastrozole. I know you don’t have used Finasteride but all the data we have show that PFS have very low estradiol in the central nervous system. 20 folds lower than controls.

Estradiol is very protective of the brain. So it might not be the best idea to use AIs at this point. Without estrogens in the brain dopaminergic neurons die and that’s not reversible.

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Hey @Cbrandel, I haven’t heard of this estrogen theory before about the 20 folds lower in PFS victims. Do you have any sources you could share?

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Hello @Scott.H

It’s not a theory, just data from the Melcangi study.

As you can see the control group had 0.4 pg/µL E2 and the unmethylated PFS group had 0.02 pg/µL.

That is a 20 fold change.

Also I have the data from another study where they showed 0.07 pg/µL in controls and undetected E2 in PFS patients. Their detection rate was 0.02 pg/µL so it must have been under that.


Bingo, thanks.

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No worries.

It’s also interesting to note the similarities.

Super high T.

Low Preg, Prog, DHP, DHT and E2.

I think this is one of the reasons TRT make some people worse. You don’t really want that high T in the brain, as it’s detrimental.

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I can tell you’ve been doing some serious research. Thanks for sharing some knowledge


If I see my doctor about this, what should I say?

Straight-up ask for HRT?

Ask for (possibly useless) bloodwork?

Just complain about symptoms?

I had a physical exam of sorts a year or so ago and they thought I looked perfectly healthy. Has anyone who looked superficially healthy had a productive conversation with their doctor?

Since we don’t know the etiology of the disease it’s impossible to answer, sadly.

We have some leads (AR overexpression) but it being the root cause haven’t been proven as of yet.

I think some of the admins here are trying to make studies to test the theory and maybe the foundation is also looking into doing research.

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Lion’s Mane permanently killed this Redditor’s libido, but he got on a stack of herbs that reversed it and intends to stay on it indefinitely.

I tried TRT for 8 months. Variable doses between 120-180mg. ED. EOD. E3D. E4D. I did not feel anything. As if I do not take testosterone. Also did not feel worse.

Now I still try to recover natural production since I stopped 3 months ago. Did a small PCT.

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