Your experiences with testosterone and AI usage has been exactly the same for me.
What dose AI are you talking about when you said you added it back in a few days after starting testostetone?
Even though I have not tried DHT cream yet, when I took DHEA at 150 mg per day I felt as if my prostate was growing as well. The way I figure it, if you are going to stay on the DHT cream and if you continue to feel like your prostate is growing along if you do not have complete urniary retention which is complete ability to piss I’m sure you will be fine. It’s prob a good ideato confirm this with a urologist that your prostate is not in such bad shape that you need to worry about urine back flowing and staining the kidneys.
In other words a little prostate enlargement and feeling that when you piss can’t kill you. But seeing a urilogist and getting a Psa test and possible a prostate exam and real advice is prob a good idea. Other thing it will do is confirm the dht cream is not making cancer grow faster or somthing.
Remember after DHT inhibiter usage we are all at a higher risk of high grade prostate cancer!! Somthing to keep on mind.
Studies show us guys who used DHT inhibiters can have prostate cancer but still normal psa levels!
Which means prostate cancer can be harder to catch early in us. With that said I go on the side of being paranoid when it comes to prostate stuff