FIN “insane” sleep dysfunction resolves (mostly) after 7.25(!) YEARS!

Yerp, I’m a 53yo lawyer in Denver, not crazy/misguided. I took FIN daily for 15 years but unfortunately FIN/PFS in 2014-15 triggered a SWARM of 13(!) demonically HORRIFIC maladies, including profound sexual, sleep, emotional dysfunction;,body feminization, hallucinations; double vision; vertigo/imbalance, etc.

As I’ve reported I’m incredibly fortunate worst-case PFS resolved in 2,5 years, see prior threads. (Unfortunately it’s a mystery and I have no magic solution).

But ‘insane” sleep dysfunction persisted until recently. I very rarely slept and somehow survived on “zombie rest” - mostly or partially conscious “sleep” quite miserable, short, and random. I’ve been on disability since 2016, trying to get it controlled.

In 2021 I sued Merck for sleep dysfunction only but filed late and had to dismiss. (You must file in two(!) years after discovering FIN caused maladies.)

But lo and behold on Dec 10, 2021, my brain sleeping controls mysteriously resumed working! I usually sleep 4 hours normally without drugs.

So once again Lady Luck has blessed me, probably undeservedly. I’m no different or better than other victims but somehow have been released from FIN/PFS trauma after FOREVERRRR!

Hang in there and good luck!

Mel H.

A post was merged into an existing topic: PFS recovery is “not impossible. “ In June 2017 I fully recovered (except sleep) - Anonymous1968’s post-PFS journal