Fighting with suicide, help

i need help. suicide crisis inccreased. i feel helpless. I need new methods of dealing with this. The thought that one day we will get better loses its credibility. I wake up the same every day

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Hi Yedek1,

Nice to meet you. Could you go outside ? Take walks in forests or nature places ? Avoid screens ?


Bro stay hard…it difficult I know. But if you stay alone speack about your family… Stay hard. Bro.

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Honestly, you should try ketamine as I’ve said before. It has been used when people feel suicidal. You’re not thinking straight right now and may need some help. Also, see a therapist ASAP and make weekly appointments.

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tomorrow i will go psiciatry doctor. but he will give me ssri. i dont want take it but
i feel compelled

Why don’t you mention ketamine to him? See what he thinks about it

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is there ketamine pills

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It should be administered through IV

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Weren’t u trying the 200 mg proviron protocol??

My friend, trust me, you’re still ok. I’d like be in your conditions. Life is still worth to be lived.
Find something that help you to detach your mind about sexual sides and spend all your energies on it.


@yedek1 I’m the same mate I’ve had it 20 years and I’m still here. When in it feels like it will never end and there is no hope. Everything I’ve tried med / supp wise has made me worse often after a brief reprieve. My advice would be to stay away from anything else. Distraction is key for me exercise, taking in nature, being around passive people, loved ones, water fasting can help take the edge of too. Belief and faith in god’s healing helps me. All of this hasn’t changed my overall position but it’s kept the worst from the door. While you’re in this world you still have hope. Hang on. Feel free to PM me anytime :heartbeat:


This is a tough spot we are in, but please have faith in a solution. We are indeed getting closer every day. And yes, get Ketamine IV treatment professionally administered. It worked for me when I was at my lowest, and if you don’t want that, you can take Wellbutrin for depression. It is not an SSRI, and will take time to work, and it does work. I’m proof of it.
There are a lot of us here, and we will overcome this hell. As I said, each day we are indeed closer. After 12 years of having this, I can tell you it’s ok being alive. Things do feel a little bit better.
I hope to hear back from you. You have a community that cares here.


i am taking wellbutrin 150mg for 2 months. little bit helps.

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how work this ?

Man, I would be careful with ketamine. I went hard one night 6 months ago and took ketamine, I sniffed it and my situation has become a lot worse. My body has become a lot more numb, you could say my pfs becane twice as bad. You can develop brain damage from it when addicted, and even though you only take it once you have to be careful with that stuff in our situation because we are not normal anymore. Same as with finasteride you are taking a chance since it has not been studied enough to ensure safety

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everyone, thanks


@yedek1 that’s why we’re here mate! For each other and for a better life. Fight on that’s what we do.

I am taking Wellbutrin 150 xr at 2 times per day, at least 8 hours apart. It’s working for me.

I’m not sure if this will help or hurt, but I just want to let you know that I personally have gotten better recently after a year of not getting better.

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