Feeling angry at myself

Yeah my muscle completely melted away over the course of about 2 years after taking Finasteride. Just completely withered and melted away lol. Lifted weights my entire life and had an incredible body. I’d workout high volume with weights and body weight for 3+ hours at the gym regularly. I lived at the gym basically. Now it’s like I’ve never exercised at all. Body is just like an old guy’s. I’m sorry this happened to you man. I’m considering trying TRT as I have low bioavailable Testosterone.


@Dknighten are you still losing muscle or has it plateaud? How about your gums are they on the same path… MIne seem to be in unison.

It seems to have stalled a bit, but I’m not able to gain muscle, and my skin is still completely loose, like an old out of shape guy’s. My fingers got fat, I lost my jawline, developed fat under my chin, loose fat around my lower belly, around my thighs. Skin is a dull, off gray color that doesn’t tan. Shit is fucked up man lol. On the outside (according to my friends), it looks like I just let myself go and stopped lifting weights and exercising. That’s one of the hardest parts about this, you can’t make others see and understand what’s really happened to you. As for my gums, I just got my 2nd gum graft. The first one did take, but not as much as the doctor was hoping. He took a 2nd, larger gum graft this time. I have thin and receding gums naturally that worsened with PFS. I suspect they will continue to recede and thin and that will be a gradual thing. My main concerns are my muscles, skin, fatigue, brain fog, etc.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I relate to it mostly. Looking like a lazy unfit lard arse to the outside world does suck big time. I used to feel the weight in my arms etc when walkng around now i feel frail and have also lost my looks, healthy glow. Its hard it really is and i get it. Im at the dentist on Wednesday so will see what he says, given youve had a 2nd graft gives me options i think. Thank you


I don’t think i will be able to continue with these muscle wastage and muscle weakness. My hands feel like it has nothing inside, i feel like i will endup in wheelchair soon. I wan’t to live so badly but idk…

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Yesterday i met a relative of mine and today he has got tested positive for covid. I am quarantine right now, if i get this covid my somewhat remaining health will also diminish. So scared right now.

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Even if you do test positive the chances are you’ll be fine man. Even the most vulnerable groups (those over 80 years old) have roughly an 86% chance of survival. Based on evidence there’s no need to overly worry yourself.

There are also now effective methods of treating Covid-19 in hospital settings, which did not exist at the start of the pandemic. Dexamethasone has shown to be very effective in treating severely affected patients.

Stay indoors, keep hydrated and keep an eye on any symptoms that appear. Anxiety will do you no good my friend.


For a long time, it felt like my joints and bones were made of glass. I would have to be very careful about getting up too fast or doing anything with a lot of effort because my body felt that fragile. Like everything that supports your musculoskeletal system just completely vanished. Basically like my body felt empty inside. It still does, but I do feel a bit less fragile if that makes sense. Maybe it was because of the fat gain everywhere. I’m considering either taking the testosterone gel soon or taking an R-andro cycle with the transdermal cream. I can’t sit here and tell you that things will get better because I don’t know that for certain. But the likelihood that you will improve is much higher than you getting worse. Hang in there man. The best things you can be doing is living the healthiest lifestyle you can at this given time. If it means walking outside in the sunlight for 10 minutes a day and avoiding sugar and drinking plenty of water, then so be it. All you (or any of us can do) is try to be the best version of ourselves possible at any given day. I’m falling way short constantly but I still hold on to the thought of getting back to normal some day.


Thank You for the encouragement Damon.

My joints have lost it’s strength as well, becoz of the loss of muscular and fat support around it. Legs are worst.

Have u considered on exogenous dht use? Yeah R-Andro is same i guess but something like proviron or andractim along with trt? But the main question is what if we don’t respond to it !!

I have tried proviron in various doses last year with pfs, when i took a tab i didn’t feel anything for 3 weeks but then started feeling androgenic. My muscles got solid, joint pain was gone, i could exersice. It lasted a week. I don’t know why that 1 tab took 3 weeks to respond !

I am trying to live a good lifestyle but has now got hit with this virus, don’t know how much back this will take me.

Do u believe constant exercising has made ur physical symptoms better?

I haven’t considered proviron or andractim but haven’t ruled it out. I’ll probably run an R-andro cycle soon for like 3-4 weeks to see if I notice anything. As for exercising no, I haven’t committed strongly to an exercise regime since PFS, but I have lifted weights, sprinted, done body weight exercises, etc with no noticeable improvement. My muscles don’t get pumped up anymore, I don’t get the endorphin boost or metabolic boost from exercise that I did prior to PFS. When I did exercise for a few months consistently, it still didn’t change anything. Overall, I feel very bad when I exercise, like there’s a rebound effect in my body.

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I am severely suffering from covid right now. :sob:. Will be admitted if my temperature doesn’t go down…

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Im sorry for you. Hope it Will become better shortly


My life is going straight away to suicide.

In the deepest crisis, only a very few friends stay with you. Than you are allone.


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Can’t blame them, i knew about PFS (atleast Sexual side effects) even before taking Fin and i still took the poison, i too thought people in the propeciahelp are nuts and are way too feeble to react this badly, Fin proved me wrong.


Me too, I had visited here because of a distressing side that was mild compared to full on PFS and the threads were all over the map regarding symptoms and recovery. As a result I stopped until my side cleared then restarted and now have lost everything. The worst cases and their triggers do not stand out to the casual reader.


It’s can be a surreal experience for anyone who has always been a healthy person, most of us had an ego as we had above normal libido…i was like “it would be better if this reduces my raging libido a bit”.

Mild PFS sufferers always eclipse the severe sufferers, everytime the only symptom that gets the limelight is ED…i would’ve never took this poison if it had written “beware, can disable u to death” which is actually what i am experiencing right now even after 19 months of quitting.


I think that the comments above demonstrate that finasteride at least has to be black boxed, if not out and out banned, unless by a miracle they produce an honest and accurate leaflet of side effects, but even that won’t be enough as as guys have said, we will actively put ourselves in harms way as we cannot compute any of this happening to is, or perform a dodgy risk assessment. The only thing to protect us is for some contritution on the part of the authorities and for this to be accurately reviewed and given the seriousness it deserves.


The only reason i acted in such a careless manner was becoz i come from a country where doctors are treated as Gods, superhumans. The risk assessment was all about considering whether we could take a chance with the drug and have that so called 2% chance of getting “some mild sexual side effects” or prevent our hairloss from the early 20s… when such comparisons are drawn by a reputed Doctor, anyone would fall for it. Usually at that age we act in an imprudent manner while taking such decisions and fall into this pithole.