famous users

Imagine if he got sides, that would get the ball rolling.

IF any famous person got side effects, he wouldn’t tell a sole about it and keep it extremely private with him and his doctor. It would be devastating to his manhood and reputation if anything ever came out… come on now…

Hahaha here is a famous guy that probably has PFS and doesn’t know it: Zach Lund.
He’s an Olympian skeleton racer, who got disqualified in 2006 for using finasteride – finasteride was only allowed later. He decided to stop taking it and to shave his head, and guess what he says a few years later?

“Maybe I’ll get a second wind, maybe I won’t,” said Lund. “I see guys like Matt Antoine and John Daly who are hungry and passionate, and they really want it. Here I am on the opposite side of the spectrum, and that’s not a good situation. I thought that the pressure would be off my shoulders this season and I could relax and enjoy sliding again, but I struggled doing that.”

Here is the article: http://www.universalsports.com/news/article/newsid=500600.html

did you contact zach and mention this? It would be good to get as many famous people as possible for our PR.

Hahaha here is a famous guy that probably has PFS and doesn’t know it: Zach Lund.
He’s an Olympian skeleton racer, who got disqualified in 2006 for using finasteride – finasteride was only allowed later. He decided to stop taking it and to shave his head, and guess what he says a few years later?

“Maybe I’ll get a second wind, maybe I won’t,” said Lund. “I see guys like Matt Antoine and John Daly who are hungry and passionate, and they really want it. Here I am on the opposite side of the spectrum, and that’s not a good situation. I thought that the pressure would be off my shoulders this season and I could relax and enjoy sliding again, but I struggled doing that.”

Here is the article: [url]

I tried to contact Zach to his westminstercollege email address, but it’s not valid anymore. Anyway, if you find another way to contact him, we should write him. Here is the draft of my email. Feel free to edit it before sending it to him:

Hi Zach,

I hope you get this email. This is m_81 from propeciahelp.com, a forum dedicated to persistent side effects of a drug we both know: propecia (finasteride).

I just read an article about you: suite101.com/content/olympics-skeleton-athlete-zach-lund-takes-leave-of-absence-a308266. First of all, I’m really sorry for your sad adventure with finasteride and doping committees; you must fee awful.

Unfortunately, reading about your use of finasteride and your current lack of passion for skeleton, the first thing I thought is that you suffer, together with me and thousands of other men, of the post finasteride syndrome, which is a widely unknown and misdiagnsed medical problem. The syndrome is developed during or after discontinuing finasteride treatment, may last indefinitely, and consists of a lot of symptoms, including, but not limited to the ones you have reported in the article, namely lack of initiative and lack of drive. You can find the list of symptoms here: propeciahelp.com/symptoms. It is believed that the symptoms are caused by some sort of androgen resistance/insensitivity.

Anyway, I truly hope that your lack of drive and passion are NOT due to this horrible problem. But, in case you also have other symptoms of this syndrome, then these problems are not “in your mind”, but are caused by lack of androgen activity. Be aware that there is a support group that can help you cope with them.


Does anyone know if Gary Speed used propecia? I can’t help but get suspicious…

lol doubt it, he had very good hair. Surprised you heard about that over there.

It’s all over the news. The fact that he had good hair may be due to propecia. Just because someone doesn’t seem to be balding, now, doesn’t mean he wasn’t if you know what I mean.

A few years ago I saw Canadian Comedian, Shaun Majumder, perform and he had a routine about going bald. Part of the routine talked about taking Propecia and the sexual side effects and how counterproductive they are versus keeping hair to score a beautiful girl, etc. It was all very light hearted but its quite possible that he did take Propecia and experienced the sides, likely short-term, as he is receding.


There is a famous priest in Brazil, named Marcelo Rossi (in portuguese Padre Marcelo Rossi if you want to google it). He has said many times on interviews that he is a user of Finasteride for many years (i am going to estimate anything from 8 to 12 years of finasteride, from what i could find). He was on tv tonight, and his physical transformation is amazing. He used to be skinny and lean and now his face is bloated, his arms have no hair, his skin is very womanly-like, and on this interview tonight he was clearly showing signs of brain fog and slurring of speech. He is 45 years old.

This is a picture of him a few years ago:

And this is a recent picture of him:

There is always news about his health problems (which eihter didn’t exist a few years ago or the media didn’t turn it into news):

  • bone oedema that wouldnt heal, he had to stay in a wheelchair for sometime
  • high blood pressure, since 2008 he has to take a medication to control it (only 45 y.o. skinny man)
  • back problems he that he blames on being too tall (or could be his bones getting weak after so many years on Propecia)
  • In 2007 he had a mild heart attack

What i want to point is… in 8 years, his health has declined in a rate that does not make sense for someone who was 37 years old in 2004. He was never overweight, and he used to exercise, even his mass was very active (he had some kind of aerobic singing about God and stuff). I have no doubt Finasteride is to blame.

Wow, that is frightening. Look at his teeth now too!

You should try to get in touch via email or something. It’s hard to imagine that someone could have numerous health problems and not google the medication they have been taking for years.

I am fascinated by the thought of celebrities taking finasteride. My favorite footballer Ryan Giggs was apparently taking it sometime last year and he was found to be having many affairs. Tiger Woods began balding rapidly a few years ago and I would imagine that he at least came across finasteride/ dutasteride and we all know about the huge sex scandal he was involved in. Robbie Williams (British singer) apparently took it and then claimed that he was dealing with a strange health issue with symptoms like PFS. He is now on testosterone treatment.



The teeth cannot be viewed objectively due to different white balance settings in each picture. The more recent picture has a softer, yellower tone in general.

The pictures of his face are strikingly different. Note the obvious facial swelling which gives him a more rounded, feminine appearance. In addition, in the more recent picture his eyes look smaller due to the rest of his face looking swollen and it appears that he cannot fully smile as he could in the older picture.

Wonder if Killers saxophinist Tommy Marth was a user.

They would likely be on this forum under a pseudonym.

I doubt anyone with serious money has this condition. I know if I was wealthy, I would put LARGE sums of money into discovering a cure for this.

Wealth != Fame

does anyone know if heath ledger took it? He had also hairloss and depressions…

We are not famous nor rich but many of us have spent smaller of bigger fortunes on solving this post-propecia issue and visited the best of the best doctors in Europe and followed instructions by other famous docs in the US.

There is no “cure” up to date for noone let it be poor or rich. So i doubt that anyone with any amount of money will have anything more to do than what we have done. There is no better doctor than the ones most of us have visited or followed.

Don’t be surprised if there are many famous people in here posting with nicknames or just following. Statistically speaking out of the 2300 users and the thousands of users that are just visiting at least 3-5% must be more or less known in their countries of origin. It could be more difficult for them to take a stance against this drug but some will and should definately do this for the sake of people’s health

It would be interesting to contact those known famous persons though and ask for their opinion and support on this, whether it is Wayne Roonie or Romario or Stiller or the rest of them. These are people that can definately help us make this problem worldwidely known, they have mass access to media, reporters take things they say for real and reproduce it consistently and people who follow them and look up to them as idols are in the millions.

They can be the best representatives of our issues.

Now we are trying to make this known through medical, research facilities - hair loss forum pipelines and a few (albeit important) tv channels who just host a few minutes report once in a while.

A report of a famous stunt though would make this issue reproduce day after day and hour after hour in mass media

Has anyone read this shit here?

I think, there are many famous Fin users. But, If I would be one of them and have PFS. I dont know, if I would tell it the world. It´s such a shame…who of you would go out and tell the world you have ED and a smal dick? :blush:

ONE DAY Merck and co will pay for this!!! :smiling_imp: Anyone here who can do a nice Voodoo on them? :wink:

Does anyone from Australia agree that Ian Thorpe seems to have PFS? He is clearly going bald, and he has talked about being in a very hard depression battle.