Explain exactly what PFS is

In one paragraph or less explain exactly what you know / think / believe PFS is. As regards to what has happened to our body chemistry / hormones. Don’t list sexual / side effects or things of that nature. Just how would you best describe it to a doctor / endocrinologist / scientist trying to treat you.

Well I’m going to assume the epigenetic theory would be correct maybe it silenced the gene or did something else to change the way the gene functions. If it wasn’t epigenetic then technically TRT or some other hormone treatment would work but clearly that’s not the case for us.

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Methylation of certain genes that’s stopping transcription thus inhibiting expression of those particular genes and the end product being androgen receptor dysregulation.

There still needs to be more studies to look at it from a cellular level but it could be that there is a driving force behind it all that’s stopping genes from reverting back to their original state, it could even be the over expression of androgen receptors so the body compensates by creating a low androgen environment.

Best to ask one of the moderators they have more experience in this field.

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Hi @Rogainestudy,

We have prepared a 5 page resource consisting of clinical study and literature review abstracts as well as a short covering letter to quickly inform medical professionals of the situation. It can be downloaded here:

Presumably as a rogaine user it would be worth taking one of the studies showing minoxidil as antiandrogenic and a 5alpha reductase inhibitor and just noting the overlap between your symptoms as well as to the pharmocological action of finasteride. These studies can be retrieved here:

I hope that helps.

Best regards,



Spall’ a sott!