I’ve been trying to work out this cortisol/energy issue for a long time. I can feel extreme anxiety but at the same time I also have many down periods throughout the day energy wise and waking up after sleeping is extremely difficult which I think indicates very low cortisol. Like I’ll wake up and simply moving doesn’t work well besides rolling over and going back to sleep which happens almost instantly if I don’t force it to not happen and get up in which case I get hit with some disorientation and feel like a zombie before I get my supplements in me and head to the kitchen to get the coffee on ASAP. I have actually tried a low dose of adrenal cortex before and noticed my anxiety just skyrocketed and I got a little bit more sensory brightness but nothing else. For an extra boost when I was experimenting with that I added yohimbine and got a little more physical mobility and a slight uplift in mood but barely anything and no sexual functioning improved either while on that combo (this was much earlier on though when I was far worse, I haven’t tried this experiment now but I also don’t want to as I might mess something up).
I think I have high cortisol and other excitory transmitters at times but there is something jacked up with my receptors and I can only imagine their expression got extremely upregulated to a level so high that no amount my body was normally making of the neurotransmitters was even hitting enough of those receptors and over time they are slowly going back to baseline as improvements in feeling excitement, emotions, and general energy seem to also come hand in hand with how physically able I can be and how well I can feel things like endorphins from exercise or a sense of reward or interest from things. I have had one of my worst crashes of all time on l-theanine super early on too which doesn’t appear to effect cortisol but I believe can cut down dopamine transmission and I felt like I was going to collapse and the hypersomnia, numbness, and anhedonia problem at that time got even worse for a week. I also had a smaller crash that lasted some days from reintroducing quercetin where it also felt like all signalling in my brain just dropped out again and I became completely zombified. Though there was an interesting point in my case where I had become intolerant to my own methyl-b12 which would increase the burning brain, head pressure, negative state of mind, and sexual dysfunction. Methyl-folate would make everything worse too but in the specific way of uncontrollable anxiety and dread with further sexual dysfunction. I need the methyl-b12 though to function cause when I took it out the burning brain and associated issues went down a bit with the least improvement in the constant feeling of dread, fatigue (got far worse without the b12), and sexual functioning. Adding in cyan-b12 at the same dose didn’t work for me and made the sexual dysfunction much worse to the point where I couldn’t even get an erection and put me in a near panic attack like state for hours without giving me any energy but did not induce the burning brain thing again. I managed to be able to reintegrate methyl-b12 again at 1000 mcg with the help of another supplement I’m still on now and don’t seem to be able to crash from methyl-b12. If I increase the dose now to 2000 mcg I get more overall functioning back but my anxiety levels get out of hand, I get sound sensitivity issues with increased tinnitus, and my body gets a bit more rigid in movement.