Excessive urination what is the real cause? vasopressin?

very few guys have tested this important hormone.
A lot of us including my self are suffering excessive urination post Fin/SP side effects. Many of us are blaming this on prostate which I never agreed with.I have been blaming it on weaker bladder muscles but how would you describe increased urine volume? I feel my urine volume has slightly increased and it is colorless, not brownish and concentrated like old days.I think we guys lack vesopressin.

Look at it’s functions and you will see we fit to this low vasopressin scenario.

One of the most important roles of AVP is to regulate the body’s retention of water; it is released when the body is dehydrated and causes the kidneys to conserve water, thus concentrating the urine and reducing urine volume

I highly recommend any one going to get blood test to include this important test in his blood test.

my urine is very dark, particularly in the morning and the flow is quite light.

Interesting is there anyway of increasing vesopressin ?

we need to first establish the fact. if your blood test does not show low Vasopressin then don’t use any thing.

We may have this condition.


Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a condition characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine, with reduction of fluid intake having no effect on the concentration of the urine. There are several different types of DI, each with a different cause. The most common type in humans is central DI, caused by a deficiency of arginine vasopressin (AVP), also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The second common type of DI is nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, which is caused by an insensitivity of the kidneys to ADH. It can also be an iatrogenic artifact of drug use.

Although they have a common name, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus are two entirely separate conditions with unrelated mechanisms. Both cause large amounts of urine to be produced (polyuria), and the term “diabetes” is derived from the Greek name for this symptom. However, diabetes insipidus is either a problem with the production of antidiuretic hormone (central diabetes insipidus) or kidney’s response to antidiuretic hormone (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), whereas diabetes mellitus causes polyuria via a process called osmotic diuresis, due to the high blood sugar leaking into the urine and taking excess water along with it.

The incidence of diabetes insipidus in the general population is three in 100,000.[1]

dark urine is the same as before taking Fin or it happened after the sides? if happened to after the sides did you mention to your Dr? this is not good sign.

It happened after fin I said it to a doctor but he wants to do more tests which I cant afford right now.

Has anyone here being diagnosed with Diabetes insipidus ?

if happened after fin , check your Liver Enzymes.

How bad for the liver is fin ?

anybody has tested his vasopressin level?

Anybody with abnormal level of vasopressin, too high or too low?

A higher-than-normal level of ADH may be found in people with heart failure, liver failure, or some kind of kidney disease. A lower-than-normal level may indicate: Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Central diabetes insipidus (a condition in which the kidneys are not able to conserve water)

I still have this issue.
When I feel bad (or crash as described here) I start peeing excessively . My body temperature falls ,BP falls, hands and feet become cold, start feeling tired etc etc.
I am sure with excessive urination body loses electrolytes, salts and nutrients that is why muscles become weak. So I started drinking Gatorade which made me feel a lot better.
I have not seen any body with lower than normal Vasopressin here (am I wrong?). So the cause of excessive urination is not lack of vasopressin ( or do wee need more data before makin conclusion?).

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To get an idea of excessive urination once I used 500 ml water bottles and I filled almost four bottles within an hour. Mostly this extra volume urination occurs during prolonged physical activity or standing for long period of time. Urine becomes like water with no color or odour.

I’ve had excessive urination for over a decade and compensated by drinking more. I relate with what you describe from back then . Vasopressin and ADH came back normal a number of times, in recent years it has become much worse, urine is always dark the need to urinate is often initiated by foods and peristalsis, it seems to be also related to all of the allergies and inflammation. It’s always large amounts too and dark in colour. Occasionally protein and keytones have been identified but generally normal. Skin is like powder, scaling on legs, dry mouth whitetongue. When I drink it goes straight through me. Loss is greater than intake. Bodyweight loss is also apparent. I eat a lot of white potato which are 75% water which settles my worries to a small degree. When I was doing better last year the urination and digestive issues were both less prevalent.

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I had excessive urination the month after I quit SP as things were going under, then it stopped and things got even worse. After that I stopped having the issue but it was replaced with dry mouth that came with dry red eyes too and extreme thirst all the time where I’d drink a lot but not urinate too much. What did come out after that was really dark and smelled horrible for a while often though. Not sure what any of that means but I didn’t have any specific kidney pain so I assume it wasn’t my kidneys themselves.

I find these to help reduce cortisol level. I have never tried any of these.
Please note I am not recommending any one to try, just for information.
Interestingly many on this forum have tried Rhodiola and felt better.

Rhodiola in the morning
ashwagandha in the evening.
Magnesium bisclicinate before bed and after waking up
Phospatidylserine with a meal.

I am sure you have done your due diligence and ruled out kidney or liver issues.

I see high cortisol level is a big player in pfs. My all blood tests show high level cortisol and CRP. Many other report high level of cortisol.
Our bodies are stuck in fight or flight state and high cortisol is eating our muscles (Cortisol induces the loss of skeletal muscle by the breakdown of contractile proteins and the mobilization of amino acids )
Note below we have thin skin and increased urination due to high cortisol level.
From “https://www.healthline.com/health/cortisol-level#purpose
Symptoms of high cortisol levels
Cushing syndrome is a collection of symptoms associated with high cortisol levels. The most common symptoms include:

• increased urination
• increased thirst
• fatty tissue deposits, especially in the midsection and upper back
• pink or purple stretch marks on the skin
• weight gain
• fatigue
• muscle weakness
• thinning skin that bruises easily
• Women may have irregular periods and excess facial and chest hair. Children may show delayed physical or cognitive development.
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Thanks man, I have high bilirubin which is common in us and a few other signs of liver disease. Kidney tests are fine. Ashwangha and Riodola weren’t good,. Cortisol has cut through my tissues like butter I’ve been on tocilizumab in the past which did bring down crp. My Cortisol levels are OK so expect I’m stuck with over expression which has only worsened with time.
I try to manage stress levels as best I can but it’s v difficult when fight or flight/limbic disfunction has the body primed and reacting to everything

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