Effects of Higher Dose Progesterone on PFS

People don’t respond to testosterone, ecstasy, mdma, androhard, progesterone. Why?
I would say because we don’t have AR or they are blocked.

Light at the end did mdma on pfs and then cured. First he wouldn’t get higher libido, cured he had gone to his girlfriend house because of high libido.

Guys didn’t respond to many things cdnuts tried, he always cycled testo-boosters.

Two ideas. The first. We need to get AR back with testo-boosters (we need to search how to make them work/work better etc) then progesterone will do what its supposed to do, oppose estrogen and remove it. I will try to get a better response adding bile acids and fiber, maybe zinc.

Second idea: We just respond to any good and real protocol after getting the receptors back. That’s my thought and I have plenty evidence about it.

Progesterone is for transsexuals. Maybe instead of speculating we should go to the study(s) and work only on deficiencies found in blood work. For Example there is no such thing as Neuro Estrogen. I and others have a normal reactions to low E2 using DEX. Don’t be a fool! Constantly trying random things isn’t going to fix you. You guys are hanging onto 1:1000 chance of a random recovery by random things, its time to move on.

Quick update. I went into an off period of no progesterone and am now back on it. I have added selegiline back into the mix so the current stack is

Brewers yeast (b vitamins) in the morning
tongkat ali, 6 days on, 3 days off continuously cycling
Maca powder randomly, like: [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0] etc
Progesterone at least 15 mg a day up to 20 to 25 mg
Working out with heavy weights at least every other day, sometimes every day
Occasional sprinting, like twice a week
2.5 selegiline every day

I’m not cured but my symptoms are obviously lessened and I might have a better baseline (how I feel when I’m not on anything). Very strong nocturnal erections and morning wood, but this has always been the case for me when I take Tongkat Ali. I have less anxiety, more personality although not where it should be. As of right now I could keep this routine up indefinitely and feel better all the time so that’s a big plus for me, another way to cope with this until a cure is found. I no longer have to take zinc or baking soda to get rid of brain fog which is nice.

As for changes I’ve felt while on selegiline/Deprenyl, It’s too early to judge as it takes 2-3 weeks to really start working.

I want to add that one other person has messaged me mentioning they started using 15-20 mg of progesterone and it got rid of symptoms but their libido decreased / was lost.

Not sure if anyone is reading this, but I would like to keep this just a log of what happened and how I felt while on these things, not a place for theories. If you have a question feel free to message me or if you have a question about a specific post then of course respond within here. thanks

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Here’s a quote from someone else who has benefited from starting to use higher dose progesterone along with some other supplements in the past month:

Could someone explain what would be the advantage of taking the progesterone cream in the morning instead of in the evening?

I’ve seen it suggested to take morning, night, or split into doses morning and night. I think it comes down to personal preference. I do it in the morning for no specific reason. Find what’s best for you

I’ve been on selegiline for seventeen days now and I still need to wait longer to give it a chance. Right now I don’t think I feel much of anything.

I’ve continued my progesterone, tongkat, maca and b-vitamins and have experimented with upping the progesterone to around 45 - 50 mg. I don’t think I felt much different on those days…there was one day where I felt really really good on it but I can’t replicate that day so I think it must just be a coincidence or something. As of right now I can’t say there’s much difference for me when I take 15-20 mg or 40 mg but will keep playing around with it.

My libido has not changed while on this, if anything it may be a little less but it’s tough to say. My other symptoms are definitely better as I have clearer thinking, better energy, better mood, deeper voice.

I also found this article which I found was interesting:

This perfectly describes what other people have reported with progesterone. They take a low dose (5 - 10 mg) and say they feel awful and they stop when they possibly should have increased the dose.

This suggests anywhere from 10-100 mg a day. I should add that I pulled this off of a regular website and am trying to verify where they got their information. Is it from a doctor? A study? A book? There are many of the references listed at the bottom so it’s taking awhile for me to find it but right now I don’t put much weight on it just because it’s “just something someone somewhere said”, although what it has said has definitely been true for me I will always prefer a level of scientifically validated data or a doctors real world experience / information. Here’s the site if you want to read more:

growyouthful.com/remedy/prog … references

I’m going to keep on with the selegiline for a few weeks and if I don’t feel anything I’ll either increase my dose or drop it completely. Still enjoying the protocol for right now.


for how long did you take baking soda ? why you did?


I have been taking baking soda in water for around 3 to 4 years whenever I have bad brain fog. Sometimes it completely cures the brain fog temporarily, where other times it clears me up enough to get by. If you are going to try this keep in mind there are stipulations, you should not take it 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating and only a small amount of baking soda is needed in a full glass of water. Please pm me for more details or questions on this


Since higher dose progesterone has allowed me to tolerate testosterone boosters and lifting weights (without progesterone I feel awful when doing these things) I decided that I could try taking thyroid hormones again to see if they became effective. Last time I took thyroid meds they gave me horrible brain fog and I did not feel good on it so I had to stop.

I renewed my prescription for Armour thyroid which has the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in it and started dosing on 02/04/2015. It takes awhile for the thyroid to start using this (usually around 2-3 weeks) and so at first I felt nothing which was better than last time when I felt bad. Now that I’ve been on it for awhile I can say I definitely feel even better, have an better mood, concentration, motivation and possibly even a little hornier but nothing to write home about. I am not cured and am not 100% but feel better and am finally tolerating thyroid medication. I was curious so I started searching online and found this:


I have also found many web sources that say too much estrogen can block thyroid hormone, it seems to be pretty common knowledge.

I should also add that I have continued my selegiline dosing and even increased it to 5mg for a short time. I’m feeling very good lately and I’m not sure if it’s the thyroid medication of the selegiline so I plan on removing the selegiline and how I feel as a result of that will let me know which one of them is working. I also have an appointment with my endocrinologist and will see about increasing my thyroid dose. I’m still cycling Tongkat Ali, and using Maca sparingly as well as keeping my gut clean by eating clean etc.

After PFS crash I feel like I’ve been living my life at around 50% of my normal self (was probably 25% right after crash) and for the past several weeks I have sustained myself at around 65% or so.

I’m looking forward to finding out if the thyroid medication is helping me or if it’s the selegiline, either way I think I may be able to get up to like 70% of my normal self and every little bit helps.

I went into an off period from progesterone for six days to see what would happen since I am still on thyroid medication and testo boosters. Typically without progesterone I would expect to have horrible brain fog and feel lethargic, especially with the thyroid medication.

After the fifth day I started feeling some fog coming back but I hung in there, the sixth day came and it came on worse along with apathy. By the seventh day I had horrible brain fog and felt extremely apathetic, basically exactly how I remember while being on thyroid medication. Because I had been with no progesterone for several days I knew I would need a lot to catch back up so I dosed 40 mg right off the bat. Brain fog continued along with apathy but was a little better. I then put on 20 more for a total of 60 and felt noticeably better and an hour or so later I put on 20 mg more for a whopping 80 mg and now I feel fine again. I believe I needed such a high dose because of the thyroid medication but it worked. No brain fog, better mood, although the apathy may still be lingering a bit I can think straight and don’t have anxiety.

This reinforces the idea that progesterone is allowing me to tolerate the thyroid medication and test boosters and that starting off with low dose progesterone is ineffective unless you continue for long enough for it to build up in your system. You can skip the weeks of loading with 5mg by titrating your dose upward until you feel how you want to.

I’m going to remain on the thyroid medication for a few months and see if it does anything at all and will be restocking my progesterone as it’s a life saver for now.

Brainfog why dont you try tapering the dose. Have your body make up the difference. Can I ask does your brain fog fluctuate at all with eating. Mine seems to come and go with eating.


Hi BJamin, I do always taper or “titrate” the dose upward, and then downward as needed, rarely will I just stop cold turkey. That’s a great observation BJamin, yes, my brainfog has always fluctuated with eating. Right after I eat in the morning a fog will come on but if I skip eating then I’ll be pretty good. At night it is not as apparent.

UPDATE: I’ve had to go off of the thyroid supplements, it was just too much. I stayed on much longer than I did previously but started feeling pretty bad and was having to take massive doses of progesterone to ward off the bad effects. I stopped about two weeks ago.

In the meantime I have continued higher dose progesterone (at least 20mg a day and sometimes 40) as well as selegiline which I have upped my dose to 5mg (which is still on the lower side). I will be making a separate thread to log the positive effects I’ve been feeling on selegiline.

I’m going to get off of progesterone for a few weeks and see how I feel and then possibly cycle back on. Feeling good, libido not budged.


I am getting lost when it comes to your progesterone experience. What is your current thoughts on this? Did it help? If so in what area?


Higher dose Progesterone (20 mg titrated up until desired effect) has given me the benefits listed in the first post:

-Stronger nocturnal erections
-Lifting heavy weights used to make me feel awful afterward and even the entire next day. I can now lift heavy weights as long as I apply 15-20 mg of progesterone
-Test boosters used to give me a horrible lethargic feeling as well as brain fog. Now they no longer give me brain fog but I speculate they still aren’t as strong as they would be if I did not have PFS.
-More energy
-Clearer thinking
-Less anxiety
-Deeper voice
-Better sleep, earlier to bed earlier to rise

It has not boosted my libido. Basically it allows me to do things that enhance my life; for instance, lifting weights keeps me in shape, feeling higher energy, increases cognition etc and I am only able to receive these benefits when taking progesterone because if I lift weights without progesterone I start feeling awful after around 4-5 days; most likely due to estrogen rebound.

Progesterone does give me the above listed benefits on its own but has a synergistic effect when used with testosterone boosters (most likely due to its ability to clear excess estrogen) that I would otherwise not be able to endure. So it has a direct and indirect effect on me feeling better.

Yes i aupport this thyroid idea i was hypo after pfs now on meds and good. Try to decrease eastrogens

growyouthful.com/remedy/prog … one-in-men

I too am using TD progesterone. I can only use tiny doses approx 3-4mg/day, split up during the day.

I feel great on progesterone - clearer thinking, more energy/confidence/happy etc. The only bad effect is on libido.
My balls have gotten smaller and my erections are weak. On higher doses of prog my libido is absent.

I also take a tiny dose of TD 7-Keto Dhea with the progesterone. The progesterone converts into cortisol and the 7-Keto acts to balance any excess cortisol. This really help alot. Before taking this I would get weight gain depressed mood etc from the prog.

When i take normal Dhea or Pregnenolone I get high conversion to estrogen.

If I could get my libido back in action I would be 100%. I may look into selegline or herbal test boosters.

Have any of you tried TD pregnenolone. It can convert to progesterone, Dhea, Estrogen etc. Supposedly it is better for men to take than prog as it doesnt have the same anti-androgen effects. I took it a couple of times and felt great. However my estrogen crept up and arimidex etc could not reduce it. I may try it again at the tiniest of doses.

Thanks for the info on TD 7-keto DHEA, I may have to try this later on after doing some reading. If you do try transdermal pregnenolone let me know how it goes please.