DYSPHAGIA I feel like I am going to die as well and a warning about NAD+ supplements

Are you doing fine now? I’ve actually had what I thought was LPR before in the form of excessive phlegm in the throat. I also had periods of excessive saliva after PFS unrelated to what I have now.

Both have subsided before this dysphagia developed. Excessive saliva this time is secondary to the disordered swallowing. I actually have to adopt a LPR unfriendly diet to avoid choking. Greasy foods go down easily. White/lean meats, fiber, whole grains, nuts, many fruits and vegetables, anything dry, crumbly, or brittle will have me begging for God hacking for hours.

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Yes, for the most part I’m doing fine now in that regard, still have to keep my bed tilted though. It took about another year for the excess salivation to fully subside. Rarely it will come back after eating, but usually it passes fairly quickly.
Sorry I can’t offer any other advice really in regards to the dysphagia aspect because I’ve never dealt with it. Do you think going on a purely liquid diet temporarily would help?

Did you know that no one is recommending you to take NAM but NMN or NR?

NAM is known to cause opposite effects as do NMN and NR (which are fueling and activating sirtuin genes, DNA protecting and repairing molecules) NAM blocks them of functioning

That seems to be the case in vitro, in vivo it’s more debatable what actually happens.

To be honest the research on this is not mature enough to draw any definitive conclusions yet.

I haven’t taken the time to look into the sirtuins much at all though, I just found that study by a quick search on pubmed.

To put it very simple:
Sirtuins (humans have 7 of them) are the body’s protector down to a cellular level.

But if you take the time:

How do you feel today?


Bad enough for my parents to beg me to screen for lung cancer.

It feels like complete misery, utter torture, but I stay fighting.


Hello Mecked, shit your parents in trouble with your state of health. I don’t know how old are you and where you are from. And how you get this shit. I’m very interested to get more details about you and your situation. It’s a funny thing but as closer we all to another as better our feeling, because all of us have lost connections, fiancee and friends some everything outside.


i think i had some dysphagia symptoms when i developed panic disorder over a year ago.

although not nearly as severe as yours, no where close. i was able to manage my panic disorder symptoms with keto diet

but take that with a grain of salt

feel better soon

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My larynx goes weak. As side sleeper I have nights problem with hanging through larynx, breath and salvia. Do you have this problem? Because of your muscle loss in your neck muscles.

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Sorry, I haven’t responded in days. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I don’t have much energy to reply plus I am still struggling with my dysphagia coughing like a dying man everyday.

I am a side sleeper too. At night I feel tightness in my throat muscles like they aren’t contracting or relaxing properly, but I don’t feel like they are collapsing. I don’t know if there is any muscle loss. My problem at night is trying to clear out my trachea of all the debris and saliva so that means coughing violently for an hour or so before I can get any sleep.

Thanks, lakehouse. I don’t get panic attacks and not a lot of anxiety but I wonder if you ever got a problem with excessive saliva. I don’t know why that goes hand in hand with my dysphagia.

Glad that ordeal is over for you now.

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I only had excessive saliva when my panic attacks would get triggered. It would happen right before i would dive into a full blown 3 hour panic episode, almost like a warning

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I am such an idiot. Anyone know how to clear out peanut butter from your trachea?

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no clue , good news is you wont get hiccups now :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet eventually someone will develop chronic hiccups from PFS from all the experimentation with all the new supplements coming out every week. I wouldn’t want to be that person.

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Oh god, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cooooooof

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I am not getting better. With every swallow I drown on my own saliva. Every day I am keeled over coughing so hard I am close to passing out. Just pure agony, unthinkable horror.


I’m afraid getting no breath, through my weak larynx. It just functions.
For you the maximum horror is true.
It’s so unbelievable. Where you have to go through.
So what’s your actual state. Do you stay at home. Can you go to work. Are you able to eat?

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You have trouble breathing during the day? Could you describe it more?

Yeah, I am home-bound. I’ve been disabled and unable to work for a few years now, even before PFS struck. It started with sleep apnea which developed into severe insomnia and severe fatigue, then I took finasteride and that was it. This is all on top of a severe learning disability, too.

I was supposed to get jaw surgery for the sleep apnea, it was my way out of disability. It was where all my hope lied. I spent thousands of dollars to be on braces for years to prepare for this surgery. But with these new PFS developments and the question of how I respond to certain antibiotics, that road is now closed for me forever, I think. Not sure how I am supposed to survive on my own eventually.

I can still eat on a limited diet. Anything that crumbles or is fibrous would make me gag immediately. I blend all my fruits and vegetables. It helps a lot to have a good blender, but no matter what I swallow, be it food, water, or saliva, some of it will inevitably collect inside my trachea.

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