I have an appointment with him on Thursday.
So what is the last finding? Is there at least a hint in what one should do? I am from Austria and am really thinking about flying to Michigan and visiting Dr. Crisler. Has he been able to help at least some of you guys?
He didn’t help me out. Don’t waste your money on that plane ticket.
I’ve helped myself out without any strong support from anti-aging medicine doctors.
Daily: 20 mg hydrocortisone broken up in 4 doses; 0.5 mg pramipexole in the morning, a Vitamin E pill, and an application of Andractim.
Once a week: 250 mg HCG and 80 mg testosterone enanthate (these are both injections).
I’ve seen Dr. Irwig, Dr. Crisler, and several other anti-aging doctors. Nobody knows how to treat this syndrome yet so unfortunately there is no set protocol on how to respond to us. If you show symptoms of low T, the doctor may put you on HCG, T, or both. In some cases they may try Clomid for several weeks. I’ve tried many protocols and eventually settled on the above. I’m still far from my true self, but my quality of life has greatly improved. Not saying that it will work for you as well, but if you’re really determined on any treatment, get basic testing done and supplement in areas where you note a deficiency.
Lol, I implore you my friend, don’t waste your money for a trip here, you’ll get ripped off big time. I live in Michigan and and have seen him myself. He’s a nice guy, but I’d say he’s helped only a handful of guys with PFS, myself not included. I’ve only counted 2 on this forum.
He doesn’t do anything special, or have any sort of protocols catered to you specifically, he has about 5 or 6 different protocols, which have gone unchanged for 4 or 5 years now, and hopes one of them stick. More often than not, it’s a dead end, and none do.
Hm ok, thank you for that info. I had hoped there was at least one doc that knew what is going on…
I flew across the other side of the world to see the guy and he is nothing but a fraud, don’t waste your time or money
Don’t waste your money, I found him to be arrogant and patronizing. He doesn’t listen and then comes out with BS reasons why this or that didn’t work in the past. He treated the idea of PFS like it was some straight up hormone problem that could be fixed with a few drops of the old man juice. Having had experience of hormones in the past I didn’t buy into what he was saying. He’s a great voice for the male TRT community but we are a long fucking way from those guys who get better with a simple fix of T and estrogen blockers.
I have a similar sentiment about him. He was very arrogant, and quick to recommend TRT.
In hindsight i wish I had tried TRT however. Now almost 10 years later I still have never tried it. I wished I had. I don’t think it can make anything worse, only better. If any of my ideas are correct regarding the prostate being part responsible, a good dose of TRT for a few months could possibly help the prostate pump itself up and rehab, idk…
But still, think it def coulda been worth a try. 3-4 different uros suggested I try it. I should have! It won’t hurt you if you take it for a few months. Might help you get over the hump!
Crisler is an under qualified opportunist and I say that without trying to incite any heated debate.
There are very few doctors truly interested in PFS and even fewer with the qualification to bring anything to the table.
I think it’s unfair to call him a fraud or an opportunist. In general, nobody cares about our situation ! For once, if someone is interested in the subject, no matter what he does can only help us move forward.
I think it’s better to have everyone go through one (or just a few) specialist rather than all over the place. Of course he doesn’t have a treatment or protocol. Nobody does. But with time, his expertise will develop and he should start to see patterns develop. And moreover, having an « expert » in the domain can only help promote this syndrome.
Too many lives have been wasted. My feels like it’s ended. Seems like a dead end road.
Let’s encourage doctors who agree to work with us.
I think there are some concepts worth keeping in mind for the PFS patient when approaching treatment, to help you find better success.
In my experience, the PFS patients tend to “jack rabbit”. By that, I mean they simply do not stick with any protocol long enough to give it a legitimate try. Just as it takes a while for the ripples to reach the edge of the pond, it takes time for the medications to find their way deep into the tissues, and then for the various feedback mechanisms to find their new baselines.
I’ve had guys come to me, not do a single thing I recommended, then call me a “fraud”. Yes, that has happened.
I’ve also noted a number of PFS sufferers who proclaim that since we have not yet figured everything out about PFS, then anyone who can not completely cure it is a “fraud”. Should we have said that about cancer, for instance?
For the record, I have never stated I know how to cure PFS. I hear that one, too. But if we can provide symptomatic relief, and the PFS is seriously having difficulty just making it through his day, IF we can reduce the number of symptoms from 8 down to 2, haven’t we accomplished something worthwhile?
I was recognizing, and trying to treat, PFS, when there were maybe four of us in the world. Back when I risked my medical license to do so. Please keep that in mind. But it is VERY satisfying for me to see how far the science has progressed, and what a great job this message board has done. I came here to catch up on what the Academics are doing.
I am no longer associated with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, as I now teach for the Age Medical Management Group. But it baffles me that anyone would find fault with these groups, as they are a couple of the very few where the absolute top clinicians in the world hang out. While the rest of conventional medicine is still arguing that TRT causes heart attacks and prostate cancer, these groups long ago proved it does not–and got busy figuring how to actually apply the medical therapies. They are the cutting edge–and that is where the PFS guy needs to be.
Some PFS guys are very quick to criticize, and the worse part of this is it deters my colleagues from even wanting to be associated with you. This has to be a movement.
When I first got PFS I was totally blinkered by the need for testosterone as a means of cure or treatment. When this didn’t work I became skeptical of those who said it would work. We have seen that some PFS patients will respond to treatments that raise testosterone such as clomid. However, there is probably alot more success stories that we don’t know about because not every PFS patient signs up to one of these forums and shares their story. In my own case I have learned that there are other ways to improve symptoms of PFS. Working on adrenals has helped. Using adrenal supplements, hydro-cortisone creams, cortisol tablets and thyroid medications have all provided relief. The successful treatment of depression can also be very important in relieving extreme fatigue and actually lifting much of the physical tiredness associated with PFS. I don’t think people realise just how much tiredness is caused by depression, this is something I overlooked at first due to being so focused on testosterone that I missed other important treatments. Of course to work on different aspects of PFS requires open minded, progressive thinking doctors. These doctors willing to manage multiple hormones are usually practicing anti-ageing medicine or TRT. In Europe that’s Thierry Hertoghe and in the US there’s a much wider choice. The website excelmale.com is a good starting place for discussion on hormone therapies and finding an open minded doctor such as Dr Crisler. Anyone new to PFS shouldn’t give up hope early on if they are unable to respond to synthetic testosterone as there are other ways to help relieve some of the symptoms and improve quality of life.
I believe Dr Crisler, and I am shocked at some of the comments calling him a ‘fraud’. I don’t get that impression at all.
There’s a lot of more-than-necessary desperation here. I think emotional side effects of PFS are causing some of these reactions.
@Dr Crisler: please excuse my co-forumers, I think there’s a silent, reading-only majority who are behind you
100%. I find your posts very, very interesting and encouraging.
If this forum had a ‘like’ button function I think we would have a better picture of how many people truly support you and are egging you on.
Doctor, I do not know him enough. But I thank you for the simple fact of expressing your concern. And to be registered here.
Thank you, and I hope you continue fighting with us.
I do not know those who make negative messages to you, but in my opinion, we are people psychologically affected by depression, very disempowered with the medical system, and that can lead some to distrust. For me, seeing a doctor registered in the forum is already make me happy.
I speak spanish and use english translator.
Force everyone.
Thanks for the support doctor
I followed a Dr. Crisler type of HRT protocol for 6 months before taking fin. Somehow I later read into Dr. Hertoghe’s thoughts more regarding finasteride when I started losing hair from the TRT and ended up taking the pill. Basically listened to a guy who was on Hertoghe’s balls and thought these two were so correct.
Anyone saying finasteride is ok for a young man is a horrible person. I don’t get where my mind was- just don’t get it. I am not a stupid person either- horribly naïve though.
Dr. Crisler is spot on in the fact he can definitely provide the best type of HRT for our time. Unfortunately some of us not only are non responders to T, but T, preg these hormones that are supposed to be so great for the male body and would “feel” so good to me in the past- now make me feel horrible.
Testosterone cream- this gave me such a nice dopamine feeling before TRT 30 minutes post application, everything would slow down a little bit and really made life feel great. Now it gives horrible anxiety- I don’t feel any of that dopamine at all that T once provided for me.
Pregnenolone (Micronized Lipid Matrix tabs 75mg)- It used to feel like a very minor Xanax to me. Relaxing, slowing me down, nice calm, cloudy feeling in the brain. Now again- this just provides major anxiety.
I truly believe there are different types of PFS- some that are just hormonal as Dr. C exclaims. I am fairly certain that some of us suffer actual long term brain damage. For the brain to sense these hormones so differently than before? How can we say the brain was not damaged?
I don’t know if its inflammation, downregulation of genes, how some people get the brain damage and some don’t- but there has to be major differences in how some of us are hit. Truly sad
It is my turn to thank you doctor for being here and support us as much as you can.
hackstasis.com/threads/dr-john- … #post-8823
drjohncrisler.com/nonsurgical-ha … ments.html
laughing my fucking ass off, he’s promoting fin
That’s insane,
It just shows that not all “PFS Doctors” can be trusted.
I like most on here were or are desperate for help.
But be careful who you take your advice from. Dr Crisler is highly unqualified, it’s great to have him on side but that doesn’t make him a messiah nor does he profess to be one.
He clearly uses anabolic steroids TRT himself. He isn’t the most professional doctor I’ve seen. I’m sure he’s a good guy with good intentions but people need to keep perspective.