Doxazosin...treatment at the genomic level?

The doctor gave me doxacosin against high bload pressure. After 2 days i did not have any ejaculate by masturbating! I was surprised and we changed to another . After 2 days i had ejaculate again. I never will touch doxacosin again! It is poison!

I have been using test undecanoate (Nebido) for 3 years as TRT and don’t really feel that the TRT has been doing anything. I may discontinue soon.

What do your blood tests look like? Total test, free test, SHBG, estradiol, etc.?

i only did lh

before making conclusions you need to tell us the dose/frequency of injections, most doctors don´t prescribe it with AR hypersensitivity in mind

It varies somewhat across the 3 months between injections, but even after around 2 month mark my T is toward high end of normal. My E is not high at all. The other two are unremarkable — normal basically. I once went off completely for 3 months (missed an injection) and felt no noticeable difference. Not trying to discourage you, we are all different, just letting you know it hasn’t been a success for one person. Other than that it hasn’t worked in solving the problem I went on it for, I like Nebido a lot. It’s been nice to at least know my T is always solid without having to bother about it at all except on 4 days a year.

It’s only available in one dose and I only get it once every 3 months because my blood tests showed it’s still working well at 3 month mark.

nebido’s half life is 20 days
“bodybuilding stable” levels are 3 injections per half life
so for nebido it means once a week maximum

i know this is how your doctor tell you to do but i also know a lot of people that tried other ways and reported high frequency is better

Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 functions as an epigenetic activator of the androgen receptor to promote prostate cancer cell growth.

After all Finasteride was suppose to prevent prostate cancer.

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My T levels are stable for 3 months. In this case I really think the doctors do know what they are doing. People in countries where Nebido is available generally seem to love it.

this is not how it works sorry

What do you mean?

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Hi @VinnyG. How well would you say triptorelin worked out for you, taking sides into account? I’m seriously considering it, since both LH and testosterone are “low but normal” in my case.

it works for this purpose too, just take e2 bloodwork and adjust it

You haven’t provided anything about dosage or anything. I’ve tried several methods of TRT and nebido is easily the best. My blood results are always great on it. Be careful with getting info from bodybuilders.

Did someone try doxazosine with tada or viagra successfully?

i tried terazosin, similar drug, but couldn’t tolerate it don’t know why…
alpha blockers seems to have helped people in the past, try it, maybe works for you