Dopamine Receptor

Funny how everyone was dissing on my potential treatment then we’ve got lord and saviour Goldstein suggesting the very same treatments.

Daily use of low dose amphetamines is not neurotoxic. Meth however has been shown to be neurotoxic in doses of 10mg.

Meth allows free radicals to build up and oxidisation occurs. It does this because it blocks reuptake, releases wayyy more dopamine AND does it for a long time. This is why amp is also neurotoxic in high doses, blocks reuptake and releases (no where near as much dopamine which helps reduce free radical build up) and also not for a significantly long time.

The brain isn’t going to like receptors that reuptake blocked by stims that are releasing dopamine too much and too long, thats why cocaine is literally not neurotoxic. It’s because it only blocks reuptake mostly so it struggles to release the amount of dopamine required to exist for free radicals to build up. Also explains why amp and meth make you insanely focused and motivated but coke lacks that effect.

Neurotoxicity can be permanent if cell death occurs but all dopamine drugs lower dopamine levels for sometimes months after depending on how much you used them. How well you bounce back and how quick depends on the neurotoxicity produced.

Cocaine for example, super easy to bounce back from. Never noticed and demotivating effects from coke, with amp and meth comedowns make you sit at a wall staring doing nothing clear sign dopamine struggling to recover. Three month meth abuse took me 2 years recover from, 3 to really stop feeling the super harsh effects. Neurotoxicity mostly comes from binging though, sleep and you’ll reduce the harm you do ten fold.

It’s a little more complicated than I’ve laid out but it’s the general idea. Low dose amphetamine is a concern for the heart but not the brain, even meth has been shown to be neuroprotective at low doses for people who’ve had concussions. So it’s a very very complicated thing.

One thing I will say is meth fucks serotonin too. And that takes a LONG time to bounce back and is way more likely to be permanent. MDMA gave me the absolutely awful low serotonin symptoms when I abused it, I had to sleep with the lights on due to anxiety lmao. This is why rollsafe recommends once every 3 months for mdma but you can take drugs like coke weekly and so long as your heart doesn’t pack in you won’t end up an etard.

Btw all drugs are bad that’s why we’re here. This is a disclaimer so no one rants at me, I’m just offering my thoughts and what I’ve learnt spending years researching the mechanisms behind different drugs. It helps you understand why they produce the effect they do.

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Oh also modafinil is a wakeful agent. It’s not even close to a real stimulant. It will do nothing for libido

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Forskolin also increases dopamine receptors as well as their sensitivity. This could be one explanation to why I’m seeing positive improvements after starting supplementation with Forskolin.

Forskolin-induced up-regulation and functional supersensitivity of dopamine D2long receptors expressed by Ltk- cells.


That’s very interesting. In this video at the 2:11 mark it talks about the different variations of dopamine receptors (long and short). I have the C/C allele meaning I do not have “long receptors” or very little amount.

I should mention I took forskolin and baking soda yesterday with coffee (increase camp) and I had sex and masturbated three times after that. I was thinking what the hell is wrong with me, i have never done that even as a teenager. This is just a one off so I will try and replicate this.


What dose did you take? @Stronguy

I see supplements ranging from 250 to 2100 mg

I took 500mg forskolin, 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 2 coffees.

I also took 300mg b6, 2.4g tyrosine, 1 teaspoon of mucuna, 30k iu vitamin A, 1.5g tribulis, 9mg boron, 10g creatine and 13g of BHB

Doing keto diet, only eating once a day and this day I lifted weights for 2 hours.

Forskolin and baking soda are the newest things I added to my supplements.


Do you put ghee and MCT oil in your coffee?

I’ve been doing this every day and my mood and energy are improved.

It’s basically keto/ bulletproof coffee.

Only MCT, I intend to try ghee one day. Scared of the taste lol

the taste is not bad… It’s not “good”, but it’s not bad lol

You say you’re symptom free right now. Was is the forskolin?

Why baking soda?

I think it was the forskolin, keto and mixed cardio and weights on the same day. Those seem to be the things that make me symptom free. In terms of the mentals the best improvement came from hot jacuzzi to cold shower treatments. Best clarity after those.

Was reading how it increases receptor sensitivity. I was doing it for a bit and felt ok. Not bad.

Biggest improvement was not feeling lactic acid when I did weights

How long have you been doing keto? I might give it a go. I’ve also been doing mixed weights and cardio. I try to lift 3x per week in the morning and do cardio every morning I don’t lift as well as every evening

I did keto for like 3 weeks. I keep intending to get back on but it’s been one of those months. I still feel good but felt best on keto.

Stick to a keto diet free of artificial sweeteners and free of polyunsaturated fats. Macros maybe 40% protein 50% fat and 10% carb. Time your carbs pre workout.

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Did keto make you irritable? I did it for 3 weeks and felt like an asshole. I think it’s because your gut uses carbs to make serotonin.

I also think dopamine is a very important part of the puzzle. The lack of dopamine (or problem with the receptors) explains why most PFS people still have erections during the night (testosterone) but not during the day (dopamine). I’m also convinced it’s the main reason for the loss of libido. Dopamine releasing stimulants are the only way (temporarily) bringing back my libido.

The supplement uridine should be interesting, as it promotes the growth of new dopamine receptors in the brain. I have tried it but haven’t used it long enough to draw any conclusions.


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From doing some research it says uridine upregulates dopamine receptors, is our androgen receptors are likely upregulated than maybe dopamine is too? Wouldn’t this just make our symptoms worse to use uridine? @ithought