Doctors are useless

My doctor is a useless pice of shit. At this point I think I’m only going to work with my physc. He at least didn’t treat me like a nut job when I told him what happened.

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Name and shame them. Who is this clinic. I’ll write a few words to them. You can also review doctors online. I’m sure many of us would be happy to get involved.

I will see what happens monday then I will look at my options.

Doctors are given for too much respect than they deserve. When we need them most not only do they not help us but they spit in our your faces.

Hopefully after harvard study you can spit their faces too.

Some, not all doctors are just ignorant. They prescribe the drug but do not truly know what the consequences are “extensive research” “safe drug” side effects do go away the biggest cock and bull of them all my backfoot