Doctors are useless

M.D.'s are almost offended if you suggest they visit a website, after 12 yrs in school they are gods in their minds, and no website could possibly
enlighten them on something they don’t already know. It’s beneath them.

The only thing that might impact an M.D. is handing them HARD COPY of relevant journal articles/studies.


I just got a letter today out of the blue telling me that my local GP has formally asked for me to be “transferred” to another GP clinic.

I really hate these scumbag “doctors” there isn’t even another GP clinic in my area that is in walking distance.

Again these so called “doctors” have made my problems worse and put me under more stress by leaving me without a GP.

Once PFS is proven to be real I hope I can sue these “doctors” for doing absolutely nothing to help me.

I’m truly sorry Mark about your frustrations but we all need to learn we are on our own

Doctors put PFS on they’re too hard to do list and so either ignore or or deny what we tell them is true.

Mark, how about you jokingly suggest they refer you to my clinic? They may not be able to fix my problem but my GP’s are at least listening and referring me where appropriate.

Not possible I’m afraid the doctor in question was not even willing to write me a referral letter to a urologist. She has now washed her hands of me I now only have 2 weeks to find another GP.

Can you file a complaint against her? Isn’t there another GP at that clinic?

Doctors can’t just “pick and choose” their patients. That’s now how the NHS should work.

That sucks Mark. Doesn’t sound like a good doc to have anyway.

In the US we would just call a different GP and make an appointment. Does it work differently in the UK?

Edit: sorry I see that they were in walking distance and that is what you need.

All 6 GPs at the clinic who I have seen over the last 2 years do not believe in PFS.

The doctor in question runs the clinic so she has the power to kick me out.

This clinic sees both public and private patients.

I think because I’m a public patient they want me kicked out because I’m costing them money, but I have only gone to the clinic 3 times this year and my last visit only lasted 5 minutes.

Its not like I’m causing them any major inconvenience.

I’d move on for sure. Make sure you have your medical records and report the doctor in question here:

Your complaint is valid under:

failure to examine a patient properly or to respond reasonably to a patient’s needs

Nopecia I’m in the Republic of Ireland not the UK. Moving is not really option as there is no other GP clinic in my area that is in walking distance to me.

Why does it have to be within walking distance? People fly across continents to see doctors all over the world.

Because due to PFS I dont have the energy to travel. It can be a struggle for me just to get out of bed.

My local GP clinic is on the same road as me. If I have to go somewhere else it will be a big inconvenience for me as there are no other doctors in the area.

But if that GP is useless to you then it’s pointless going anyway. Your only option is to find the next nearest doc and speak to them.

Makes good sense. Whenever my libido and erections bounce back, the hair sheds again. Obviously deficient in DHT somehow, at some level, and/or ratios are messed up.

What’s your new protocol? Tell us??

Not so new:

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:44 am

TBH Mark, I am not going to doctors about this for the foreseeable future. I am allowing the current studies to continue. Once we get to the bottom of this and doctors know what the cause and possible treatment is then it will be worthwhile. At the moment, doctors are just as clueless as we are.

Update just back from the clinic

I was not prepared for the doctor was about to say to me.

The first thing I asked him was why I was being kicked out of the clinic.

Straight away he became shifty and took ages to try and put a sentence together.

I knew from the get go he was lying because he wouldn’t look me in the eye.

He said the reason I was being “transferred” out of the clinic is because in february I had been “seen” by a “witness” going into one of the empty doctors offices without permission.

This is total BS. I asked him why was this accusation only been bought up now and he said they had “let it go” then 5 minutes later I asked him the same question again and he said they had formally asked for me to be “transferred” back in february but the letter had got “lost”. It was obvious that he was making up this story as he went along.

Anyway I asked him if he could provide proof that I had gone into one of the doctor offices without permission he said it was well “documented” without going into any detail.

I then said if he was willing to write a written statement about the accusation he was making against me and proof and that it happened. Again he became shifty and said he hadnt seen me going into the doctors office without permission but another doctor had.

I told him that if he was going to accuse me of breaking into a doctors office then he should go to police about it, again he backed off saying it was “not a police matter”.

I kept asking him for proof that this incident had happend but he nothing to back it up with.

He was an unbelievable bad liar if he was going to accuse me of something he should of atleast of had some sort of a coherent story instead of making things up as he went along.

I told the doctor I was going to be making a official complaint as well looking to pursue legal action against him for “defamation of character” for making up “false accusations” against me. This made him sit up and listen. He said he would talk to the doctor who runs the clinic to try have the decision to have me “transferred” to another clinic over turned. I will know by monday if they are going to let me stay at the clinic. But given how this clinic has treated me I would put nothing past them.

I’m still in shock that they would make up false accusations against me in order to have me kicked out of the clinic.

These “doctors” are not only useless but they are scumbag criminals who make up false accusations against people.

Join the club mate. I’m a military veteran and was fired by my long time doctor at the local veterans hospital.
I made a stink of this afterwards, with good reason, and was later escorted out by security guards.
I simply told her I was very sick from a hairloss drug I took and needed help, like bloodwork for hormones.
She became very irate and told me to leave her office. u…s…a…burp. This was back in 2008.