Doctors are useless

I went to my local GP today to get the results of a blood test I was explaining to him the physical and sexual problems I am having due to Finasteride use. This is the same doctor I have been seeing for the last year so i thought he would know me by now, he told me Finasteride could not still be effecting me because I no londer use it and that I should go to “counselling” he also tried to put me on antidepressants. This is the the last straw for me the doctor is brain dead he blames all my problems on “depression” yet anyone with common sense would know that depression does not cause testicular shrinkage. Its like telling someone with cancer that “counselling” will cure their illness. The other two doctors at the clinic are just as bad I honestly dont know how these doctors had the intelligence to become doctors. I gave the doctor links to websites such as this one that explain how dangerous Finasteride is, yet he would not listen to anything I said in regards Finasteride and believes I have some sort of mental problem.

This is the last time I will ever go back to my local GP he and the other doctors at the clinic are completely useless.

Welcome to the club.

you have been seeing this doctor only for one year and I was with my doctor for the last ten years and yet he wrote I have these in my head.

Agreed, the doctors are mostly cunts.
BUT, is there a way to “legally” force them to test us and treat us?
Given the letter from the fda to merck, it’s medically official, as well as, legally.

Check to see if your lawyers can “force” the issue, or consult with one. I see this as a very reasonable solution.
Have Dr. Irwig, do a co-consult with your doctor, and he can advise your doctor, what to test for.
I’m considering the legal route now out of complete frustration.

man… would you really want to legally force them to treat you if they are too naive and ignorant to realize what you are saying is true? there are more medical professionals out there besides “MDs”

Yes, because they should do their jobs even if forced. They want to help you and not criticize you, right? I would have NO PROBLEM forcing them to treat me. They are intellectual bums who are told to push drugs, and yet find it unbelievable (especially in this day and age of many ongoing lawsuits over dangerous drugs) that a drug can cause harm. No choice, as most doc’s will not believe you. That’s a fact Jack. I would find it even pleasurable to see them turn beat red, as I shove a legal order down their throats.

Doctors have always been some what dumb its only a generation ago they were claiming cigarettes were safe.

There are quite a few in the medical community now aware of the issues with finasteride. It is likely the numbers will increase when further evidence is publisbed proving causation.

The honest to goodness truth? Doctors don’t know how to ‘really’ treat us with this disorder. Not a single one of them.
It’s simply a matter of ‘managing’ this disorder to make you feel less sick. You can do this on your own with foods, exercise and trial and error. Down the long road with research, then maybe doctors can help us.
Patience to all, stay strong, and stay"over it and not under it."

Agreed. There is no doctor who knows how to treat this let alone understands it. And any doctor who says they can is honestly full of it.

True… if you have any remote hope for one bring printouts of some of the core research articles… but they are basically useless because…

MD’s apply medically acknowledged treatments to medically acknowledged diseases/illnesses - PFS isn’t really medically acknowledged, a few studies researchers is nothing in the scheme of things, to compound things are are no medically acknowledged treatments.

Makes MD’s look stupid and feel uncomfortable - Think about it, many of them have been prescribing Proscar / Propecia for upwards of 20 years…and every week a Super Hot Young recent biology college grad comes visits their office to hobnob, put out a big deli lunch spread for the entire office and ‘shill’ Merek Rx poisons.

Even IF an MD were genuinely interested in helping, do you really think one is going to stop what he’s doing, running his practice, and locate and read dozens of (possibly) relevant journal articles/studies we’ve collected here? Sure, if you wrote him a check for $ 100 k, maybe.

If it’s any consolation at all you’re really not missing much here in the states . As the others have mentioned no one is really having any degree of success. This just highlights the need for us all to support the foundation’s effort toward research and finally put to rest the idea that are going to improve by balancing hormones or theorizing on the board.

Went to my GP again today about my PFS problems and he wanted to refer me to psychiatrist. With an attitude like that I feel like giving up completely .

Its bad enongh having PFS without having ANY support from the Doctors at my local GP clinic.

They wouldnt tell someone with cancer or heart disease to go to a psychiatrist. I’m starting to believe that Doctors are right up there with Lawlors as a Scumbag profession, I know there are some good ones but the majority of them I have met have been worse than useless.

You must go in with Dr John Crisler’s PFS video queued up ready to click ‘play’ on your smartphone and say 'this is another MD (he’s a D.O. actually) talking about finasteride for only 60 seconds at a conference, will you please watch this?

also go in with a couple of the important studies printed out in hard copy (Traish, Irwing etc) and hand them copies.

Doctors believe other doctors…without this backup you’re viewed as nuts as you can see.

Apparently he doesn’t know that Propecia is an irreversible inhibitor… I believe that our bodies haven’t replaced the reductase enzymes like they should, after stopping the treatment. This leads to DHT deficiency, NO deficiency, estrogen dominance, and in worst cases secondary hypogonadism. I believe that damage to the prostate is the root cause. I’ve been experimenting with a new drug protocol based on that particularly hypothesis, and the response has been incredible the last three days. I’ve had morning- and nocturnal erections, increased libido, stronger- and spontaneous erections during the day, increased testicle size, increased amount of prostate fluid. It’s going to be very exciting to see how it evolves.

Take a look at one of Merck’s patents;

It’s a classic. Doctors usually suggests psychiatric treatment when they can’t figure out what’s wrong with you - just to avoid revealing themselves as incompetent.
I always say that you can’t shrink balls and grow tits with your thoughts…

Spot on Enden…

Good for you man. Let us know how it goes…

To be honest the intelligence level of the Doctors at my clinic is so low I think its pointless saying anything to them. I already gave them links to websites such as this one but they think I have some sort of mental problem. They are so arrogant its unbelievable.

I don’t expect Doctors to know everything but the minimal I expect from them is to be treated with respect and for them to actually listen to what I have to say.

I have now become notorious at my local GPs clinic. The doctor I met today is going to discuss my case at a staff meeting with the other doctors he along with the other docs in the clinic think my problems are psychological.

I can just imagine these scumbag doctors sitting around a table laughing at me and thinking I’m crazy.

As I said before the “doctors” at this clinic have made my problems worse I’m going to try and made an official complaint about them.