Differential Gene Expression in Post-Finasteride Syndrome Patients - Dr. Khera - Baylor

Is there another study in the works that will give us more understanding on the causal mechanisms behind PFS?

Given gene expression per se is not mechanistic and does not imply causality, experiments with downstream processes of protein expression and activity should be undertaken to provide mechanistic data and clarify the results of this work . Further investigation should also explore upstream processes including the mechanisms regulating gene expression in the setting of PFS and identify risk factors for individuals, with a potential focus on genetic risk factors .

To me these studies are the only plausible path to a cure, since we have tried to cure ourselves with all kinds of stuff and failed.

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Any new study idea to prove this causality? And how finasteride was the first domino in it?

It’s a shame but I have seen this study mentioned no where…I was thinking or (hoping) rather I guess it would get picked up more and aired in mainstream media…Or atleast the smaller outlets we have seen discuss pfs in the past…

None of it has in fact the only study I remember gaining much attention was the 2012 study Irwig did that forced an fda label change to the propecia leaflet…And it was picked up by mainstream media News organizations such as ABC and CNN…Both ran pieces on the risks of propecia coinciding with the release of Irwigs study…

Unfortunately in 2012 I was too busy leading an active and productive life to set and watch CNN or other news tidbits as I just looked at that as a waste of my valuable time I could be running, out working or just enjoying life :grinning:

I was hoping this study along with previous ones such as the nuerosteroid study and high profile finasteride users such as Trump might bring this topic back into the mainstream market again as it did 10 years ago…

Sitting around hoping for things isn’t going to work ever.

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Study results are apparently too complex and inconclusive re how fin can cause PFS to be picked up by media. Im guessing even the scientists who worked on the study find it hard to comprehend what it all could mean re causality of PFS. Follow up studies needed.

Our best hope is that eventually it is discovered that the same mechanism behind PFS is behind other more widespread disorders and that we then benefit from their research, funding and medical interventions.


Sorry, someone link me the full study. Sci hub doesn’t work.

Never mind.

Hey man, how are you doing currently? Your sexual performance is good, can I ask for your sexual preference, has it changed along with using finasteride, have you preferred women before and now still, or has it changed. Curious about this. You can dm me as well, it’s purely informative, I won’t judge.

FWIW, I’m still straight. No changes. However, certain looks which might not have interested me previously, now do. From what I can tell, all that previously excited me still does. I guess you could say I’ve expanded my palette. Don’t know if that’s helpful, but wanted to chime in. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I believe muscle structure development was one of the top 20 under expressed genes


Yeah I do as well, my taste is changing, I can even like, or love be attracted to bigger women now. Or older women (30-40). And lean fitgirls don’t turn me on as they did before. Shit is weird I can’t explain it, theres no real structure or pattern to be honest. I can say it seems to be less about the looks and more about personality.

I call attention to the above post and the man that made all this possible

He predicted this exactly a decade ago…The gene expression was exactly what he said it would be…

My suggestion is to setup a recurring monthly donation to the pfs network guys…The results of baylor prove awor knew what he was talking about.

That’s what science is, you make predictions and then you test those predictions…He was right.

This has nothing to do with hormones and it is a dead end street…It’s a molecular/cellular level disease…I would setup a donation to get the next level going deeper started as fast as possible time is running out for a lot of us who continue to worsen by the day…


Totally agree. We have wasted awor’s time. We can’t let axo’s efforts be wasted. As long as everyone donates 100 €, let the research start immediately! Scientists are valuable assets,
No one will refuse a “vertical huge rooster”!


Yea but how many do? Instead of supporting scientific research it’s still nothing but talk of hormones which have nothing to with condition

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doesnt that differ from person to person? to my knowledge the lasting side effects can be caused anywhere from hormonal or neurosteroid inbalance to gene expression, and or anything in between

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My thoughts exactly

But I’d hope that whatever the lasting symptoms are they can still trace it back to what started it

I mean that has to be the same for everyone but then as the event in our body takes places it branches out differently maybe

Different severities, different symptoms
I hope and pray they get this as soon as humanly possible


Altered levels of neurosteroids can be explained by deregulation of gene expression as a driving factor. It’s most likely a downstream effect, not a root cause.


What to do you have to substantiate that?

Could it not be partly the other way around? Some respond well to hormone therapy and or prescr meds

I think it’s over most people’s heads and that’s another problem is it is very complicated…

I think most don’t even understand what “molecular” level means…

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To simplify things: It’s unclear whether the root cause of the persistence of the post finasteride syndrome is a

  1. Disturbance in androgen receptor density or androgen/neurosteroid homeostasis


  1. The epigenetic changes shown in the study

A disturbance in androgen receptor density or (neuro)steroid can actually cause a change in epigenetics, and vice-versa.
The lack of causality is mentioned in their conclusion.

Nevertheless, further research is extremely important and I urge everyone who is able to, to set up a recurring donation to the PFS Network to fund the study initiative in Germany. This way we know our money is constantly working for us even when we as PFS sufferers are inherently going through periods of pessimism and hopelessness.

PS Does anyone have a link to the full text 2021 publication by Howell et al from Baylor? I seem to have never saved it :expressionless:


Hope so we find the initial dysregulation. One start of it all.

There are all the models of epigenetic regulation and the androgen receptor complexes promoting DNA transcription downstream from prostate cancer research. Easy understandable pictures like for a school book.

For the devil the model looks so easy.