
Just got prescribed cyclosporine, convinced my dad that it was autoimmune and read that not only does cyclosporine increase 5ar activity, but also is immunosuppressive, which I know has bad side effects, but right now I don’t give a fuck, I will try anything to get this brain fog to go away, even just a little bit.
Will update every 3 days on my reaction



following this too

Too soon to get effects from cyclosporine, but if this disease really is autoimmune, this is the one thing that will help it, takes 4-6 weeks to get effect from it, but will still update every week. This is a POTENT immunosuppressant that can be dangerous, but like I said I don’t give a fuck, I just want this damn “brain fog” to go away. I’ve tried corticosteroids but they don’t pass the BBB so there’s no point with those, and they aren’t at all the same as cyclosporine which does pass the BBB


Cant wait to hear the results

Forum member named “mehhhhh” said he tried cyclosporine for a few months and it didn’t make any difference for him. His post is here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10852&start=60
I hope it works in your case. Good luck.

Thing is I’m taking a high dose, he was taking a low dose, I’m taking 100 mg twice per day, my dad prescribed me it after I talked him into it. I’m trying to nuke my immune system and hopefully rebuild it after

how can you rebuild it after?

If this works, hopefully I can get off of it and my immune system won’t attack my 5ar or whatever it’s attacking when my immune system builds back up again, again this is just a theory, but it’s gotta be something autoimmune.

I don’t think it is autoimmune but I hope you are right so we could all be treated.

You could be right, but I’m willing to try anything right now, and this theroy makes a lot of sense to me , hope it works, will update next week

Got some good effects so far from cyclosporine, I’m was on a raw food diet, but now I can eat regular foods again without being bed ridden with horrible “brain fog”. No more ED, libido is also higher(but HGH originally got rid of that) Also I don’t get the pressure in the back of my head anymore. So far good effects, but brain fog still there
It’s supposed to take 4-6 weeks for effect so I’m just hoping that it gets much better, as it’s already gotten better.

I will keep checking in every week

If you think it is autoimmune, fasting rebuilds your immune system. This has been proved by the Longo team. Just search around. It does it in less time than cyclosporine, it’s natural and it’s not dangerous althought medical supervision is advised. But you have no problem since your dad is an MD. Furthermore there are plenty of other positive effects. Most of those I saw doing a fast reported healing of the neurological symptoms and sometimes improvements/healing from the sexual ones. I’d take a look into that. You should not go under those drugs if you have an alternative.

I’ve juiced fasted for basically all of November, but never tried a water fast.

And yes your right it helped my brain fog. But there’s like a baseline of extreme “brain fog” that i can’t cross.

It made me from bedridden to be able to somewhat function( be able to drive a car)

this is very big news!!!

its only been a couple of weeks too!

if all goes well you will be able to tapper off and keep the benefits

i’m crossing my fingers for you

Grey Baron, were you anti nuclear antibodies, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hsCRP or Plasma viscosity high ??

No ANA’s, sedimentation rate was normal(don’t see the erythrocyte on it). And not sure about plasma viscosity or hscrp

Trying to get a lab to test 5ar autoantibodies, havent come accross any.

Do you know a place to test it?

I’m glad you’re feeling better Grey baron. How was your ED before cyclosporine? Did it make your erections much better? My biggest problem is severe ED that viagra won’t fix. I may try cyclosporine too if it really helps.