Covid vaccine who will take it

You make outstanding points! As someone who has taken the anthrax, smallpox, and COVID vaccines and taken doses of malaria pills, I know to a degree I’m paying for these decisions. As one toxicologist once told me, my PFS result could stem from previous life choices such as vaccines and other environments that are harmful to the body. I’ve realized that my genes, blood type etc will likely influence how I respond regardless and I’m not untouchable. There’s people that suffer from Tylenol ingestion for example and come down with DRESS. Yet, I take Tylenol and Mortrin with zero issues.

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Taken in good spirit, no disrespect felt or intended in my reply here.

I think this is a somewhat different situation to almost anything we’ve ever seen. The scale of the vaccine rollout is one thing, coupled with some keenness to find problems. That there are competing products could be of benefit, in that if there is a problem, there are alternatives for governments to use.

My heart sank when the astra zeneca vaccine was linked to blood clots, which later proved to be statistically insignificant, but that it was seriously considered and the vaccine was suspended briefly, despite there being very small chance of a link, should now be of comfort.

Obviously, the further down the line you are is one thing that gives you more chance of finding out what the risks might be, and I agree people need to make their own decision. If you’re able to live a covid safe life until some point in the future, perhaps that is worth doing.

For me, I felt that millions of vaccinations would be flagging something up, and also felt concerned by the risk of covid and or long covid appearing to be elevated in balding men. Balancing those things made me take the vaccine. I did feel nervous and to be honest didn’t feel like I’d get enough data here to make a PFS aware choice.

So there are things to consider and a choice to be made. There might be a balance you can strike between a real and documented threat to your health and one which may or may not exist, but I agree, it should be your decision.


Thanks for the super useful thread. I’m still in two minds about getting the vaccine while trying my best to stay safe to buy more time. It literally took me years to be where I’m and risking this through getting “long covid” or “long-term side effects of vaccine” are scaring the sh#t out of me! I’m afraid it’s gonna get to a point where “lesser of the two evils” may apply.

That said, came across news of Pfizer initiating human trials for COVID-19 treatment pills. These pills are said to be taken early on to prevent the onset of severe symptoms. Now whether this means the effects of current vaccines are temporary or if vaccines are not very effective against all variants of the virus remain unknown at this point.

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I elected to get vaccinated not only for myself but for others. I did it so maybe I’ll be less likely to be symptomatic and therefore not transmit COVID quickly to others. I have neighbors that were effected by COVID and it sounded nothing like the common flu.


I’m getting the first shot this week. I don’t even know what’s the point with all new variants out, the vaccines have little effect on them. But I’m not worried about the vaccine, 5AR and depression drugs are the biggest risk as far as prescription drugs still on the market go. Vaccines don’t compare.

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DHEA was giving me breast tissue so I couldn’t continue that. I felt a lot worse after the second vaccine shot and then a month later the inflammation levels in my body feel like they are dropping. I feel a lot less aches, sleep way better, and feel much better in terms of mood. Semen color has flipped from yellow to normal color. I’m very excited. I will keep reporting back. It’s almost as if the vaccine rebooted my immune system. Not sure how else to explain it but I hope I continue to improve

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I read that they are far from useless vs new strains, but I’m under the impression that other vaccines will be needed in the future.

They’re less than 2/3’s effective, basically useless.

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Just got the first shot, they measured my temperature and I’m 97.5, still being fucked by Finasteride.

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Why’d you get it if is basically useless?

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It’s not useless against the main COVID, just the variants.

I mainly got it cause I think it’s gonna be required to get into various businesses in the future. They’ll be able to tell with the vaccine passport they’re designing. Plus I bet corporations are gonna require it to work. And I don’t wanna be one of those anti vaxxers lol.

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It’ll likely go up after your second shot. I was the same way after the first shot but following the second, I hovered around 99 to 100 for a day.

No matter what happens I won’t be taking the vaccine.


NOPE. Not me


I took an Astrazenica vaccine on 20 March. I think I felt better than usually. Can’t explain why, maybe my body temperature went up compairing to what I had before PFS, I don’t know.


That’s not what I meant, I can raise my body temp manually by taking percocet or something, but on its own it stays lower than 98.6 because of finasteride.

Anyway, a lot of people here are crazy for not taking the vaccine. It’s literally only 5AR and depression drugs that are dangerous. Everything else is fine. Yeah doctors are stupid for not believing in PFS, but they’ve always been stupid.

You’re no better than the “vaccines cause autism” crowd if you don’t take it.

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Vaccine damage is a real thing.

The MMR vaccine also happens to be made by Merck.


COVID damage is real. The world economy has been damaged and millions have died.


I think we get it. At this point, it may be too early to say if there are any long term nightmarish effects, but it would seem in the short term at least, the vaccines don’t represent any extraordinary risks to our community, which is the main reason for this discussion.

So I think there’s probably no need to keep restating our cases.

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Most people die “with covid” not because of it.

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