I am a 24 year old man. I started taking Finasteride about 3 months ago and quit after 2 weeks because it gave me bad sides, zero libido and ED. Since then, its been coming back but… I feel an attraction to men that I’ve never felt before… like a deep physical and sexual attraction and in fact i feel as if I have no attraction to women… I don’t know if this is from the Finasteride or what but I have no fucking idea what to do.
It’s been reported before.
Gay hookup apps I suppose.
Have you seen an endocrinologist before or after these feelings, that, as mentioned, have been reported before?
An endocrinologist may be able to see something through testing that could get us closer to understanding what’s happening.
These changes may be transient, and labs may catch them. And don’t worry too much, when things balance out, you’ll go back to preferring women, just like most of the rest of us.
so am I gay forever?
Nah, just until we figure out how target what made you gay and reverse it with an appropriate tool
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I just looked it up. There are lots of articles about trans people experiencing sexual orientation changes after TRT or surgery. It happens even to some cis people naturally as they age, but I am sure that’s not the case here. I second what NewYorker said.
Yes, as bizarre as it may sound, changes in sexual preference due to finasteride consumption have been reported before. I used to be very skeptical that this was possible but take a look at this post: Sexual Orientation Change - I am now gay
Also I don’t think it’s permanent, it could fade and return to normal. You have quit finasteride still relatively recently and many people report lots of fluctuations in symptoms. Try to have faith that it may soon all fade and that you return to normal again.
If it turned me gay I’d be devastated I couldn’t take the rejection from men aswell. It would be too much
I remember seeing this on another thread here and laughed at the possibility but It’s been documented that endocrine disruption can lead to feminisation in the male brain leading to change in sexuality. This is a report done on Atrazine on male frogs:
The more I look around me at people in general, the more I see that people that have been on Finasteride and quit, or still are on 5a reductase inhibitors, carry the same persistent femininity also seen in female to male transgender invididuals, indication even people that want to change gender can’t change this. Some people show it more obviously then others.
Not only in physical aspects (face, emminance, neck width, trapezius prevalence) but also in behaviour, archetypical female bodily motions, and facial projection:
Verify yourself looking at pre-fin and post-fin pictures of some celebrities. Some examples:
- Justin Bieber
- Russell Brand
- Adam Levine
- Bradley Cooper
- Chris Bumstead
- Rob Lowe
- Pete Davidson
- Graham Norton
- Matthew McConaughey
- Joe Rogan (while to a much lesser extent, since he quit)
- Jeff Nippard
- Hairliciously
- both hairloss show “doctors”
- David DeMuzio
- Keratin Brotherhood
- Matt Dominance
- Derek (more plates more dates) (to a lesser extent)
Unconfirmed but highly likely, as is the case with most actors:
- Chris Evans
- Johnny Depp
- Brad Pitt
- Ryan Gosling (extremely obvious)
- Zac Efron (is it why he got the face implants? to regain some of his masculinity)
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Jordan Peterson
- Liam Hemsworths, Chris Hemsworth (both less visible because of prominent countering physical aspects in the face, stronger wider forward jaw, beards)
I’m starting to believe more and more the feminization of the brain is a non-reversible (epigenetic) aspect that causes Erectile Dysfunction, penile structure changes, sensitivity issues, and other sexual issues, and all the following mental disturbances and depressive state, and sometimes,
even suicide. Because it changes fundamental ways of how the brain works. This would also explain people having used Finasteride to undergo a sex change, changing sexual preference, and people that are on Finasteride seemingly feeling and being more feminine men in general. It also explains insecurity and men on Finasteride feeling more subjective to other men.
It would also explain unchangeable androgen receptor sensitivity downregulation, and estrogen upregulation could be a result of this change, and therefore we might see the bodily changes Finasteride induces. The hormone balance might be adjusted simularly, but it’s the epigenetic change that explains why most people don’t respond to exogenous testosterone and or dihydrotestosterone. Like hormone replacement therapy can’t change a woman in a man, besides the external aspects of the body. This also is proven in literature. Because once the masculine brain is feminized perinatally, it is irreversible.
Disproving my theory:
If this is wrong, find one woman that has undergone a sex change, and additional HRT to give her/him a lower voice, bodyhair and other masculine feautres, but still has this feminine glow about her/him. Find someone who underwent such a change and doeesn’t have that. That will disprove everything I wrote before.
Find a bodybuilder women, that took loads of androgenic compounds, who doesn’t have that feminine look about here still, where with one could determine, yes, she looks like a man, but she is a woman.
Find someone who has taken finasteride, has this aspect of themselves changed, and was able to return their glow or projection to their own masculine essence once more. Do that and my theory is incorrect, if not. Then we don’t have any hope as of now we’ll ever be back to normal.
Please find it. Because I unfortunately haven’t. and I want nothing more then that.
- Epigenetic changes: (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170717100548.htm)
- Brain feminization https://www.nature.com/articles/nn.3988
I don’t believe this theory and I can’t say I see any difference in many of the celebrities after looking at their pictures on Google. For example Aston Kutcher was on Dutasteride for like 10 years and he doesn’t look very feminine to me.
And also most of the people are still highly functioning movie stars and what not. They often have women in their life which they seem to be sexually attracted to.
Another is Machine Gun Kelly who is dating Megan Fox. And she’s implying they have lots of good sex on her Instagram. Doubt that would be the case if he had a limp and unsensitive penis.
While it’s true something for sure is messed up with up and it’s likely to be due to epigentic changes on some level (it could be DNA methylation, but more likely on the RNA level).
Hormones themself change gene expression, and using finasteride is like a game of domino. As they are all interconnected and control each other’s receptor expression.
To make it even more complex, the hormones effect on receptor expression seems to be both age related (younger guys getting hit harder?) and tissue specific.
So increasing a hormone in a young adult might decease one type of receptor, but doing the same in an old adult would have the opposite effect.
It’s just so much complexity that we’re unlikely to figure it without the help of cutting edge science.
Almost all studies we’ve had done so far have missed something crucial though. And that is having both a control group and an asymptomatic group of finasteride users together with the PFS group.
Imagine if the Baylor study would have had a 3rd asymptomatic group of finsteride users. It would have been much easier to hone in on where the issue may lie.
Agreed on all counts.