With something as complicated as PFS in which the mechanism/mechanisms are still unknown yes the risk of exasperating the symptoms/condition with anything that we take is a real risk. Especially when we block receptors. If it did make you worse yes you are looking at the possibility of a more serious version of PFS.
However keep in mind that there is still more that you should know about this. The known mechanism of action of mifepristone is that it blocks the prog and cortisol receptors while you are on it. It’s not perm. That’s why it’s used to induce abortion in females. It blocks the prog receptors until the fetus dies. After a female comes off of mifepristone she can become pregnant again. This suggests it’s not a perm effect.
Another thing, I blocked my prog and Cortisol receptor with Mifepristone for three days at 50MG. As soon as I came off the drug I started to recover. All of the sexual symptoms. The lack of sensitivity started to go away, it would shoot out instead of dribble out, it was thick and white and erections were easier to achieve and maintain. All of my sexual symptoms recovered to about 80 percent over a 5 week period. Than I dropped back to baseline. But I did not get worse…
I got hit one of the hardest with the PFS sexual sides and I can tell you being at 80 percent recovered for that 5 weeks was paradise.
There was one guy who did get worse though from Mifepristone. This was one of about a dozen who tried it. So yes there is a risk.
I believe that it blocked my down regulated
Cortisol receptors causing the receptors to up regulate so they could still work despite being blocked. I also think over the course of the next 5 weeks my Cortisol receptors down regulated again in response to the cortisol. Just a theory I’m not reacting right to cortisol.
I took Mifepristone again after this three more times with No positive results. But still did not get worse. Just minor headaches while on it.
I’m about to try a 200mg run of it for three days. They give females 200mg to induce the abortion. I’m going to try to keep cortisol low before and after my experiment to see if it influences the result.
This is theory not fact