Constantly dreaming/ stuck in light sleep phase

If your testosterone is very low your estradiol will be lower as well. Estradiol is important for bone mineralization/remineralization (along with Vit D, K2, A, oestradiol and parathyroid hormone). You need about 18 ng/dL of estradiol to maintain calcium balance in the body. If you upset calcium balance your body sweats it out.

I know I get pretty bad middle of the night sweats every time I end testosterone treatment (e.g. via cream, or halt HCG, or, far less pronounced, clomiphene). Vitamin D3 (especially via sun) makes things worse during these periods. The above is my theory of why its happening, would be happy to add scientific references if anyone would like to read the background.

From a very quick scan of your recent posts, don’t see where you’re taking arimidex or something similar.

I don’t take arimidex. The sun has only ever benefitted me and probably played some part in my recent miracle recovery. I think there are many possibilities for disrupted sleep when it comes to hormones and you are trying to pin it on one thing

I have the same problem as the OP. Dreaming a lot and finding it hard to get to deep sleep phase. Sometimes I keep waking up all the time and not being able to get to proper sleep.

I exactly have the same problem. I have such “light” sleep that I wake up by any tiny noise and when I am awake I mostly cannot fall asleep again (I stay awake for hours even though I feel tired).

Has this never improved for you Keepup?

I had a really crazy night last night.

Hi Uk I was feeling the same for a long time, at night I take 100mg preg, 2 gabba pills, 3 triple mag pills 2 vit b6 and 1000mg vit c, it has helped me get good sleep, still not like before but better than waking every two hrs.

Had really wild, (non sexual) very “real” dream again last night. I really thought it was true until I woke up. Very strange. Also kept waking up… I wish I had never used this poison.

It’s the constant waking i cannot stand. It fucks you up the next day.

I actually dreamt about sex last night for the first time in a year, funnily enough i actually had some ED in my dream. I mean how bad is that? this shit is engrained in my mind. It’s like someone who moves to a foreign country and starts dreaming in there new language. Instead for me, i am dreaming about my new, messed up body.

LOL haha. It’s happened to me too haha. Sorry man, not trying to be disrespectful, but the fact that we have the same type of messed up dream is seriously hilarious. Your post made my day.

I have been off Propecia for a few years now. The first year off, sleep trumped all of my other side effects. I went on a low dose of remeron, (10mg). Remeron was a life saver. I only seemed to need it about a year, and Im off it now. I didnt have any additional sexual sides from it but I did gain about 30lbs on it. So if sleep is you biggest problem, you might want to give it a shot

I am curious about how you got the drug prescribed? I went to a few doctors complaining about poor sleep, even went to a very famous place for sleep disorders and non of the doctors would give me anything to help me. One recommended that I start exercising. He told me he couldn’t imagine me feeling so terrible with some exercise, but with my severe anhedonia, it’s a chore to do anything because without the ability to feel pleasure, everything is work, even fun things like socializing with people, so it’s very hard to motive myself to exercise

My general family practice doctor prescribed it. I went in there thinking I wanted Lunesta or Ambien, but he suggested Remeron. You can either try another doctor, or do a lota research and order it from an online pharmacy.

This thread has over 1000 views. I would love to know how many viewers suffer PFS.

Hi Mate, this happened to me before I knew what was wrong, I just thought I was stressed out at the time, now I know. This is what happened the other week I went on a bender. I think it has something to do with cortisol, because it feels like the most stressful and frightening sleep.

I suspect this has something to do with GABA problems and our bodies inability to relax/calm down.

I finally got my sleep under control, but it’s still touch and go. Occasionally I wake too early and can’t get back to sleep; also dehydrate easily and have to piss really bad. It took about two years to get my sleep functional.

Sleep studies can be useful if you have sleep apnea, but mostly they’re diagnostic. You might get some sleep agents like Ambien prescribed, but I’d stay off that long-term.

As others have said, Remeron is a really good sleeping agent. It activates your histamine receptors (like Benadryl), which makes you really sleepy. Klonopin and other benzos work nicely, help to turn the mind off, though the sleep quality isn’t as good. My dreams are still pretty wack, and I wake groggy but pretty rested. But I remember the months when I stayed awake until the sun came up.

My sleep disturbances have been getting worse lately. But generally, I think that I can still achieve REM mode.

As far as dreams are concened, I find that I dream much less than before fin. Interestingly (and sadly) this thing has also penetrated me so deeply that I actually dream about my condition. For example, I will be dreaming about a social situation and I will actually feel the anxiety kick in IN MY DREAM - then I will remind myself (in my dream) that I have a “condition”. At this point, I usually wake up thinking that I had a nightmare and quickly realize that the nightmare is actually my reality. I mean, how messed up is that?

Regarding sleep in general (might belong in a different thread):

I woke up this morning at 4am because of a strange convulsion in the center of my back. It felt like a very strong tingling sensation, not unlike sensations I get while trying to fall asleep; tingling scalp & head, etc. Has anyone else had this?

I have also realized that if I do intense cardio before bed, I have a hell of a time trying to fall asleep. My ears feel like they are right next to a space shuttle thruster w/ tinitus, I get a strange tingling senstaion in my head. Sometimes while trying to fall asleep, I convulse or twitch semi-violently for a split second.

On nights when I really need to get to sleep - good results have been had with: Melatonin; Nyquil; Advil PM.

Nyquil seems to help ward off the anxiety before bed. Funfact: One of the components of Nyquil (Dexromethorphan) is a non-selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and has been used to treat psychological conditions.

That’s normal. High energy activities before bed delay sleep.

Also normal. Many people report such things in the moments before falling asleep, and they’ve never taken Finasteride.

As for the insomnia issues, I can relate. It took a good 1-2 yrs for my sleep to start improving to the point where I wasn’t waking constantly throughout the night and began dreaming again.

I managed to get a good nights sleep last night- I used Melatonin, Magnesium (Natural Calm) and a bone sup with Calcium. Seems we need the two to get into deep sleep.

Link to article ‘Insomnia: Studies Confirm Calcium And Magnesium Effective’

Magnesium is really effective for me too. Have you tried L arginine?

^ No I haven’t tried it. Is it good?