Concerned about fertility, please help

i know. i have during the crash too. disappeared over time. But I went to the doctor when I had no pain and high inflammation in my prostate. Do you check it anytime ? Did you have leukocytes from prostate fluid?

Hmm. No, they didn’t report leukocyte counts in my analysis. I didn’t have it tested until 10-11 years after I crashed.

Have you actually been diagnosed with prostatitis?

as well as the father of prostatitis. leukocyte 30. reference 0-2. Even 10 prostatitis

Accutane, which can inflammation the face, can also do in the prostate

what do you think about prostatitis ? symptoms same

I have PAS and my sperm test was fine.

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i thought LH was the bloodmarker?

how do we test for infertility otherwise

Please ensure you have had a doctor test your semen. Have you actually had a semen test or are you assuming that since your wife/girlfriend has not yet gotten pregnant that it is your sperm? It ‘generally’ takes a year to get someone pregnant. A man with almost zero live sperm can STILL be a father, although they would have to use IVF fertility techniques. Of course, you do not have to be biologically related to a child to be a great father. Living sperm is NOT the most important thing to becoming a father. What about adoption? What about being a step-father? What about giving it some time. Do not sell yourself short.


Ah! Somewhat true. LH is considered a marker for pituitary stimulation of T production in men, and FSH, a marker for pituitary stimulation of sperm production. There is usually some positive correlation between the two to the point where some doctors will only test FSH (less pulsatile fluctuation) and assume levels of the LH based off of that.

However; these are a much less direct indication of fertility in men than AMH is in women and more of a diagnostic tool to find the form of infertility than an actual indicator of sperm count and morphology. In the case of low sperm count due to a testicular failure, FSH will be elevated, in the case of pituitary failure, it will be very low.

Really, a direct sperm count is the only reliable way to gauge fertility in men.

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this is not one cause. i am suicidal already because sexual dysfunction.

total sperm count = 105 million Ref:39
sperm count= 34 million/ml Ref:15
morphology=1 Ref=4 Low :frowning:
mobility= 26 Ref=40 Low :frowning:

Doc sayed i need varicocele operation. I cant be father this results :frowning: I am so sorry, so depressed. I am fighting suicide. I did this with accutane with my own hands. So sorry.

Do these results mean that you are unlikely to conceive or that you can’t?

i afraid yes

Firstly, your doctor is the one who should be interpreting your results, and it sounds like they’ve said what the next step in your treatment should be.

I’ve googled and found this:

“An abnormal semen analysis also doesn’t mean that you are infertile. Many men with low semen analysis values can still father children — it just might take longer. If you and your partner aren’t able to conceive through sexual intercourse, assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization might be an option”

I think it might be time for a bit of perspective @yedek1, you’ve got some results, a treatment plan and options to explore. This isn’t something to kill yourself over.

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Apologies @yedek1. I appear to have created a small mess trying to merge your topic about your semen analysis results with your topic about concern over fertility .

Please try to use one topic for discussing the same subject.

For some perspective, I had a total count about the same as yours, with borderline poor morphology and motility. One of the well-known HRT doctors at the time mentioned that it wasn’t out of the question to conceive with numbers like that and that he had seen a patient earlier in the week with similar results as yours and mine, who announced his wife was pregnant.

You might have misunderstood him these results are okay, I had the same experience but, it is better to have surgery in early age because anesthesia might exaggerate mental sides.

morphology and speed bad

Again. You need to speak to an actual fertility doctor, not a general doctor. A man with almost zero sperm count can still become a father. Basically, if not naturally, thru IVF. I have even heard of Drs going into a paralyzed man and taking the sperm out and putting it in to an egg. This is not a reason to kill yourself. You think it is tragic to have issues getting a woman pregnant? Actually raising a child up to an adult takes the REAL work. Just having sex is not the end all, life gets SO much harder than this!! These drugs are the devil to be sure, but do not despair just yet.

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thanks. i am fine at this days

still i cant be father. i trying for 10 months