Clinical study of post-finasteride syndrome launched

Thanks guys, this news is incredible. Amazing what hope can do. Thank you!

How exactly do we sign up?

I signed, haven’t heard anything yet. Are they still taking people?

Yes, from what I can tell, that Zip Trials link – part of a classified ad series in the Boston, New York and Philadelphia editions of the Metro newspaper chain – does seem to be the best way to sign up.

Wow, this is really good news.

I wonder if those taking part can relay more detail about what exactly they are testing? And why there is a particular focus on ‘epigenetic interactions of the androgen receptor’ rather than more detailed neurological tests?

Oscar- that’s what I wondered. That’s why I am only willing to sponsor a study based on neurological/neurosteroids.

Looks like a very comprehensive study IMO. They are planning fMRI’s and as has already been noted here other studies are in the pipeline. As was also noted this study has come out of a very long and careful consideration of PFS by world renown researchers. I have no doubt they considered all data to this point, the study was subject to IRB approvals, etc. Suggesting that one of us can better assess what areas we should investigate than Bhasian/Harvard is, no offense, a bit silly even considering the small pilot study in Italy. If you can’t put your faith into Harvard/Bringham and Women’s I don’t know what to tell you. I hope everyone will support the research no matter what direction it goes in. If we left it up to the guys on the board we’d only fund studies on parasitic infection, leaky gut, etc.

It’s a shame to read some people here talking in this tone. Personally, i admire what SA did, and i’m thankful to all the people who have made actions to promote the awareness of this condition.

Boston332- Totally agree with you.

Looking forward to your reply to my message, Finatruth.

It might be an idea to contact Dr Santmann at the foundation if your serious.

Then why should it be a problem asking why certain things are being looked into? Isn’t it the most obvious question to ask? All published work so far has clearly suggested a neurological basis (even more unpublished findings), whereas this ‘AR’ stuff has no support in science, its only someone talked about on this forum.

This is neither the time nor the thread for ‘belief wars’ and its not the thread for you to re-start your trolling. Go to your Phantom DHT thread and excessively use quotation marks there. We are making progress here.

Yeah well at least I don’t look like a troll!

OK but seriously, If anyone has more information about these tests please let us know. Maybe (maybe) it might be important.

That was gay Oscar.

If anyone is having fantasies of influencing the research methodology (it appears people here are having such fantasies) they can stop now. The laymen on this board have zero chance of providing any input that is going to be used in the research design.

Will we be updated in regards to what the research is showing? Or are we not allowed to know until the publication?

Also, are there any animal tests they will do in order to see the effects of finasteride on brian tissue? I.e., feeding mice finasteride till they get PFS and then seeing the histology of their neurons via microscope?

dgreene- we are the mice.

Also, what are some realistic time frames? 1-2 years to figure out the problem. 3 years to develop a treatment IF it can be fixed after all?

One discouraging fact is that, excluding microbial infections, I cannot think of any cured diseases of the past 20 years.

Unfortunately thats true modern capitalist medicine is not about curing people its about treating people for a life time. Its not in their interests for people to be healthy.

Also the cure for X disease is always 5 years away, in 20 or 30 years time the cure will still be 5 years away.

I think if we are to cure PFS we really need to think outside the box.

I’m all for having realistic expectations but let’s not doom ourselves before we know what we are up against. To make progress it’s going to take time and a large organized multi-institutional effort. We’ve made a good start toward that end.

What do you mean by this?