Chi's Member Story & Progress

so good methylation regimen.

Chi. Do you think we should take antibiotics?

You will likely get improvement with antibiotics temporarily. Some of you may even have had recoveries the first time you took antibiotics, but it will not last. These bacteria can adapt very quickly and become resistant, furthermore while killing off pathogens antibiotics also kill off good bacteria. The first step in tackling the problem is to get a Comprehensive Parasitology. This will then provide natural substances you should use to fight your specific pathogens. In the lab they test these natural agents against your bacteria found in your stool, then report how effective they are at eliminating the pathogens and the resistance of the pathogen to the agent etc.

Bottom line is you don’t need any help from Western Medicine to get through this.

Not sure why i have to physically log into the forum to view my thread these days. Mew/Awor?

I also have to login to see this thread. I don’t know why.

Chi, do you think this gut bacterial or fungal infection is contagious and can be transmitted through sexual or non-sexual contact?

Another thing is, whenever I eat something sweet or with carbs, I feel a burning sensation in my left leg. The burning sensation makes me think that I have some kind of infection. Did you have this problem? Can you explain to me why it is and what to do with it? Thanks

I no longer have any health issues - I am 110% cured! The whole thing relates to infection, inflammation, due to opportunistic pathogens that normally reside in the gut. These had the opportunity to proliferate out of control to the point of becoming toxic, then further still transcend the gut wall and reside in organs around the body. Don’t under-estimate the impact this can and does have - weird reactions like you state are just one of the many signs coming back to this as a root cause.

The reason my thread is now hidden from public is because the forum moderators are trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes by purposefully hiding bits and pieces of information they deem would hinder or distract those involved in the ‘research’ - which is misguided, manipulative and not in the best interest of people’s health and recovery.

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Lots of people have pathogens yet they dont have the problems we have. I’m sorry but I just dont buy your theory.

Haha what?

chi did you get tested again after you recovered to see if the parasites are still in your body or not? that i could see be one way to prove what you are saying is correct.

When I first started fin I had bad jock itch, but I don’t get how pathogens can cause penile and testicular shrinkage?

Your theory is bizarre and lacking any scientific grounding, however, your recovery protocol was excellent, and I’m glad you feel better, shame you have to spoil it by claiming it was caused by bugs.

You have no basis to dispute what I have said, other than thinking it is ‘bizarre’. You will never recover unless you open your mind to what might be the cause. See below my scientific grounding.

An extract from my Comprehensive Parasitology - 3 Potential Pathogens showing 4+ (the highest possible level). My nutritionist said they should be 1+ in normal healthy humans. Furthermore, my E.coli is 1+, that’s very low and should be much higher according to my very qualified nutritionist. However, E.coli recovers when everything else is in balance. You should not under-estimate the power of these bacterias when they get out of balance and proliferate to dangerous levels. Chronic inflammation and a whole cascade of symptoms, and very hard to eradicate.

In such a difficult situation and with no obvious answer, a process of elimination would be more fruitful than guessing at, believing in or researching one potential cause, while ruling out so many others. Well documented in my thread is a 3 year fight and struggle, testing all sorts of different methods to feel better, heal and recover. I am telling you now, I tried everything and I am giving you for free the wisdom I gained during 3 years of understanding, working with my body and listening. Not to mention in depth consultations with a nutritionist and a lot of tests. By the end, the evidence of what I was fighting had become so overwhelmingly obvious. This is un-disputable.

I am amazed how close minded you guys are.

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How can I get tested for this?? is it a blood test? urine test? where did u get it?

Find a nutritionist who will be able to refer you to Genova Diagnostics or another lab. You will have to capture stool samples over several days and send it to them. They come back a few weeks later with the results. You’ll need a nutritionist to interpret the results for you too. I didn’t understand any of the analysis and there is no information on the internet about this stuff.

It was the best decision I ever made in my life. Opening your minds to this stuff could be the best decision some of you ever make. Ignore this stuff at your peril and follow in the footsteps of those that ignore it and continue to ignore it, but don’t recover, if that’s what you want.


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Hi Bryce, I am in the process of being re-tested. I am also going to do a blood test. Just had a lot on recently and haven’t got around to it. When I do i’ll follow up with a recovery post


Glad to hear. I’m going to get this test done as well. Thanks.

OK, I’ll accept our bacteria levels are out of balance, but I’m thinking the Italian study on neurosteroids is whats causing our main problems. Sure getting bacteria levels to normal is going to help, but not the cure for this whole mess? Or do you think this is a cure?

Chi, what is the exact name or code for this test?
Anybody knows where to get it in US?


I think only 2 labs do this globally, Genova Diagnostics and another one. You cannot go to them direct but have to be referred by a nutritionist.

Here is one of the parts where they make recommendations on agents to fight the specific pathogens they picked up. There are various other pages of analysis and writing that doesn’t make any sense, but was interpreted very well by my nutritionist. She didn’t know for certain that these pathogens would cause the problems I was having but she said at such high levels they could be so damaging to ones health, further more she said if I had leaky gut too (which she highly suspected due to brain fog) then she hated to think what damage they could do elsewhere in the body.

Oh and for the record PATHOGENS ARE DIFFERENT TO PARASITES. Do your own research before you comment on something you don’t even understand. I did not have ‘bugs’ or ‘parasites’, or any eggs of parasites.