Chi's Member Story & Progress

I wen’t to see a doctor with the results I got from the stool test. For the presence of yeast, he told me that it might pass into the gut sometimes when you exercise a lot, or it could be just because I ate something particular. The stool test I got was apparently done with a machine and wasn’t precise, so he sent me for another one and also for a blood test.

This time yeast wasn’t detected, so I guess it’s not really an issue for me, but a parasite was. The presence of bacterias in stool was also abnormally high. He prescribed me two drugs and the treatment will be about a week long, and in two weeks I’ll have the same test done again to see if everything got back to normal.

The blood test revealed very low red blood cells. I think Expatriado got very similar results. Erythrocytes are under range, hemoglobin is right on the bottom range and hematocrit is under range. The person who gave me the results told me I needed to eat more healthily. The truth is I don’t see how I could eat more healthily. Sometimes my meals are composed only of vegetables and fruits. And I also eat red meat often, so the low red blood cells couldn’t come from that. It seems I also have a problem of malabsorption, like Why was saying.

Fruits - cut them out completely. Too much natural sugar.

I also had low red blood cells and iron. I supplemented with spatone natural iron supplement

I will cut them and check that supplement.

Thanks, Chi.

living what did he put u on? some antibiotics can be bad… it might have some bad side effects

Bryce thanks for adding that. Don’t go on what your doctor gives you. Antibiotics will kill off pathogens but will also destroy your healthy bacteria like Acidophillus and Lactobacillus, which will further perpetuate your problems. Go see a nutritionist and get them to put you on natural substances. You’ll need to kill off pathogens while keeping the good ones in tact. It is worth taking your time on this process to do it properly. The good thing with my test was that I had good levels of healthy bacteria, but I was overrun with these pathogens.

Just wanted to add in case there has been any confusion over what an enema is. You’ll need to buy one of these:

Perhaps no more needs to be said???


The first pill I have to take contains quinfamide and albendazole (2 days). The second is Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole for 5 days ( … ethoxazole). If I’m not mistaking, the first one is for parasites and the second for bacterias. I believe these pills are given regularly to people who have that kind of problem, so I don’t worry too much. Also, I feel like I wanna do the treatment to see if I see any change in my condition. After, I’ll continue the treatment with diet changes, herbs and enema.

You take these unknown chemicals at your own risk. I personally wouldn’t take unknown western ‘medicines’ (or any western ‘medicine’ for that matter). Plus it’s not necessary and i’m not sure it will cure the problem, due to the immune system weakening and good bacteria die off that will also occur, allowing the bad pathogens to multiply quickly again.

That said, if you gain temporary improvement/recovery with the medicines and then regression, it is a sure sign that you have found the root of your problems.

I don’t think it’s that big a risk in the case of these two pills. Actually, in Third World countries, people even take the first one periodically to get rid of parasites they might have caught in water and food, and they prescribe it to two years old children.

The problem I have also is that I didn’t find any clinic doing comprehensive bacteriology tests where I live right now. The doctor I saw is a nice guy and I believe I can work with him. He said that we’ll see if there’s still high presence of bacterias once the parasite is eliminated, in which case I could get a bacterial culture done to identify the bacterias that are a problem. I see it as a more methodological way to proceed without the comprehensive bacteriology test.

Hi Livingdead

OK, well you can only proceed with what feels right to you. At least you’re on the right track. My only concern for you would be what i have already mentioned, and having enough support to offset any die off. Prepare to feel worse for a while if you don’t have the right support and even risk damaging internal organs if it’s bad. Don’t underestimate the power of and damage that these microorganisms can cause - After all, they can cause severe CFS (PFS) so you need be careful with how you treat them. Also, the woman that prescribed me propecia was a lovely lady, but that didn’t stop what she prescribed me from fucking my life for 3 years!

Regardless, you tackling the problem head on like this is the best decision you could make and i know what lies at the end of this road for you - A normal life and a massive boner! haha!



What do you recommend for fatigue? I am so fatigued everyday that I cannot do my day-to-day activities. Sometimes, even speaking becomes challenging. Did you have this problem? How did you deal with it?

I have cut carbs by a lot (still not 0%). My meals are mainly vegetables, meat, nuts, and dried fruits sometimes. I take carbs on nights of weight lifting (carb back loading). With this kind of diet, I feel hungry all the time and have lost around 20lbs. I have no energy for anything. I don’t know how to get the energy that I need with this diet. I believe that is a major problem for me. How to get required energy from a healthy diet that does not make my gut problem worse. Any thoughts?

How about vitamins and minerals? You did not mention anything about them? What kind? How much? Most of multivitamins contain Magnesium Stearate. Are they bad? Isn’t magnesium a necessary supplement for PFSers?

What do you think was the most important part or parts of your recovery routine?
To be honest with you, I have been having a very healthy diet (as mentioned above) and regular exercise for last 6 months with unfortunately minimum results. I have not done any fasts, enema, sea salt or digestive enzymes. But have been paying attention to what makes my gut problem worse/better. For example, tea, coffee, alcohol, bread, some fruits like blue berry, … are no nos and I have cut them out almost completely. There must be a missing piece in my recovery regimen that I have not figured it out yet. I am looking for that piece. Do you know what that is?

How about dairy products? Milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter. Should I cut all of them or only milk and yogurt? Doesn’t yogurt have a lot of digestive enzymes that are helpful? I see some bad reactions from milk if I drink it a lot, but not too much from yogurt, cheese, and butter. Can I keep consuming yogurt, cheese and butter or in your experience they are all bad?

How long did you stay on this regimen before you see significant improvements?
Are you still on it?

I appreciate your time and effort Chi and sorry if my post is long.

Since we are talking about gut problem here, I am going to post my experience and see what you guys specially Chi think about it. I do not have any scientific proof for any of my thoughts here. Do not ask me about scientific evidence and do not expect me to engage in any discussion of that nature. I am just thinking out loud.

After Propecia, I have constipation, poo pellets, gas, bloating, and other digestive problems all the time. I’ve done blood tests and I have low T as well. To increase my T, I went on Clomid a couple of times each time for ~4 weeks. During those times and for some time after that, my gut problems were improved dramatically. I had normal digestion and normal stool. To the point that I thought my digestive problems are completely gone. But after stopping Clomid, when my T goes down (and I know it because fatigue comes back and of course I have verified it through blood test) my gut problems start again and come back in full strength.

I’ve been thinking maybe testosterone is somehow necessary for gut function or the bacteria and enzyme balance in gut. But if that’s the case, women’s guts should not function at all. So it should be something that is shared between men and women. What that could be?

Another thought is that, maybe Propecia not only inhibits 5ar enzyme but also some other enzymes that are necessary for gut function. When that enzyme is inhibited even for a very short time, the bacteria and enzyme balance in gut is disturbed and never goes back to pre-fin. Following that, there is malabsorption that causes CFS and no energy for anything including sex. Over the time, the body is always in a starvation state and therefore downgrades itself to a state with high-energy activities (sex, memory, brain analytical and sophisticated activities like speech, etc) shot down.

So what I am trying to say is that, Propecia causes some imbalance in gut, hormones and God knows what else. Gut develops all kind of problem as a result of this imbalance that causes malabsorption. Malabsorption causes CFS and body downgrades itself to a very low-energy state. In a low-energy state hormones related to high-energy activities including T are reduced even more to lower metabolism and save energy, which causes more imbalance in gut and other organs. And this positive feedback loop pushes the whole body to an extremely imbalanced state which we call it PFS.

What do you think guys?
Chi, do you have any input on this?

Hi Why

I’ll respond to your first post later this weekend as i have a lot on. In relation to your second post - I think your logic is partly right but try to think of it this way around. I agree Low T could be the reason for some (potentially many) of the PFS symptoms, that is why when you raised it superficially with Clomid you felt better. However, the Low T is being caused by problems in the gut/pathogens, which are still present - so when you stop clomid the problem comes back. Why the T is being lowered by the pathogens in the first place could be for a few reasons:

  1. The body has raised cortisol while fighting the pathogens and gut problems: Raised Cortisol = Lowered Testosterone
  2. Poor sleep due to gut problems (well documented problem) has degraded T levels
  3. Defense mechanism by the brain shutting off non essential hormones while pathogens have invaded the body
  4. Raised estrogen due to dysfunctional/overloaded liver, in turn causing T to lower
  5. Something else

Regarding 4 i definitely had problems with high Estrogen. This was a constant battle - only subsided properly when i started cleaning my colon and killing pathogens. Healthy eating did abate the chest pains and lumps though. On 2 I always felt better if i slept better - I kept wondering why my sleep would not go back to normal though, and i concluded it had to be something my body was not happy about, an infection or something. I also found i had issues controlling my stress levels - so that could feed in to point 1. It’s probably a combination of them all.


Sorry Chi, this is pure speculation. There are studies currently underway to try and determine root causes of PFS. You should know this, as you participated in one previously.

Chi, could you please also answer these two questions when you replied my post?

1- What do you recommend to improve sleep? Low quality sleep is one big problem.
2- How do you kill pathogens and harmful bacteria whitout taking any medications or killing good bacteria?

Thanks a lot,

Hi Mew

Two things - One thing is certain, I am recovered after following a specific protocol prescribed to me by a nutritionist. The protocol was tailored and specifically done so to eliminate a high level of pathogens which showed up on my Comprehensive Parasitology test. Second thing, after I recovered I now have all the signs of good testosterone levels - muscly and toned, aggressive, stronger, more oily skin and needless to say erections. In order to eliminate any speculation I am ordering a blood test which will check for testosterone levels. Looking forward to see the results, which I will publish here.


What do you recommend to improve sleep? Low quality sleep is one big problem.

I know man tell me about it. Sleep did improve for me over 3 years but it was never refreshing and not perfect, now it is fine. It was one of the biggest things I focused on. There is definitely a psychological element to it, certainly in the early days. For this read The Effortless Sleep Method by Sasha Stevens. In order to get sleep to become refreshing again you need to clean the gut and colon and rid yourself of pathogens riding in the body.

How do you kill pathogens and harmful bacteria without taking any medications or killing good bacteria?

There’s only so many times I can bang on about it, but go see a nutritionist. They also work with herbalists and have access to very specific supplements some of which cannot be bought readily on the internet or a shop. My protocol involved a herbal mixture in a drink (not very tasty) before eating morning, lunch and dinner (contained wormwood among other things), digestive enzymes, vitamin C for die off and some other supplements some of which were meant to support my liver and kidneys, others heal the gut and one was meant to be good for adrenals and testosterone production. I can’t say what specifically was doing the most work - plus the improvements were not noticeable to start with and i felt worse. Best thing is to see a good qualified & professional nutritionist because they have the best understanding of how to heal the human body properly. I don’t think I could have got over the line otherwise, at least not as soon as this - I was previously aiming for a 5 year recovery.

Chi, what do you mean by the right support? You mean to the good bacterias? I bought today a batch of a lactobacillus drink called Yakult. Is this the kind of support you’re talking about? And for the damages done to organs, you mean by the bacterias that will be killed by the drug? I got my enema bag and plan to do a session tonight and to use it twice a day from now on. This should lessen the poisoning from the dead bacterias, right?

By the way, I finished the first part of the treatment (parasites) yesterday and will be proceeding with the second part (bacterias) Monday. You actually need to take two days off between the two parts of the treatment to give your liver a rest. I didn’t feel so good on the first drug (it gave me brain fog), but today I had a pretty good day, despite the fact that I didn’t sleep much the last couple of days. I began to feel better after going to the bathroom, which makes me think I need to use the enema bag to get the bad stuff out.

Actually, I said the doctor was a nice guy because he was open-minded enough to consider the gut problem, even though I could see he was more inclined at first to consider the symptoms I mentioned as depression related. I didn’t talk about PFS, I just told him I had difficulty sleeping, felt like I had chronic fatigue and had difficulty concentrating, and that I thought it might be because I had parasites. He didn’t come off as one of these doctors obsessed with their medical authority, but more like a nice fellow listening to what I was saying and willing to help out.

Living, have you paid attention to what you are ingesting when drinking yakult?

The ingredients are bottom right. My checklist is as follows:

[] There are 9 ingredients - which is crazy
] Of this 9 ingredients I don’t recognise any of them as being natural
[] I don’t recognise 7/9 ingredients
] Sugar is massive no no
[] Glucose is massive no no
] What the fuck is pectin???
[] What the fuck is corn dextrin???
] What the fuck is ‘REB A’ ???
[*] Milk is massive no no (this is some human powder form - disgusting!)

I could go on. Essentially it’s a bottle of man made chemicals loaded with sugar, just like 99.9% of the food items in a common supermarket - even the vegetables in a supermarket are dead of nutrients. You need to source organic and well looked after vegetables from independent suppliers. You really need to get into this stuff and start working out what is right for the body and what’s not - Yakult is completely out. It’s just fancy marketing to tell you it’s good for your GI tract - it’s not - and definitely not for a heavily compromised already overloaded body. The pathogens will love this stuff. From what you describe of the doctor’s treatment plan i’m not convinced but go with it if that’s what you want. I’ve already described in quite a few posts how to deal with this problem now. Support for the body should come from professional nutritionist advice and supplements.


I didn’t really look into it before buying it. Actually, the one I got has no sugar, but I will see if I can find kefir or something else that is more natural.

I have the intention of seeing a nutritionist at some point too.

Chi, could you please answer this post? Thanks a lot bro.