Charles story

what kind of problems are u still suffering?

I’m still suffering from physical and mental effects mostly. Nothing like it was before where I was literally bedridden half the time and couldnt function, but they are still somewhat present. Everything normalized for two weeks though recently, and then over the past week reversed a bit again. However, over the past few days i have tried a new approach that sould possibly shed light on this whole thing. Anyway, i would go into everything thats going on right now and all but I dont want to get ahead of myself yet and will give it some more time before i come to any definitive conclusions.

hey i just wanted to let you guys know that since my brief 100% recovery started to fade a little over a week ago for the past few days i’ve tried a radical new approach based on observations that i’ve noticed over time with the problem etc, and i have to say not only am i getting better, but i think i may have figured out what’s going on. This all sort of happened by total accident, and it’s hard to explain now. Before I jump to any conclusions though I want to give it some more time to see the end results. thansk hope everyone is well

waiting of ur post…take ur time

Hey itHappens,

I read through your very first post and it seems that you situation is almost the same as mine. Except I was on the drug way longer. I was diagnosed at 22 with hypothyroid which is rare for a male. My TSH level was 6 or something like that at the time. Are you still on thyroid treatment? Have you notice your TSH levels getting better from being off Propecia? JW…Cuz I think the Propecia had some part in causing a thyroid problem.

ItHappens, you said that your recovery faded a week ago and did all your progress vanished? What is your current status now? Do you still have morning erections and is it rock hard? Can you tell us about your libido and if you’re still getting good sleep each night? Thanks

what i ve understood he just said he 's not 100% but still doing well … than i think still morning erect etc…

I have morning erections most of the time, but not to much desire for sex, plus these erections are far weaker then they were before. I write this cause having/not having morning erections doesn’t really mean much in our case I would guess.

yo ithappens what happened? good?

yea very good but there’s nothing definite I can say yet cause all the major stuff has happened over a period of a couple weeks. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions

what have you been doing in terms of treatment? anything different?

…and we 're also waiting ur bloodtests…please . :wink:

“Sometimes it just take your body a little while e.g. 5 or 6 days to adjust to a new medication,”

We’ve heard that one before…

Xyrem is also known as GHB, a known street drug of abuse. Because of the potential for abuse and the serious side effects that may occur, Xyrem is available only through a special program. Your doctor will explain the risks and benefits of using Xyrem, and the medication will be delivered to you from a central pharmacy.

Xyrem is habit-forming and you can become physically and psychologically dependent on it. Xyrem should be used exactly as your doctor has prescribed it for you. Do not use more of the medication than recommended. Do not take Xyrem for longer than your doctor has prescribed. Talk with your doctor if you feel that the medication is not working. Xyrem will cause drowsiness and must be taken while you are in bed. Do not drive, operate machinery, or perform other hazardous activities for at least 6 hours after taking Xyrem. You may still feel sleepy the morning after taking the medication. Use caution when driving or doing anything else that requires you to be alert and awake.

GHB is on schedule I, meaning that it is considered a highly dangerous and addictive drug with no medical uses, but GHB marketed as Xyrem and prescribed for specific conditions is on schedule III,

Jazz Pharmaceuticals does not publish a price, but one insurance company reports it at ~$730/month[10]. The cost varies depending on the dose, with average doses costing $700 to $1,200 a month.

Ummm…not to be a party pooper but is this really safe?

Ive come across similar Warnings.

If you are gonna take this why not just get some good Weed??
Ironic we are trying to get better with this kind of stuff, no? why not take cocaine? LSD? i bet we will also feel wayyyyyy better.
Dont get me wrong if it works it works but after reading the warnings i kind of feel uneasy about putting this in to my system.

See After Propecia i don’t trust any of these drugs…
What do you think?

I’m all for feeling good, but I think why some people believe it will do them well is because it puts you in a state of deep sleep. Personally, deep sleep is something that I haven’t really gotten since fin, but I do believe sleeping better is part of the recovery process. I have noticed that my sleep is getting better. Coke, LSD and the others would no doubt make you feel better, but I’d have a hell of a time trying to sleep after blasting some rails…might be counter productive.

reading the Xyrem risks,they are nothing more,nothing less of many others medicines’s risks u can find in the commerce…sure it’s a particular drug to pay attention with .

so ithappens,we really need ur bloodtests…please !

i plan on getting them but at the moment i have to wait a month or so for the health benefits to kick in for my new job otherwise i would have to pay out of pocket. i’m still doing my routine and trying something else out which has improved things considerably. i’ll keep everyone posted though no worries

oh and also to the person questioning ghb use and is it safe or not etc etc i won’t go into a rant but firstly xyrem is a chemically altered analogue of ghb where it’s supposed to be not near as strong, potent, and hence addictive as the regular substance. Can’t speak for others but I know from my experience on it I can say that I was not addicted to it what so ever and suffered no serious side effects at all, although i did build up a tolerance. But If you want safe drugs just trust the FDA and other drug companies like merk. They haven’t screwed anyone over or anything

Can you elaborate on this for us? We feel a bit in the dark, eager to hear what you mean.