Charles story

before xyrem morning erections were very rare and when I had them I would say weak at best. On xyrem morning erections are full, and I would dare to say 100% back to normal even more so than before. after xyrem it varies and I can not say anything definite yet due to my situation still fluctuating at the moment. Sometimes I get full morning erections, others not as full, and then if i masturbate before bed I don’t really get them. that’s the best I can offer right now. I have some adjustments to make over the next couple of months and will report back after or when something important happens. for now all I will be abstaining from visiting here for the next month or so as I have to concentrate on my online classes and recovery.

It doesn’t sound like it cured you sexually. I don’t know, thats my instinct telling me judging by what you have written. I’m sure you feel better than you did, but cured sexually!? It doesn’t quite sound like that is the case. Otherwise you would be saying… "yes, 3-4 times per week…etc. " or something more firm.
When you say ‘if you masterbate at night…’ would you say thats easy again (masturbating)?? I know this is a weird question, that many of us sometimes obsess over, but can you for example get excited about watching a porn again, and just the thought of beating-off, and as you prepare to start-up the computer, close the shades, etc…, you get hard just thinking about it…
And then you’re ready to just blow all over, even just when it starts… you know, like old times???

anyway, that was the thought, as I am considering trying to get a hold of this shyte! and therefore jumping through ALL of the seemingly difficult hoops I would need to jump through.

Peace, and Good Luck!



why don’t you stay more time on xyrem?so when you quit it you could have more inprovements…

if I don’t say wrong,paul stayed 6 mouth on it to recover 100%…
…you say that when you 're on xyrem you’re 100% back…what do you think?

I went off xyrem for the past three weeks or so because I had a full saliva adrenal panel test coming up and wanted to be totally off of it for it. I also went off of it for the time being because I wanted to see the long term impact it would have, ie would the positive effects last. Here is my situation thus far, I would say certain aspects have certainly improved i.e. sexually I have morning erections almost every morning, I can have sex no problem, things are pleasureable again etc, close to 100% recovered at times. Mentally there still is a good amount of brain fog, but at times things do clear up, and it has greatly improved. Physically, my energy level is a lot better than it used to be, no more chronic fatigue, my metabolism comes and goes, i still have gyno and extra weight on my body, but i’ve lost weight etc. Also while I still don’t think I look good I look so much better than I did a few months ago, ie dont look like im dying anymore. The thing with xyrem though is while I felt good on it I was taking way too much for our situation we were in. What I mean is our cortisol is so chronically raised that taking too much xyrem will further raise cortisol and can cause some unpleasant side effects, not being able to sleep during the day, fatigue etc.

Anyway, I would like to take this time to say that I won’t be around here for the next two months or so at all, won’t check the site, won’t hear from me etc. I thank God for this site and Paul Walters because without it I would probably be lost in the mess my life was in and wouldn’t be here right now, but in the words of Howard Roark “I’ve learned all I’ve needed to learn.”. I need to spend the next 2-3 months of my life focusing on recovering and getting my life together. Basically, I have a two pronged approach using a lower dose of xyrem in combination with certain hormones to support the adrenals which I feel is the cure to our situation. I honestly feel that if this doesn’t work, besides random chance, then the effects are totally permanent and there are genetics at work that have been fucked. Mind you though as I said before, as my sleep has improved, staying asleep for longer hours and getting refreshing sleep, that’s when the turn around occurred. So I was right in that regard and I still feel that once my sleep turns around 100% back to what it used to I will be cured. The people around here who don’t seem to have as much problems with sleep have usually been on some kind of valium or other SSRI or benzo drug. Sleep is still key as far as I’m certain. Anyway, good luck to everyone if there is a major life changing breakthrough I will let you guys know, but otherwise I will see you guys in another 2-3 months. Good luck to everyone all the best.

just thought i would stop by and let you all know what’s going on. I started on a transdermal hormonal cream for adrenal support and over the past week or so and i’m almost 100% recovered sexually. Granted it’s only been a week, and I don’t know how long lasting the effects will be when coming off, but regardless I will be on the cream for awhile so at least for now mostly everything is back to normal, and when I say normal I mean 100% normal. Xyrem helped tremendously sexually with lasting results once coming off, but this stuff has put me over the top. I can confidently say that my erections are back 100%, and if I thought they came back in full size before than I forgot how big they used to be. My ejaculate volume is also up and my libido is also even up from what I considered recovered a few weeks ago. If you know my story you’ll know that my problems with the drug range from moderate sexual problems to severe mental and physical problems. Xyrem already helped me partially recover to a certain extent, and I plan on continuing with it and the adrenal support to hopefully fully recover over the next few months. I know there are a couple people out there who have tried xyrem on here and reported no improvements but I honestly feel that they didn’t give the drug enough time. While I did see some immediate results on taking it the vast majority of my improvements came after I came off after a few weeks of use, gotta give it time.

Congratulations on your recovery. Can i ask whats in the hormonal cream?

Xyrem hasn’t given me the same response as with you. It has definately helped though.

wow!, I’m so pleased for you ithappens. Please keep us posted won’t you. You give us all hope. Jase.

The cream has lots of stuff such as b vitamins and niacin to support the adrenals but the two main ingredients are pregnenolone and DHEA. Getting these hormones transdermally, which fyi is much more efficent than orally, has made a world of difference and is helping me a lot.

…than talking about xyrem,ithappens: what exactly does xyrem to make things working again down there?..i mean,does it work like “moving” hormones or just about brain gaba trasmettitor?.. because i don’t understand how can xyrem make u fell pleasure erectionsagain etc…

I have been thinking about a theory today. Because some of us have occasional times of recovery, when we are feeling relaxed, or occasionally after a comfortable sleep, we will have some erection, and libido, and things feel good again, just to revert back to problems again.
I wonder if many of us are just experiencing a spastic response from the prostate, as if it is in a state of hyper sensitivity.
I wonder if XYREM works via relaxing the body so much, over an extended period of time, that is just relaxes that region so much, for enough time, that positive, normal, free-flowing function finally returns to that area, and to normal in the prostate. Things start reacting and blood flowing through the area, and hormones reaching that area, normally again.

Ithappens, what do you think of this theory? Doesn’t Xyrem just relax your whole body for much of the time, you wake up feeling very relaxed, and refreshed, and your body ‘down there’ just feeling normal… Doesn’t Xyrem give you sometimes sort of a euphoric feeling, and make you feel very relaxed?

After enough time, I thinmk this may return normal functionality to the area, and before you know it morning erections return, and things just return to normal.

Are you having consistent, and back to the old normal, big and hard morning erections that sometimes just do not quit, even once you are in the bathroom in the morning trying to pee, they are big and sometimes hard to pee?? This is how it Used to be for me!

Anyway, good luck. I gotta get on this stuff. It is ruining my life, not making a full recovery yet!

Peace everyone…


boston,are u going to get xyrem?
…anyway i don’t thing xyrem is just working like u say,ithappens had improvements from the first week,it means ghb works different from what u said just about relaxing the body (1week is not enought).
i tryied ghb too for a while and just from the first time using it,i was feeling hornier,but i really don’t know what is going on when i’m using it and i don’t understand what happens down there,it’s better…
i just tryied very small dosage of ghb than i wasn’t really on that stuff,but i’ll be on september trying it.

Boston as far as my erections from what remember they are back to normal morning, noon, night etc. My libido is pretty much back too. it dips a little if my energy level dips every now and then at times, but other than that it’s fine. In terms of your theory I agree that the prostate is a major key in all of this. With that said hormones such as DHT obviously will effect the prostate so it’s sort of a chicken or the egg situation where lack of 5AR–DHT is effecting the prostate or an inflamed prostate is affecting 5AR—DHT etc. The other main factor that is also key is the adrenals. The adrenals are obviously overworked based on the sleep etc. Like you said with the on the sleep though, Im fairly confident that if my sleep returned 100% to normal like it used to be most of the other problems would subside as well. With all of this being said it has to be taken into consideration that all we focus on is lack of 5AR DHT, but this drug could have caused so many other problems that medicine isn’t fully aware of. And being as that is it has to be something very complex. I also think that 5AR’s impact on HGH production isnt properly understood. For all we know that could be severly compromised as well.

I believe xyrem helps with erections because of the gaba transimission. It also acts as a stimulus for LH and FSH, dont quote me but im fairly sure i dont feel like looking it up on pubmed at the moment though). Otherwise the deep sleep and HGH release are what does the recovery in my opinion. I dont think xyrem alone will fully cure the worst cases of this but believe me it helps.

I really don’t know what else to say, but over the past week or so something happened and everything is pretty much returning/returned back to normal. This was different than the sexual improvements which had occurred slowly because this literally happened over the past few days. Granted after using xyrem daily i had seen marked improvements, but as i always said i still had a long way to go physically and mentally. However, and i don’t know why, literally over the last few days something clicked and mentally i feel completely normal and physically i feel healthy again like before this whole mess. The brain fog has cleared up, my energy level is normal again, my appetite is also normal as well, no more restless nights, uneasy feelings, depression, or zombie like days etc. I still have a ways to go to lose a lot of the weight i gained and muscle lost physically plus other sides like the loss of facial fat etc, but sexually, mentally, and health wise i feel totally back to normal.

Like I said before i had been making progress in all areas but over the past few days something clicked i don’t know how else to describe it and everything seems to be returning to normal. I know the hell this is, and for the past year and half it has pretty much consumed and ruined my life so to be back where I am now is a small miracle to me to say the least. I had contemplated suicide, and thought my life was over many times because of it all, and i wouldn’t wish it upon anyone else, it is pure and utter torture. However, i can say that the positives i can take away from this experience is what i learned about myself as a person, and how the whole experience changed my outlook on the world. I’m a much stronger person than I ever thought I could be, and I no longer let the little insignificant things over-ride the more important ones like my health and happiness etc. I don’t really know what else to say, but hopefully as things return physically I will keep you updated. other than that i am fully confident that this mess is behind me once and for all, and i wish all you guys out there the same and the best of luck. i’m finally back to normal
God Bless everyone here

good to hear
can you offer a possible explanation as to why ghb worked for you?
sadly i cannot try this drug here in australia as it is illegal here

I’m happy for u ithappens…really!!!

Could u know about blood tests what is the different from now and before when u were on xyrem?.. what does xyrem changes in ur blood tests?

…and could u exactly write us what about ur adrenal’s cream u said u’re using?

thank u so much ithappens.

I could go into countless reasons technically as to why i think the drug works for the finasteride problem, but generally speaking i would say the gaba offered along with the deep level sleep, and hgh are the main reasons it works. I don’t know if I would say GHB was the main cure for me, but it definetly snapped me out of the hell I was in, and allowed me to live and feel a lot better than i had been after 2 months of use. There’s no doubt in my mind though that if I would not have taken xyrem I would most likely still be in the hell with my life in shambles etc. I think the main reason a few other guys have tried GHB/xyrem and have not had success on here has to do with the fact that they don’t take it on a regular schedule, and expect it to work right away which it doesn’t and end up no taking it long enough. I saw improvements while on it, and felt a lot better, but most of the major ones came towards the end of using and further upon coming off.

I took blood tests right before i started xyrem, but haven’t had a full blood panel done since then so i would have to look into that. i’m not sure what exactly is in the cream as i’m at work right now and don’t have the container in front of me, but i’ll post it later on.

I want to congratulate you on your full recovery.

Do you think you could get some blood tests for us so we can see if there was anything going on hormonally?

Have you done anything else other than GHB to recover?

Also, what was the full length of time you took Xyrem for? Days, weeks, months? Consistently or inconsistently?

And at what point after stopping the Xyrem did these sudden improvements take place – immediately, days, or weeks/months later?

As I said before I had blood tests done literally right before going on xyrem when I was at my worst with all of this, but haven’t gotten around to getting new ones since in the past few months. I will promise you though that sometime in the not to distant future I will get blood tests to follow up on everything and post them on here. I would imagine that my LH and FSH should be higher than they previously were. To be honest I’m not that concerned about my testosterone levels because many men with low T levels still have very normal healthy lives physically and sexually. I never really put too much stock into testosterone levels as part of the problem, and felt LH and FSH were far more important to healthy libido.

I took xyrem religiously twice a night for around 2 and a half months from mid march to the end of may. I started out on a low dose and gradually built up to the maxium one upon my doctors guidance. I found that, while I didn’t feel 100% better or cured right away it did fact allow me to get a good level of sleep and improve my sexual, mental, and physical sides to the point where they were bearable and i didn’t feel like i was dying anymore. Sexually though, and maybe this is just my experience, i found it to be very helpful with boosting libido and erections etc. The main reason I stopped it was because i just felt that it wasn’t working as well and i didnt quite need it anymore. Upon coming off the drug things stayed better, and while I still had a lot of problems physically and mentally, sexually things improved very signifigantly. I basically did still take xyrem inconsistently over the summer till recently when I felt that I needed to get decent sleep, but other than that most of the time I was without it. Then over the past week or so everything started to return back to normal. It’s hard to describe and explain but the way i feel, sleep, appetite, everything just started reverting back fully. My mind’s clear again for the first time in a year and a half since this mess, libido is through the roof, and dare i say even the gyno seems to be going away, although it’s too soon to tell about that. most of all my sleep is fully back thank god. I have vivid dreams again and it’s simply amazing.

update: I’m sorry to say that my full recovery didn’t last and started to fade over the past week or so. I’m still a lot better in all areas said before but the 100% return to health feeling only lasted around 3 weeks for some reason. I’m still doing fine though and it the whole experience gives me hope that this in fact may not be a permanent situation.