Sorry for not responding and not being on here for the past couple weeks or so, but between graduating from college and moving all my stuff back home life has been hectic recently. Anyway, in terms of how my xyrem treatment is going I would say it has been a success thus far. I only take it at certain points when I feel I really need it, probably about once or twice a week at most. In fact I haven’t really taken it for the past three weeks because of how it started to affect me, and I wanted to see what my body could do on its own etc. The thing about xyrem (which is a GHB analogue) is that it has the potential to chronically raise cortisol levels. For a normal person on it without our problems this probably wouldn’t be as big a deal, but because a good amount of our problems do in fact stem from high cortisol this can be counter productive. I found that unless I was taking the highest dose possible to keep me knocked out anything less than that would start to get counter productive. Even a small dose now before bed gets me great sleep, but it leaves me a bit fatigued throughout the day. Granted the next day after that I feel great so the deep sleep probably does help in the grand scheme of things. The thing is I’m at a point now where I can get restorative sleep throughout the night, i.e. can stay asleep for 6-8 hours again, and can function well again on a daily basis.
In terms of improvements there have been a lot recently. As I’ve been able to sleep more normally on my own, i.e dream again etc I’ve noticed I have more energy throughout the day, brain fog has cleared up a good amount, hell even physically things have improved as well. It’s funny cause while I still think I don’t look my best from all of this mess I was looking at pictures recently of my graduation, and I must say I look so much better than I did a few months ago. Anyway, sexually things have been interesting. The clog that was sort of in my gear down there seems to have gone away, and everything is now pleasurable again etc. My sex drive and libido are still down a bit, but I contribute that to lower T levels t this point and hopefully they should improve in the future.
In terms of getting GHB like I have told the people on here who have asked me the only way to get xyrem is to go to pretty much go to a certified sleep specialist, have a sleep study done, and then have them prescribe it for you. As said before we all are suffering from a lack of deep stage 3 and 4 sleep which can be easily seen on a sleep study. I busted my ass going from doctor to doctor over the past year to get where I am today, and if you want it you will most likely have to do the same. In terms of how long xyrem will take to “cure” you of everything well that depends on what your definition of a cure is. I wouldn’t say xyrem is a cure, I saw a good amount of improvement on it, but that was nothing compared to what started to happen as I came off of it and my body started to cure itself on its own which I attribute mostly to deep sleep being restored and a few other things etc. For me though I was on xyrem regularly for about a month and a half. That being said I have pretty much come to the conclusion that finasteride sent our HPA into a pretty vicious and demanding feedback loop because of the reaction it caused in all of us. Our adrenals got shot from the high demand of it all, and our GABA and HGH levels went to shit because of it. That’s the real cure here not so much GHB, but GABA and HGH.
Anyway, my last week of school was really great, met some really great people and now I gotta decide what to do with a career and all. Right now I’m living at home with plans to start working in the next couple of months or so. Funny thing is before all of this back when I was a freshman in college I considered going pre-med, but decided that it wasn’t for me due to the demanding amount of work and high level of intelligence that I didn’t think I had for it. However, after dealing with some pretty moronic doctors over the past year it has actually restored a lot of confidence I have if I decided to pursue that as a career. I have a degree in management so I could go into business like I was planning, but what do you guys think. Business or Med School? funny how I could barely stay in school and my life was falling apart a few months ago. it feels great to have my life back on track again though in all seriousness.